Dream Evolution

Chapter 316: humiliated

Zhu Li is barefoot, and the white and tender soles of her feet are small and exquisite. .+?(.+nbsp;\\s*

However, being hit by the raised kick, Wang Ling immediately felt as if he had been hit hard by a 70-yard high-speed car!

Light punch, light leg, heavy punch, heavy leg, plus a kick in the face. In the continuous blows that were almost beyond the reflection of the retina, Zhu Li suddenly burst into a stream of air, and the splendid cross-shaped purple awns in the left eye flickered and spun.

"Wear the windmill!"

Her figure jumped in the air, spinning continuously like a dance, her **** formed a windmill fan blade, bringing out a lot of Zisha in a chain, wrapping her graceful and graceful dancing figure, and kicking her bare feet in Wang Ling's mouth continuously. on the body.

After the feng shui engine to strengthen the kill!

With the kick, the rushing out Zisha also poured out on Wang Ling. This kind of energy mixed with the sharpness of wind and the oppression and suffocation of water, was more flexible than pure wind and sharper than pure water.

Under such an attack, Wang Ling could only defend, with physical strength and equipment, and his body was filled with spiritual defense. Pure spiritual power fills the cells in the body, resists the purple evil that invades the body, and resolves the stinging and oppression caused by the mixed energy.

It wasn't just Zisha that caused damage, Zhu Li's legs were extremely heavy, and almost every foot had the power of a Honda super headbutt. This set of punches and kicks pierces through the windmill, driven by the Fengshui engine, the power has surpassed that of Honda's Sumo Unparalleled!

The continuous rotation of the windmill stopped, and Wang Ling, who was kicked far away by the last kick, fell to the ground with a "bang". Before he could jump up, he was chased again. With a light and fast little jump, it fell from top to bottom, and Zhu Li hit Wang Ling's chest with a "crushing foot".

Wang Ling has a head of steel, but no body of steel, and his heart is also a weak spot. This stepping force penetrates the body. The purple feng shui suffocation entered the body, and even with the protection of spiritual power, he couldn't help but his heart was shaking. The recoiled blood rushed to the throat and spewed out of the mouth, spraying on Zhu Li's white trousers, dense red blood spots. Like red plums blooming on the snow.

"Ling Jun, is it very comfortable to be stepped on by me, hehehe..."

Zhu Li stepped on Wang Ling's heart with her right foot, and the person stood on top of him, her left foot lifted and stepped on her face, her white and tender bare feet stomped on her face, and she even used her open toes to pinch the tip of her raised nose, and a sigh came out of her mouth. Excited smile.

"Bitch, you will look good later!"

So humiliated by this pervert. Even though Wang Ling usually had a good temper, a surge of anger surged in his heart, his face turned red, and he punched the place where the middle of Zhu Li's legs meet.

It's a pity that the action of the fist is driven by the feng shui engine. In the eyes of Spider Li, whose performance was up, it was too slow.

After stepping on it, he made a small jump to the right, and the speed was unbelievable. Then his left foot shoveled a hook under Wang Ling's body, and his body was hooked into the air.

Fight of fighters. Due to their rich fighting experience and tight defense when standing, the best time to hit someone is when the opponent falls to the ground. The plot world is not a game. It makes no sense to knock the opponent down, stand on the side and do nothing, and wait for the opponent to get up and fight again.

In the face of opponents of similar strength, once a battle is to be fought, one must go all out and show no mercy. This is the basic quality of a fighter. When you see your opponent falling to the ground and it is difficult to defend, you immediately go up and pursue it, drown it with a series of storm-like attacks, and knock down your opponent in one go. This is a philosophy that every fighter understands.

Even a heavy-bodied person like Honda, who was knocked to the ground, would quickly bounce back without giving the opponent time to chase.

The faster you get up, the faster you can defend and counterattack!

Wang Ling now also understands this truth. While punching his right fist upwards, he pressed his left hand to the ground, wanting to get up immediately. It's a pity that after the performance was up, Zhu Li's speed was too fast, and a series of movements did not give him time to get up at all.

This step, a small jump, a tick, and approaching the extreme, Wang Ling's body immediately rose like a cloud and a fog - to be precise, he was indeed riding the cloud and the fog, but it was not the fog, but the feng shui Zisha.

When the figure was picked up, Wang Ling's line of sight happened to see the mysterious and dazzling cross purple awn in Zhu Li's left eye, and his heart couldn't help but lift. Logically speaking, Spider Li wouldn't kill him, but he wasn't sure whether this woman with a distorted personality would fight so hard that she couldn't control her behavior.

"Taste the happiness I bestow upon you, hahahaha..."

On Zhu Li's body, a strong stream of rays of light rushed up again, and it was obvious that he was releasing his nirvana again. She was shrouded in light and rolled back. When she jumped up, she kicked out her legs continuously. The speed was so fast that countless gorgeous leg shadows were swept out in the air!

With this movement that was almost no less than the speed of "Tomoyo Kicks", the feng shui purple evil kicked out one after another, forming an elegant and beautiful circular wave, completely submerging Wang Ling's figure in a purple field.

"The wind breaks the blade!"

This is Spider Li's most powerful nirvana in addition to Profound Truth.

After the feng shui engine was activated and the performance increased, the power of this move was further enhanced. There was no doubt that if he was hit, he would suffer a terrible blow, but Wang Ling finally felt relieved.

What Zhu Li used was Feng Po Lian Blade, not the highest profound meaning, "Circumventing and Breaking the Realm", which showed that she had no intention of killing herself.

If he used the manoeuvre to break the world, Wang Ling would have to eat it hard, then use the potion to restore his life, blast the woman with a cherry bomb to win the chance to get up, and then use all his strength to fight this woman!

Not to mention that it is difficult to kill Zhu Li, but killing her would have serious consequences—at least it would be worse than killing Honda. But now Wang Ling, who has eaten Feng Po Lianren, played games, and is familiar with Spider Li's skills, seems to have taken a reassurance.

Now, as long as the defense is good, Wang Ling's body is united, guarding with all his strength, and using his spiritual power to resist the Fengshui Zisha intruding into the body, there is no sign of resistance at all.

Since it won't die, then defend it with all your strength for a while, and wait for the power of the Feng Shui engine to subside. The power of the engine cannot be unlimited. When the purple cross in Zhu Li's left eye subsides, it is time to launch a counterattack and make this woman look good!

"You dare to step on my face, woman, you will regret it!" Wang Ling thought bitterly...

"Bang, pop, bang, bang..."

The muffled sound of bare feet hitting the flesh constantly rang out in the air. Wang Ling, who swung up his body, was like a meat ball, and was beaten to and fro by the spider Li who was dragging a string of shadows behind him. Five minutes later, his heart was already full. It's burning anger.

Although Zhu Li did not use the mysterious twist to break the world, but the Feng Shui engine has been turned on until now, and it has not stopped at all. It is like a violent blow like a shadow following the body, which is not something that ordinary people can bear!

Tomoyo is not around, the blood contract can no longer work, and he doesn't bring the golden red mask. The stamina close to 90 points is strong enough, and there are equipment to increase defense, especially the 70 point total body defense of the full-level defense ring, which makes Wang Ling's durability very impressive.

However, under the continuous pursuit of fists and feet, even if he defended with all his strength, his health continued to drop, and he had been deducted by more than 12. If it was another dreamer, he would have already died in such a blow.

The heavy kick and the attack of the purple evil energy caused Wang Ling to ooze blood from his nose and mouth. Out of caution, he used a bottle of intermediate health potion and recovered 200 health points.

2500 currency points gone!

Wang Ling had a deep killing intent in his heart.

Just playing a fighting game, being pressed and beaten by the opponent can only defend, and a burst of anger will be held in his heart, not to mention that Wang Ling was in a real person fighting, and was pressed to the extent that he could not fight back at all, a full five minutes!

The performance up effect of the Feng Shui engine is increased by percentage. Spider Li was originally the world-class agility of Street Fighter, and it has increased a lot. Now the speed is like a hurricane and lightning, and the attack is as violent as a gust of wind and rain.

Originally not high strength, the amount of increase is small - but even low strength, I am afraid that it is not weaker than Wang Ling at present, a series of fighting with mixed fists and skills, the pain is almost unbearable.

"Damn, woman, you will look good later!"

This feeling of suffocation made Wang Ling's lungs burst with anger, but Zhu Li's feng shui engine was still in effect, and she couldn't catch her actions at all, and she could only defend herself with extreme suffocation.

The temple and the back of the neck were continuously kicked, one of them kicked sideways on the vest, and Wang Ling spurted a mouthful of blood. He was flying in the air after being kicked, but Zhu Li had already circled to the front, swinging his legs and swept his right face, a liquid mixed with saliva and blood was sprayed out of his mouth by the force of his feet.

If it wasn't for Wang Ling's head of steel, Big Teeth would have been kicked out!

That's all, the kicks were accompanied by the constant smiles from Zhu Li, which was obviously very pleasant, and it was so harsh in Wang Ling's ears.

"Ah ah ah, bitch, I'll **** you later, ah ah ah ah!"

Wang Ling is really angry...

With a flash in the sky~www.readwn.com~ kicking Wang Ling up more than 10 meters, the purple cross light in Zhu Li's left eye dissipated, and the driving of the Feng Shui engine finally disappeared after a long time of operation.

Standing there and gasping for a while, Spider Li's fair skin was full of seductive perspiration from strenuous exercise, and her beautiful face like a man-made beauty was full of alluring blushes.

"I haven't played so comfortably in a long time."

Supporting a lazy waist, the corners of Zhu Li's mouth were slightly raised, and she looked at Wang Ling, who was lying on the ground 10 meters away. She has her own measure, and with the strength of Wang Ling and Honda, she won these combos driven by the Feng Shui engine. She will not die, but she will definitely lose the ability to move.

It happened to be submitted back to Vega, and the task was completed.

Slowly stepping forward, she looked at Wang Ling with her eyes closed and her chest slightly undulating. She bent down, put her hand on the boy's face, and said to herself:

"It's so cute, should I follow the example of Jamie's previous sentence: prey capture?"

At this moment, Wang Ling suddenly opened his eyes! (To be continued..)

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