Dream Evolution

Chapter 314: dangerous spider


Wang Ling didn't know, in 1991, whether Street Fighter 4**oss Seth is still equipped with a Dantian engine.

In this world now, the theoretical final boss is General Vega, not Seth. But whether it is Vega or Seth with a Dantian engine, Wang Ling is obviously no match.

In addition to these two bosses, the most dangerous person in the Sadulu organization is not the Muay Thai king Shaget, nor the beast boxing king Bysson, or the masked gentleman Baroque, but this purple and black combination, **** and mysterious. Dangerous spider.

Because in this woman's left eye, there is that thing - the same source of power as **oss Seth, it is the thing of the Sadulu organization, the highest scientific and technological achievements.

Looking at Zhu Li's beautiful purple pupils and the left eye with a faint cross of purple awns under the sunlight, Wang Ling couldn't help frowning a little. He thought that the Sadulu personnel he had attracted would be Jamie himself, the "Killer Bee", but he didn't expect it to be this dangerous Spider Woman.

Killing is the happiest thing for her. When she sees blood and dead people, she will feel sexually excited, and when she kills the unpleasant existence with her own hands, she can even explode with pleasure until **!

After all, in addition to tasks, Jiami also has human nature. All this Spider Li has is the twisted pleasure of killing. And the thing with the left eye, if the power in it is unlocked during the battle, the strength of this woman will greatly increase in a short period of time.

An evil twisted woman who is not weak in the first place, but once she was pushed into a hurry, her strength doubled in an instant!

Wang Ling vaguely remembered that in the backstory of Street Fighter 4. When Zhu Li turned on the power in her left eye, it seemed that she had beaten Chunli, Long and other four protagonists.

Of course, when she didn't use her left eye, Zhu Li's strength was even slightly inferior to Chun Li, and she was just an ordinary Honda-level martial artist. She is more difficult to deal with than Honda in that her moves are extremely flexible and fast, and she is an agile expert.

"Who are you?" Wang Ling jumped off the stone. Ask knowingly.

"Me?" Zhu Li put one hand on her hip, raised her fingers, and could see that her nails were painted purple. She counted her chest with her fingers: "Zhuli, a taekwondo fighter from South Korea, Han Zhuli."

She took a slight step. The corners of his mouth curved slightly towards Tomoyo, his eyes flashed with purple awns, emitting obvious killing intent.

"Beautiful women with long silver-gray hair are really rare, tsk tsk tsk... cut your face with your own hands, and adorned your fair skin with red blood, it will definitely be a pleasant color, little girl. , I'm having fun killing you."

"Evil woman."

Wang Ling snorted coldly and stood in front of Tomoyo. A wave fist was launched, and the blue ice spirit force was shot flatly in the air.

Zhu Li did not resist, and even took the initiative to take two steps forward and slammed into the energy group, and instantly an ice blue spread across her body. But in just one second, the blue quickly dissipated.

Obviously, she resolved the ice spirit power that invaded her body.

"It's so cold, it really is an ice-type wave fist, cute little boy, you are really surprising."

Zhu Li's figure suddenly rushed forward and moved in front of Wang Ling like lightning. He stepped lightly on the ground, pulled up to a height of 5 meters, and leaped lightly over his head.

"Damn it, she is indeed agile. With this speed, this woman's agility will never be lower than 130 points!"

Wang Ling cursed inwardly - but his estimate was still too low, in fact, Zhu Li's personal basic attributes far exceeded his expectations: "Strength: 71, Sensitivity: 158, Body: 75, Wisdom: 114 ."

And with the Street Fighter title bonus, her life will be an additional 250 points, and the total life value is 625 points.

"L Dragon Fist!"

Immediately, Wang Ling turned his back and used his anti-air skills backwards, leaping up from the ground, jumping straight over his head, and kicking Zhuli towards Tomoyo's head.

This woman was able to change moves even in the air, her right foot retracted and her left foot suddenly kicked out, hitting the punch of Shenglong Fist. Then a series of swiftly reversed side-to-side kicks, after opening his arms, swiftly and consecutively kicked on Wang Ling's body.

"Helen's feet!"

"Lovely little boy, it's not good to stop me from clearing the target. When you are taken back, I will train you well in person."

Using the anti-shock force of the kick, Zhu Li retreated more than 10 meters in a backflip, and blew a loud whistle. In the distance, there was the sound of running, and two figures were rapidly approaching. They were actually a pair of Cammy clones, running from the mountain trail.

"Who the **** are you!" Wang Ling knew the advisor again.

Zhu Li let out a coquettish smile, raised her index finger with purple nails slightly, pointed at him and said, "Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you with great compassion, those two stupid women were organized by Sadulu. The mission executor, and I am the mission obliterator of the Sadulu organization, General Vega is very interested in you, so please come with me."

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ling immediately understood that Seth had no plans to betray Vega at this time, so Zhu Li was working for Vega.

"I don't know what the Sadulu organization is." Wang Ling snorted coldly, "I seem to have heard of General Vega, he seems to be a great powerhouse, I would be very interested if it was an invitation from him. , My wish is to fight against the strong. But woman, your invitation method is too unfriendly, in this case, I will send you and let Vega come in person!"

"Tomoyo, you deal with those two guys, this woman is up to me."

The people who rushed up the mountain trail were just low-strength replicants. With Tomoyo's current strength, there would be absolutely no problem in killing them. While shouting, Wang Ling put his hands behind his back and secretly made a gesture.

This gesture means: Don't have any scruples, kill two people as soon as possible.

Zhu Li came here and brought 2 subordinates, probably to capture him. To deal with Zhu Li, even if the woman didn't use the power in her left eye, Wang Ling had no certainty.

Tomoyo can come here to help after killing 2 clones. After this woman is sent away, I am afraid that the righteous master will come.

In an instant, Wang Ling's whole body was full of energy, and she rushed forward with a heavy punch to Zhu Li's chest, and Tomoyo also rushed towards the two Cammy clones. It's smooth and stable, and it uses a step.

He was taught by 5 kung fu masters for a long time, with the talent of Tomoyo. Of course it is impossible to learn nothing.

"Hmph, then I'll catch you first, and then kill that woman."

Zhu Li's face turned icy cold. Seeing that Wang Ling and Tomoyo had such a close relationship, this woman with a distorted personality suddenly burst into an angry desire to destroy and kill. As soon as her head diddge the heavy punch, she turned to the right, kicked a high leg, raised her right foot, and hit Wang Ling's head straight from the side with the back of her foot.

He weighs 46 kilograms, wears extremely thin clothes, and has a pair of white and tender jade feet. The speed and agility of this woman are definitely the whole world of Street Fighter. One of the best characters in all fighters. Wang Ling only felt that Zhu Li's figure was lost in the blink of an eye, and then a bare foot kicked from the side, hitting his temple with a bang.

In Taekwondo, the high kick is one of the most powerful kicks. An ordinary black belt in Taekwondo can break a 2-finger-thick plank with this move, not to mention Spider Li, a fighter. The temple is a weak point, and it is easy to make people dizzy after a kick, but this woman can't imagine that Wang Ling has a head of steel.

This passive skill is rated D. In fact, it is unexpectedly easy to use, because the human head is a weakness. Many people, whether they are masters of the plot world or dreamers, will choose their heads when attacking. Once they hit a crit, they will deal twice as much damage!

However, Wang Ling's level 7 steel head can reduce physical damage by 70%, and can resist 20 points of basic damage. Coupled with his strong physical defense, his head is extremely strong.

Spider Li is agile and her strength is relatively weak, even weaker than Honda and Tomoyo.

Wang Ling got a high kick in his temple, but felt a mild pain. His head was slightly backed by the blow on the back of his foot, but his body did not stop. Before Zhu Li's raised slender right leg could be retracted, his fist clenched, white light exploded, and the right arm turned into a dragon shape in the strong light, and he slapped it fiercely.

This is simply unreasonable behavior to play cards, and to use this level of moves from the beginning - to use the terminology of Street Fighter, Wang Lingfang will kill. His spiritual power is stored in the cells of his body, and there is also a large amount of spiritual power accumulated in the spiritual sea. There is no need to activate the body through combat to stimulate the qi in the body.

For the **** and beautiful, in fact, the enchanting beauties with vicious personality, Wang Ling has no heart for pity. The right fist with a strong light in the shape of a white dragon slammed **** Zhu Li's chest, and the open dragon head was biting the two lumps of fat that rose up.

A solid and powerful blow!

The power of this punch alone made Zhu Li's pair full of breasts, and the spider-shaped corsets could not be restrained. It swayed out from the side, and the red halo was clearly visible, not to mention the punch. The real power is the spiritual energy attached to the right arm.

"Dragon Head Fist!"

Calling out the name of this move aloud in Chinese to increase the momentum of slaying, Wang Ling pressed his fist against the pitiful cellulite that was instantly smashed into a flat shape. Get up!

The woman screamed loudly, and she was unlucky. Although her strength was not large, she hit the temple with high kicks. Even a person with strong physical strength like Honda could not help but feel dizzy, and then a series of She could follow with a single blow, but she met Wang Ling, a guy with a head of steel.

Street Fighter doesn't have iron head skills, so Zhu Li is not mentally prepared, and Wang Ling is not a person who plays cards according to common sense. An extremely heavy blow!

After being hit with the Dragon Shou Fist, even Honda, whose fat became muscles, couldn't help spitting blood, not to mention that it only weighed 46 kilograms. Except for the fat pile on the chest, there was not much meat in other places.

Zhu Li, who was thrown out by the hammer, was full of blood. She only felt that her chest was numb, and she couldn't help being angry and angry. The body rolled and jumped up quickly, and the right foot lifted and kicked forward, creating an arc-shaped, beautiful and elegant purple air blade.

"The wind breaks the blade!"

Wang Ling, who was familiar with Spider Li's skills, just made a camouflage move forward, and immediately retreated when he saw the purple air blade rushing towards him. The large purple traces that spread like powder, hit the limit in front of him, and dissipated in the air.

Wang Ling took a few steps back and was about to send an elemental wave punch, but his eyebrows couldn't help but twitch. He was about to speak, and Zhu Li had already rushed up, her body flashing with a pale golden light brought by explosive air, rolling several times in the air, and her right foot stomped on his head.

"Quick Sky Flash!"

Although this is not a profound skill-level nirvana, the qi that bursts instantly when it is used brings extremely fast speed. Originally, Spider Li's speed was extremely fast. This explosion jumped in the air, and it didn't reflect the time at all. It was really fast like a gust of wind, so Wang Ling's head was hit again.

However... he has a head of steel.

Spider Li's power is not high, this move pursues absolute speed and lower power. Wang Ling ignored the slap on the instep, and a tiger pounced directly at Zhu Li, who was in the air, to the ground, and his body was pushed up, his hands slammed forward, his thumb and forefinger, each pinched the size of a grape, round and full. red particles.

"Miss, you are gone."

Wang Ling, who suppressed Spider Li, said to the woman below him with a blank expression, and at the same time pulled the two things he was holding with his fingers—the pull suddenly became very long.

It turned out that the dragon's head fist was too violent just now, and Zhu Li's spider chest was too small and tight. As a result, the pair of **** were squeezed out of the side with one punch and did not retract. After Zhu Li punched her chest, she almost lost consciousness, and she didn't feel it at all. Now both lumps of fat are exposed, just one wind breaking the blade and another swiftly kicking the air~www.readwn.com~ Wang With the head of steel, Ling slammed the kick to the head, and threw Zhu Li to the ground with a jump, grabbed it with both hands naturally, and pinched the two buds.

The secret move, grasping the milk dragon claw hand...

This pull Zulli let out a groan. After all, Wang Ling's current strength far exceeds that of ordinary people.

If Chun Li, Sakura and other women would have cried out in shame, but Zhu Li is indeed Zhu Li, she just blushed slightly, her eyes flashed with purple light, and she actually opened her slender arms to hug her. The pink lips also came over and slammed into Wang Ling's lips, as if to offer an intimate wet kiss.

Wang Ling's complexion changed, and he slammed into the spider's embrace, quickly took a few steps back, and touched the back of his neck with his hand, a trace of red blood.

"Nice sharp nails!"

When Zhu Li wrapped her arms around her, ten purple nails were dotted on the back of her neck and immediately cut into the skin. If Wang Ling didn't react quickly, I'm afraid it wouldn't just be bleeding...

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