Dream Evolution

Chapter 308: Wang Ling vs. Honda

Facing a strong man like Honda, the best way should be to hold a meteorite gun, fly a kite at a distance, and grind him to death with bullets. .

Wang Ling is currently equipped with magic underwear, Peach's heart, golden red mask, survival glove, ring of defense, Linda badge, and rabbit ear headdress. The Eastwood Medal and the Sheriff Medal are all in Suna, and the holy horn, spider silk ring, Texas boots and other equipment are on Tomoyo.

Of course, the rabbit ear headdress, which has already paid currency points, hides the appearance of the equipment.

The current Wang Ling's personal attributes are Strength: 95, Sensitivity: 95, Body: 103, and Wisdom: 102.

A fighter like Honda didn't think that Wang Ling could be killed. His agility could reach 95 points, so killing him with a meteorite gun would be the safest.

A fighter has gas to protect his body, and Honda's fat Chapter 308 Wang Ling has almost exercised his muscles against Honda's thick fat. Ordinary pistol bullets should have no effect on him. However, the Meteorite Gun is an E-grade dark gold equipment, and the strength of the bullet is much stronger than that of ordinary pistols.

However, Wang Ling didn't come to kill Honda. To kill Honda, he just dropped a few skill books. He had other goals, so he could only choose to fight Honda in an upright manner.

The two stood in front of the bathhouse on the wide road. Now there are a large number of spectators around, and people keep coming from afar. It is very rare and rare to see Honda Yokozuna fighting with other fighters. .

Honda raised his hand, and some white powder was thrown from his hand and sprinkled on the ground. This is the ritual of sumo wrestlers before the battle. The white salt is sprinkled on the ground, which means to exorcise evil spirits. The second is to pray to the gods for protection from injury.

After performing the salt-sprinkling ceremony, Honda stomped his feet on the ground, squatted down, stretched his hands, took a deep breath, and made a preparation for battle, saying solemnly: "Your Excellency is a guest. Please attack first! "

The distance between the two was 10 meters. Wang Ling put his hands together and shrank to the right side of his body. Stepping out of the horse, the folded hands pushed out, a white energy ball the size of a human head. Flying out of his hands, he quickly moved forward in a straight line in the air.

"Wave Fist"

The people watching the excitement suddenly exclaimed - at this time, the first Super Street Fighter competition had already been held. Long defeated the Muay Thai King Shagait, and many Japanese people watched the video of that match. This masked man had previously displayed Long's Rising Dragon Fist, which was not too surprising, because as long as Rising Dragon Fist had the same posture, it could be imitated, while Wave Fist. Even other fighters, very few people can do it!

Honda was also slightly taken aback when he discovered that Wang Ling had actually punched a wave punch. I don't have enough talent to use it... The most important thing is that the wave fist is the representative move of the wave karate style.

It's just that he didn't know that Wang Ling's move was actually a copycat. It is a spiritual power group, not an air group. Of course, the power should be similar. After all, after becoming a psychic, the total amount and manipulation power of non-attribute spiritual power have increased a lot.

Honda's sturdy arms with bulging muscles were crossed in front of his chest, and the spiritual force slammed into his arms. With a "pop", it exploded into scattered energy spots.

When making this move, Honda strode forward with both feet, and after blocking the wave fist, his right arm suddenly stretched forward, and his broad palm slapped head-on. In the middle of the process, the palm of the hand suddenly swayed, and it swung rapidly, hitting countless stretched palm phantoms: "Hundred-split open hand!"

This is one of Honda's most famous moves. Wang Ling wanted to try his strength. With 100+ physical strength and extremely high defense, he used his arms to block the defense and resist the swing of his palm!

"It hurts, his strength is higher than mine!"

He found that the opponent raised his arms to defend, and the experienced Honda actually used his strong physical strength to maintain the attack of the hundred cracked hands without stopping. After resisting for just 5 seconds, Wang Ling, who was shrouded in palm shadows, had a feeling that his arm was about to be interrupted. He no longer defended hard, fell backwards and rolled back, withdrawing more than 2 meters.

Without even looking ahead, Wang Ling knew that the opponent would definitely come to pursue him. He clenched his right fist at the moment when the roll stopped, followed the stopped body, and hit it upwards.

There is no straight "Rising Dragon Fist"!

The punch hit Honda's lower abdomen firmly. At this time, Wang Ling was kneeling on the ground after the roll. After the fist hit, he straightened his body and slammed his right arm. into the air with the Honda.

A blow of 95 points of power!

Seeing Honda being blasted away by his fists, the people watching the battle exclaimed, "Coax!" This mysterious challenger actually hit the sumo Yokozuna Honda, and used Shilong's Thang Long Fist!

Wang Ling didn't have a hint of joy. He clearly saw that Honda's lower abdomen was hit by a fist, but a faint fist mark appeared, which soon disappeared. This guy's strength is extremely high, and his physical strength is even more terrifying. The move could not even cause him obvious damage.

Honda jumped up quickly. He once fought against the king of heavy punches, and he could even eat Baison's punches, not to mention Wang Ling's punches. What was astonishing in his heart was that this mysterious man possessed two moves, Wave Fist and Rising Dragon Fist.

Take off, open your hands, hit your head!

It is equivalent to the attack of a heavy punch in the game. Honda's muscular arm fell from above, and Wang Ling reached out to block it. This time, the glove's blocking ability was exerted. A transparent gas layer visible to the naked eye blocked the glove. smashed the palm.

This was undoubtedly an opportunity, and Wang Ling launched another move without hesitation: "Tornado Legs!"

He has never learned such a skill, but "Dragon Tail Spin" does not require spiritual power. It is a famous leg skill that several people like Shenglong Fist can use in this Street Fighter world!

The whistling continuous volley and spin kicks, and Honda, who fell after throwing a heavy punch, happened to be caught by the first leg, and he kicked all 8 consecutive kicks during the rotation. After landing, Wang Ling folded his hands together, and it was another "Wave Fist." This time, it was no longer an attributeless spiritual power group, but a red energy group constructed from the fire element spiritual power: "Searing Wave Fist!"

Honda, who was kicked by the whirlwind's legs, had not yet landed, and was immediately hit by this pursuit, and red flames burned on his body. But after all, he is a fighter who masters qi. Although he doesn't use qi to release it, the qi is protected in his body, and the flame can't burn for long, and it is extinguished the moment he falls to the ground.

Once again, Honda, who jumped from the ground with a quick movement that was not commensurate with his body, looked a little embarrassed. Obviously, the whirlwind legs and the copycat version of the scorching wave fist were not without harm to him.

"Rising Dragon Fist, Wave Fist, Tornado Whirlwind Leg, and this scorching Wave Fist, all are the profound meaning of Wave Karate, what is your relationship with Long!"

In the world of Street Fighter, Japan's most famous fighters, one is Takashi, the other is Honda. Of course, there is no intersection between the two powerhouses. Both are decent fighters, and they are from the same country. The relationship between the two is good, and they have tried each other.

If the masked man in front of him is not thinner and his fist strength is smaller than that of Long, he would even think that Long was wearing a mask and came to joke with him.

"Now is the battle, not the time for nonsense." Wang Ling replied coldly.

For these unfriendly words, Honda laughed instead: "That's right, it's a battle now, you are a good opponent, being distracted in the battle is disrespectful to you, I will do my best, you Be careful!"

Honda is a world-class fighter in Street Fighter. Although he shot at the beginning, he did not have much interest in facing an unknown challenger. Now that he found that the opponent was very strong, and it was a fluctuating karate-style move, he had lost in the hands of the protagonist of the plot, Long, and his heart suddenly boiled with enthusiasm and a desire to win.

As soon as the white light rushed from his body, Honda seemed to have turned into a flying missile, colliding with a turbulent airflow. Wang Ling is very familiar with this move, the "Toad Gong" of qigong master Wu Tian. On Honda, this is one of his representative skills: "Super headbutt!"

Wang Ling put his hands together and waved his fist again, but the experience brought by the game had the opposite effect. In the game, the wave fist can knock down this move, but now the spiritual power light group of the wave fist was actually hit by Honda, who hit his head into a light spot.

Then this super headbutt hit his chest hard. Wang Ling felt that his lungs were about to be blown up, and a **** breath rushed to his throat. This was simply the frontal bombardment of a heavy battering ram! A sturdy man with more than 270 fat muscles turned into muscles, slammed into the air rapidly, one can imagine how strong the impact is!

This head flew Wang Lingding more than 10 meters away, but Honda did not stop. Since it was a battle between fighters, he would not stop at all before knocking down his opponent. The battle in the plot world, but there is no setting in the game that as long as you fall to the ground, you can't chase.

His flesh ball collided from the ground, his hands were open, and it crashed down like a heavy stone ball ~www.readwn.com~ landed on Wang Ling, who fell to the ground after being hit by the super head.

"Hundreds of Falls!"

After being hit by Honda, which flew into the air and smashed down, Wang Ling's whole body made a "creaky" sound. After the heavy smash, he jumped back to stabilize his center of gravity, squatted down with his feet and rushed forward with his right arm, and hit Wang Ling, who was crawling up with blood from the corner of his mouth, and opened his hand with a hundred cracks.

The continuous pursuit does not give people a chance to breathe at all. For a real fighter, once they fight with all their strength, it is a ferocious and terrifying combo!

It's just that Wang Ling's agility is extremely high, and his stamina and defense are strong. After Honda performed Baiguanluo and jumped away, he quickly got up, facing the attacking Baili Zhangshou, folded his hands and pushed forward.

This time, it is the energy group formed by Lei Lingli: "Current Wave Fist!"

Honda, who was chasing, suddenly flashed a bluish-white electric thunderbolt. As Wang Ling sprinted, his fists emitted a strong light of spiritual power. This punch slammed into Honda's chest and rushed to his chin. His spiritual power formed a dragon-shaped light and shadow, biting the 270-pound fat man, and pulling out a pure white light trail in the air: "Dragon Head Fist!"

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