Dream Evolution

Chapter 313: Spider Li appears

It took two days for Wang Ling and Tomoyo to check all the information in Honda's study. .+?(.+bsp;\\s*

In addition to being happy, Wang Ling was a little regretful that Tomoyo got chi energy, after all, chi is too popular. But thinking that qi may not be able to be upgraded and become a stronger energy, I no longer care about it in my heart.

For example, General Vega used physical energy and spiritual energy to simulate an electric current, forming a powerful fighting technique of electric shock fist.

"Anyway, lay a good foundation first, and then let's talk about your next practice direction, Tomoyo, don't think about elementalization, but find a way to combine Qi and skills to develop new skills that can be mutated and upgraded."

"Otherwise, the power of Bomb Fist, Rising Dragon Fist and other moves will be slightly lower. After all, your Wushuang Dance is too physical to use against everyone. You still rely on conventional skills in most battles."

Wang Ling's idea is to let Tomoyo mutate skills first, and then find a way to advance energy. His physical ability has the dragon soul of heaven and earth, and the elementalization of spiritual power is nothing, but it is equivalent to a branch. In the future, there is a direction for advanced Jackie Chan soul power.

And Tomoyo rashly researched what elementalization, if it caused the impurity of the qi in the body and affected the future advancement, it would not be very good. After all, the elemental energy is very violent, and it is contained in the body, which will definitely repel other energy.

Even Wang Ling himself, the elemental spiritual power that has advanced from spiritual power, can only be sealed in his hands and feet because of its violent nature, and he does not dare to join the circulation of spiritual power in his body.

"Okay." Tomoyo nodded, Wang Ling's suggestion. She won't have any objections and doubts at all. I have to say that it is really a relief to have such a teammate.

After 2 days of being bored in the Honda's study, the two of them left the Honda's house and went for a walk on the remote mountain trails on the hillsides on the outskirts of Nara. On the surface, it is to cultivate feelings, but in fact it is to wait for someone to appear.

To kill Jamie clones, it is impossible for the Sadulu organization not to respond. I waited 3 days before I challenged Honda, and now 2 days have passed, and the person who should come should also come.

Exactly these 2 days. The special program recorded by Dongre TV has already started to be broadcast, and people who come here should be able to see it.

Wang Ling didn't know who it would be. If it was still a clone of Kammi, then he would kill it, just as Tomoyo's main mission hadn't been completed yet. If it is Jamie himself, or even a strong man like Shagate and Baroque among the Four Heavenly Kings, then there will be other ways to deal with it.

Tomoyo's strength has increased a lot, and the essence of the scheduled plan. Wang Ling is even more confident!

The mountain trail is very quiet, with lush green trees on both sides of the road, and the tall ones almost block the sun. The top of the stone path leads to an ancient temple in Nara, because there are too many ancient temples in this city. So there are no special tourists who will come to this relatively remote suburb.

The only people who accompany Wang Ling and Tomoyo are the bright sun, the breeze, the green trees, the wild flowers, the birds and the chirping of insects.

The two of them regarded it as a tourist mountaineering, and they climbed up the mountain with great interest along the path, and soon came to a hillside with clear springs and flowing water. There are some cherry trees planted on this hillside, with pink petals falling to the ground. Put a pink carpet on the floor.

"What a fresh air, let's rest here for a while."

Wang Ling jumped, jumped onto the cherry blossom tree, kicked the branch lightly, and a shower of flowers suddenly rained above Tomoyo's head.

"Oh, what are you doing, I hate it." Tomoyo, who was slammed by the petals, said with a blushing face.


Wang Ling jumped down from the tree and reached out to help Tomoyo take off the petals that fell on his face. The tentacles were delicate and tender.

Looking at this crimson attractive face, Wang Ling's heart was swaying, and he almost had the urge to push her down.

In the wild with such a beautiful scenery, lying in the pink petals and bonding, then bonding on the blue boulder by the spring, and then bonding in the clear spring water, it will definitely leave a very special memory.

It's a pity that people from Sadulu's organization may appear at any time, and Wang Ling can only suppress his lustful heart...

After sitting on a large boulder for a while, I saw that the clear spring water is not deep, and there are many beautiful pebbles at the bottom. The two simply went into the spring with bare feet to play. I have to say that the beautiful scenery in the wild and the uninhabited environment are very effective in creating the atmosphere.

Sprinkling water on each other to wet the clothes, and playing with some body collision, Wang Ling's heart was hot, he saw a large blush on Tomoyo's face, and there were two faint pink bumps on the wet shirt. Apparently, a rare spring love is sprouting.

"Damn, if it weren't for the Sadulu organization..."

Wang Ling couldn't help but feel a deep hatred for this Street Fighter villain.

After playing for more than ten minutes, the two walked to the shore. Although their clothes were soaking wet, within a few seconds of mobilizing their energy, a burst of white water vapor rose from their bodies and became dry again.

"If you don't become a dreamer and live in such a beautiful world, it seems pretty good." Wang Ling couldn't help but sigh.

The sun was very bright at 9:00 in the morning. Squinting to feel the warmth of the sun, Wang Ling said softly, "Are you tired of taking risks in the plot world?"

"No... Although it is sometimes dangerous and hard work, it can also be very challenging. I like this kind of life... It's just that it seems very difficult to combine Qi and skills, and I have never been able to do it." The caring words of favorability were transferred by Tomoyoichi to the aspect of strength.

Wang Ling was speechless for a few seconds, and then said, "It's only been a day or two, so there is a limit to how talented you are. Your fighting talent is high enough. Besides, Honda is not a good teacher. When Long comes here, Gotta get something out of his mouth."

"That extermination wave fist?" Tomoyo now also knows some information about the plot characters.

"Humph..." Wang Ling smiled evilly, "A simple air mass released from the outside has terrifying power, and the volume after it is released is almost the size of someone's body! Whether it's a vacuum wave fist, or an extermination wave fist , are all skills that interest me, and there must be some secrets in them.”

"Those who have such huge flying props, Street Fighter is the wave karate style, and the more famous one is the vacuum wave boxing; the king of fighters is the ultimate style, and the famous one is the Overlord Xianghouquan. Since you came to Street Fighter, don't take out the secret of the wave boxing. , that would be a pity.”

Tomoyo, who understood Wang Ling's plan, said strangely: "Isn't your purpose those big waves?"

"Yeah, but there is a chance to get close to Long, why let go of the mystery of the wave karate flow? I am his lovely junior brother, Master Gangquan only taught me two months before leaving, his senior brother should also do a little bit. Responsibility, tell me the secret of the fluctuating karate flow, isn't it right?" Wang Ling said as a matter of course.

Tomoyo: "…"

Sitting on a big rock basking in the sun, Wang Ling tilted his head and leaned lightly on the softness of Tomoyo's chest.

I don't know if it was because of the increased strength after gaining Qi, or because the surrounding scenery was beautiful and the mood was obviously good, Tomoyo did not push him away, but took the initiative to massage his body and loosen his muscles.

Since leaving the hot-blooded world, Wang Ling, who has never enjoyed such treatment, groaned comfortably and constantly "um, hum" in the grip of Tomoyo's hands.

"Hehehe, what a warm scene, but...why do I feel so unhappy after seeing it?"

The female voice that suddenly sounded sounded very magnetic. It could even be said that this voice had a desire to seduce. After hearing it, people could not help but think of a **** and charming beauty, wrapped in a thin gauze, crispy. She was lying on the pink bed with her chest half-bared.

Wang Ling opened his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw a woman jumping from a tree and landing lightly on the ground. Along with her movements, the cherry tree dropped a lot of petals, shrouding her figure in a fluttering pink flower rain.

The woman's eyebrows are thin and curved, her pupils are a strange purple color, and her face is like those artificial beauties in South Korea, and the beauty is somewhat unreal. The most eye-catching is the goat horn hairstyle and the very **** spider wrapping the chest. The black and purple cloth wraps around the chest, exposing a large area of ​​attractive fair skin, which is very able to provoke the desire of men.

From this angle, Wang Ling can just see the side of the bra, and the exposed half is full and round.

"You're actually dressed so naked and sexy, aren't you afraid that something bad will happen after being defeated by a fighter?" Wang Ling raised his eyebrows and said in a light tone.

"Oh? Hehehe... But no one has ever beat me, little brother, do you want to give it a try? As long as you beat me, you can do whatever you want." There was a smile on her face that she couldn't tell whether it was teasing or sarcasm.

"Really? Then I'm very interested in beating you."

Wang Ling's tone is a little frivolous~www.readwn.com~ but his heart is very dignified, this is a powerful character who appeared in Street Fighter 4.

The killer of the scientific research agency in the Sadulu organization is different from Jamie, who is code-named "Killer Bee" and belongs to General Vega. This woman, code-named "Spider", is the subordinate of the final boss of Street Fighter 4, named Spider. Li ( ) is an evil character with an extremely distorted personality who enjoys killing!

Spider Li:

Height: 165 cm, Weight: 46 kg

Measurements: 83 cm, 56 cm, 85 cm

Fighting type: Taekwondo

Nationality: South Korea

Favorite things: Spiders

Dislikes: Rules

Most fighters in Street Fighter fight to become stronger or to become famous. And this woman, purely to enjoy the thrill of killing, I don't know how many people died under her hands! (To be continued..)

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