Dream Evolution

Chapter 307: sumo wrestler honda

After seeing Jamie's clone, Wang Ling also confirmed what he expected. Other powerful plot characters of Street Fighter series in this world should also exist somewhere.

"Wait and check again, is there a kung fu star named Feilong in Hong Kong in this world?"

Just like Cheng Fu in Double Dragon, a character based on Jackie Chan, the flying dragon is exactly the same as the late Bruce Lee in both appearance and movement.

Jamie's clone, who was watching in the crowd, didn't wear the typical **** swimsuit battle suit, but a very ordinary shirt and jeans, with a hat to hide her hair. Her face is more oriental, and there are many people in Japan who dye their hair yellow, so she is not dyed black like Tomoyo.

If it is an ordinary person, or a dreamer who is not familiar with Street Fighter, I am afraid they will not recognize her... Those dreamers who have no understanding of Street Fighter will definitely burst into tears. Who is the replica sent by Vega, but Wang Ling is different, playing more games is also beneficial. As soon as the Jamie clone appeared in the crowd, he was discovered by him.

The real Jamie's strength is not inferior to that of Honda, and the replicators do not know how powerful the body is.

After notifying Tomoyo, the two walked towards the Cammy clone and found a stranger approaching. The woman immediately turned and left vigilantly, and the two followed closely.

The Jamie clones found that they couldn't get rid of the two of them. Obviously, they had murderous intentions. They actually moved towards the remote direction of the valley.

"Who are you!" Jamie's clone looked at the two coldly.

Wang Ling smiled and said, "The people from Sadulu's organization have also sneaked into Nara. I don't know what General Vega's purpose is. Can you tell me about it?"


Cammy clone said two simple words in a mechanical voice, and then her body rushed forward. During the impact, she suddenly fell upside down and stuck to the ground. arrows. Pierce to Wang Ling's lower plate:

"Spiral Arrow!"

Wang Ling stood firmly on both feet, and let the spiral arrows formed by his body pierce his legs. The piercings of the Jiami clone hit both feet. Rotating and kicking against the calf, but found that the opponent was not kicked out.

Legs of Steel, reduce physical damage by 70%. Resist 20 base damage.

In addition to this skill, Wang Ling, who has only equipped Peach's Heart, currently has 93 stamina and strength.

If the real Jamie himself was stabbed by the shovel, the legs would be continuously rotated and punctured, and I am afraid that the injury would be serious, and the person would also fly out, but this is just a clone. The woman found that Wang Ling had blocked the spiral arrow, and an incomparably swift reverse spin, his waist was as flexible as if there were no bones. He lifted his slender and powerful thighs up, and his feet clamped Wang Ling's neck:

"Break the neck and fall!"

Jamie clones the feet of a human, even if it clamps a tree, and uses the strength of the waist to clamp the feet and fall back. Can also break trees. In the face of ordinary people, if this foot is clipped, and then a big fall to the ground, it must be the end of the neck broken.

But after pinching Wang Ling's neck, he found that the other party's body seemed to be a steel pole on the ground.

Can't fall!

And this time. Wang Ling's hands were already caught on her thighs, and a burst of lightning flashed from his body instantly:

"Plum Blossoms Sit Down!"

Jamie's clone threw her body by folding her neck and throwing backwards. This position just didn't need to flip and change her body. Wang Ling wrapped her arms around her thighs and clamped her feet to her body, just locked on her raised chest, buttocks. Sitting on the back of her head, she folded her body back into a bow shape.

With a power of 88 points, if an ordinary person is folded like this, he will directly break his waist. The body of the Jiami clone is so flexible that there is no such danger, but being hugged by Wang Ling's arms and pinched by his feet, it is like being bound by a tortoise shell with iron chains, and he cannot move.

In a series of rotations rising like clouds and mists, a large number of dense electric arcs flashed, leaving a circle of cyan electric light trails like a top in the air. Lightning and energy, had already rushed into the bound woman's body in the rotation, paralyzing her body, and then the phantom of this rotating arc suddenly fell to the ground!

A thunderbolt burst into the air with a "boom", and there were winding electric snakes that spread everywhere, flowing to the surroundings along the big crater blown out on the ground.

"You have completed the main mission one, killing one human being."

Hearing the reminder from the badge, Wang Ling knew that the girl sitting under his **** was instantly killed by him.

"Uh, sitting dead."

"How easy?" Tomoyo was surprised when she saw the woman's flexible movements and strange moves, and thought she was a strong powerhouse, but she was easily killed by Wang Ling.

"Don't underestimate me."

Wang Ling raised a finger and shook his lips: "Plum Blossom Thunder Sitting is mutated from the Plum Blossom Sitting... And the Plum Blossom Sitting is the surefire way to kill the Soviet wrestler Zangiev in this world. Skill. I use this move, I can imagine it will not be weaker than Sanjieff's plum blossom sitting, in addition to the physical damage to the bones, there is also lightning bombardment."

"This woman is just a clone, how can she bear it? It would be strange if she didn't die."

"It makes sense, but..." Tomoyo's face suddenly turned cold, "Everyone is already dead, what are you doing sitting on top of her? Isn't it very comfortable!"


Wang Ling shyly let go of his hands and feet and left the body of the clone of Jamie. He thought for a while, then bent down to take a look, and then touched his back with his hand: "A real fighter will use his breath to come. Protect her body, this woman can't do this yet, she fell to the ground when I reversed her body, her spine, waist, and neck were all broken."

Tomoyo also touched it with his hand and frowned, "This move is too cruel."

"...Plum Blossom Thunder is not cruel, it's not bad, and the electric current numbs the body and nerves, and the pain I feel is not big. The real cruelty is the tornado wind."

After clapping his hands, Wang Ling sighed a little: "The first task is really easy, the next task is to find a way. To attract the attention of General Vega... What worries me is the main task three or four, getting an invitation to the Street Fighter contest. I will definitely fight the villains such as General Vega; I will definitely fight the white wolf, Gulie, Chunli and other decent people after receiving the invitation letter from the Sadulu organization.”

"Anyway... Dispose of the body of the Jamie clone first. It must be discovered by the people of the Sadulu organization, so let's make it as big as possible!"

Summons 3 coolies of the Dark Warriors, the villain Hercules carries the dead body of Jamie clone. The broomhead dwarf and the fat hippie man followed along to clear the way and guard, and ran to the crowded place.

Three foreigners with peculiar physiques were carrying a man whose skin was slightly blackened despite being electrocuted. It could still be seen that the corpse of a beautiful woman was running on the street, which soon attracted a large number of people's attention. The three rushed into a shopping mall, put down the body and used it as a stronghold. The security guards and salespersons inside were beaten away, and within 10 minutes, a large number of police came to surround the mall.

After killing more than 20 police officers, the Dark Fighter was shot to death. Such a serious violent incident involving foreigners naturally attracted widespread media attention. The beautiful woman who had all broken bones and was obviously shocked by excessive electric current also aroused speculation among the public.

Guess the result is very heavy taste...

Sent to Japan to monitor the death of Honda's cyborg. It also attracted the media, and it is impossible for the Sadulu organization not to know.

Not to mention what happened later, Wang Ling and Tomoyo returned to the convenience store after killing the Kami clones. The dreamer and sumo battle is long over, from the rest of the population. The two learned that the sumo was defeated, but the challenger was defeated by the eldest disciple, leaving a sum of money to compensate the banner, and left in despair.

Wang Ling feels that the two may find other plot characters to challenge, and it is possible to find a dreamer to join forces. It's also possible that he's waiting around Honda's home, but he's not worried.

Ordinary dreamers do not pose much threat to him or Tomoyo.

After waiting at the convenience store for 3 days, he found that no dreamer came to challenge Honda again, and Shadulu should have also learned of Jamie's death and made the necessary response. Wang Ling decided to take action.

Tomoyo is temporarily inconvenient to show his face, Wang Ling himself has a mask to cover up, and he does not need to reveal his face. He changed into a attire similar to a white wolf—white clothes and white trousers training clothes, wearing a golden red mask, and equipped with survival gloves. At noon on the fourth day, when the street was full of people, he walked to the "local square". Sento" in front of the bathhouse door.


A simple flying leg, the wooden bathhouse door, exploded into countless pieces.

With his arms clasped, his icy gaze behind the mask swept over the sumo wrestlers who rushed out, and Wang Ling said coldly, "Challenge."

"You dare to kick the door of Honda's Yokozuna's bathhouse, I'll take care of you! Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

The shouting sumo wrestler suddenly let out a vague whimper, because Wang Ling stepped forward like lightning, and punched him in the stomach!

The fist was deeply sunk in the flesh, and the fat on the stomach swayed violently for a while, and the huge body knelt on the ground with a "thump", and a large amount of mucus mixed with rice and fat came out of the mouth. The stock vomited out.

Wang Ling slowly closed his fists. After putting on the mask, his strength is currently 95 points. He used the maximum strength for this punch, and the attack of the paired survival gloves increased by 66 points, killing the sumo wrestler with one blow. Impossible, but to kneel, it only takes one punch!

The people watching the lively around, as well as the other two sumo wrestlers, watched all this in shock. The whole scene was silent and a needle could be heard, only this sumo wrestler kept making the sound of vomiting.

"L Dragon Fist!"

Following Wang Ling's shouting, his right fist slammed out again, from bottom to top, hitting the chin of the kneeling sumo wrestler. The fist swiped upward, and the huge and fat body of the sumo wrestler was actually swept up by the fist.


The entire door beam was immediately smashed and hit hard in a row. One of Honda's disciples, the food residue spit out from his mouth, began to carry dark red blood.

Wang Ling has not learned the skills of Shenglongquan, but the "Dragon Shouquan" in the martial arts of the dragon, after removing the attachment of the spiritual power dragon head, is the popular Shenglongquan in the Street Fighter world!

A heavy punch, a Shenglong punch, wounded the sumo wrestler. In a high-rise building in the distance, hidden in the house, the two dreamers here were examined with binoculars, and their faces were suddenly very ugly. .

These two people haven't left for the time being. I'm going to see if there are dreamers who come to challenge Honda, who can take advantage of it, or invite each other to join forces. Who would have known that a masked man would have such a strong strength? Is this an unknown plot character, or a dreamer?

"This guy is wearing Long's clothes, shouldn't it be the plot character Long?" the black man said uncertainly.

"No, this person doesn't have the muscles like Takashi, let's see, I hope he can fight with Honda and lose both." The white woman said.

Seeing the blood spit out by the sumo wrestler, the other two sumo wrestlers surrounded Wang Ling from the left and right, looking at their posture and wanting to besiege, but a heavy voice came from the bathhouse: "You are not his opponents, retreat. Down!"

Accompanied by the voice, one was wearing a blue and white cloth skirt, with a naked upper body. The left and right sides of his face were covered with heavy red oil paint. The fierce man walked slowly from the bathroom to the outside.

There were still traces of wetness on the man's bun, and he was obviously taking a shower. After he appeared, the two sumo disciples hurriedly bowed their heads and stepped back, and the people who were watching nearby because of the fighting also shouted excitedly.

The first sumo wrestler in Japan, the plot character of Street Fighter: Honda!


Height: 185 cm; Weight: 137 kg

Measurements: 212 cm, 180 cm, 210 cm

Genre: Sumo

He is a legend in the Japanese sumo world!

Shaking his head~www.readwn.com~Honda's bun on top of his head, a large stream of white gas came out. This is his use of "qi" to evaporate the moisture from his hair.

"Every month, some arrogant challenger comes to this place and wants to gain fame by beating me, but I can make a shot, since the local shop opened, you are the second one." Honda His voice was as heavy as his body.

Wang Ling's face was solemn, Honda was not a clone of Jamie, nor those dragon-style sumo wrestlers, but a plot character in the C-class world, a powerful sumo wrestler, and one of the strongest fighters in the Street Fighter world!

Ordinary sumo, the body is completely hypertrophic fat, but Honda's body, those piles of fat, but showing a very obvious muscle outline... A sumo actually has muscles all over the body, especially on the belly, there are six Packed abs, it's really bad!

It is conceivable that Honda should be a powerhouse in both strength and stamina. (To be continued..)

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