Dream Evolution

Chapter 317: fierce battle

Zhu Li's speculation is actually not bad. If it is an ordinary fighter, even a physically strong Honda will be beaten incapacitated by the continuous and violent blows driven by the Feng Shui engine. //

But Wang Ling is a dreamer, a dreamer with equipment and a recovery potion in his space bag!

Using a bottle of medium-sized life potion and a bottle of emergency medicine, Wang Ling was just a little embarrassed on the outside, and the lost life was restored.

As the character of the plot, Spider Li can't see the blood bar above Wang Ling's head.

When Wang Ling opened his eyes, there seemed to be a crimson flame in his pupils, and then the whole eyes were burning with blazing flames!

Knowing that this woman is agile and tall, once the distance is widened, it will be difficult to attack, so his body seems to be loaded with springs, he bounces off the ground, and grabs Zhu Li's thin shoulders.

The instinctive reflexes exercised in the battle, Zhu Li, who was stooping down, stood up like an electric shock the moment she was grabbed by the shoulders. The five fingers of her right hand came together, and a powerful hand knife slashed out. The purple nails rubbed Wang Ling's neck, and a red bloodstain was cut out.

If it were an ordinary person, there would be no doubt that this would be a head-scratcher!

Wang Ling's neck suddenly felt a burning pain. He was grabbing Zhu Li's shoulders with both hands, and he immediately returned fire with his head. A fierce headbutt hit his flat and smooth white belly.


Zhu Li screamed. After the effect of the feng shui engine disappeared, her physical strength fell back to the original level, which almost caused the acid in her stomach to be squirted out of her mouth.

The head of steel is also very tough to use against people.

While being pushed back in the lower abdomen. It was too late for Zhu Li to think about why Wang Ling still acted like nothing during the repeated onslaught. The only thing she could do was to shake her body violently, trying to break free from the hands that bound her shoulders.

When the airflow rushed, Wang Ling's hands were shaken, but his right hand slid downward. He grabbed the wrist of Zhu Li's left hand and stopped her body that was about to retreat.

"I just hit me, didn't I hit me very refreshingly and GH? Why do you want to leave now. Why don't you get closer?"

In Wang Ling's eyes, the burning flame jumped violently, making his eyes scorching like a flame. A wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zhu Li's right hand was encircled by the closed palm, her arm trembled and shrank, but she found that her palm was like iron pincers, and after pinching it, she couldn't break free. But after all, she was only caught by one hand, and her body had a lot of room to maneuver. With the help of the pulled hand, she jumped, stepped on the steps with both feet, and kicked up in a series.

The feng shui engine drive has stopped, although such an attack is heavy. But apart from pain, it can't do much harm. The anger in Wang Ling's heart was even more violent. He never let go of his right hand, tightly grasped Zhu Li's slender wrist, and clenched his left hand into a fist. Hit it hard and hit Zhu Li's stomach.

Heavy hammering like a pile driver!

Zhu Li bent down in pain, a strong astringent taste came out of her mouth, and the place where she was hit by the fist was almost numb to the point of unconsciousness. But she didn't forget to fight back, her right hand close together. Cut like a knife, her fingernails are sharper than an ordinary saber!

This time, the place where it was scratched was the chest. Wang Ling's tattered shirt was cut open, and a bloodstain appeared on the exposed skin. The red blood threads instantly seeped out on the surface of the skin.

"How dare you resist!"

Grabbing the wrist of Zhu Li's left hand, so that it cannot leave, is equivalent to limiting the opponent's maximum advantage speed. Wang Ling shouted angrily, scorching hot breath came out of his mouth, and another heavy punch hit Zhu Li's stomach firmly.

Painful moans emanated from Spider Li's throat. The woman's upper body was a black and purple spider-shaped corset, and her lower abdomen was completely exposed, as if she had no coat to defend.

Her physical strength and strength are all weak points!

"Bastard, let me go!"

Zhu Li's left hand shook again, but she still couldn't break free. She gritted her teeth, the corners of her mouth were covered with scarlet blood, and she even cut with the nails of her right hand.

Speed ​​and flexibility have no meaning, the two are you give me a fist, and I give you a hand to cut. This kind of competition is undoubtedly beneficial to Wang Ling, because compared with this thin and naked woman, his defense is much stronger.


With a cracking sound, Wang Ling's shirt suddenly burst into countless tiny pieces of cloth. It turned out that this dress had become tattered in the previous blows, and had been cut a few times. This time, Zhu Li carried the Purple Sha cutting in his hands, and the air flow was so strong that it directly shattered the whole shirt.

Wang Ling's upper body suddenly became naked/naked. He didn't have any obvious muscle mass, but under the purification of spiritual power, the color of his skin was a white ivory color, as gentle as suet jade. Now, there are seven chaotic bloodstains on the chest, and the dark red blood seeps out on the surface of the fair skin, full of the beauty of torture/abuse!

After being bombarded by many heavy punches, the face was pale, and the corners of the mouth were bleeding, and the heavy breathing was even more heavy. The blood on Wang Ling's chest, those sweet and wonderful liquids, had a strong attraction to her.

There was another cracking sound, and Wang Ling, whose shirt was broken, returned the color and tore Zhu Li's chest into shreds.

Fighters with qi will use qi to protect their clothes in battle to prevent "burst shirts", but they can't stand the direct and vigorous tearing. The corset shattered, Zhu Li's chest lost its restraint, and she flicked upwards, all of which were revealed. The two plump and moist meat buns and the bright red strawberries at the top were a fatal temptation for any man!

Moreover, in the strenuous exercise, the sweat and the girl's body odor emanating from Zhu Li's body are undoubtedly an aphrodisiac potion.

Before playing with Tomoyo in the water, Wang Ling had some spring feelings, but now seeing Zhu Li's half-naked body again, a flame seemed to burst into his heart again, this time it was not anger, but warm and violent. A fire of passion/lust that burns reason to ashes.

His two eyes, the red flames in the pupils were burning, and the shape of the flames was changing rapidly at this time, the flames in the left eye formed a word "female", and the flames in the right eye. A "dry" word is formed.


On the right side of Wang Ling's face, he received a heavy punch from Zhu Li, and then the woman slammed into him and squeezed into his arms.

The first thing that was attached were two soft and elastic objects, two hard particles, rubbing **** the bloodstains on his chest. Brings a fiery touch. Immediately, Wang Ling's arms were filled with a smooth body, and he felt a pain in his shoulders. It turned out that Zhu Li opened her mouth and bit his shoulder.

Zhu Li's left hand was still being held, and her right hand looked down. This woman's manipulation of qi is extremely strong, and she actually injected Zisha into her jeans, which was detonated violently, and countless pieces of cloth flew around with the beautiful Zisha mist.

This time, Wang Ling is almost naked/naked. Why is it said that it is almost because there is still magic underwear in the jeans as equipment, so it is extremely strong and can enhance the stamina.

Spider Li's teeth grind. Cut open the fair skin and **** in the blood full of spiritual power. The breath exhaled from her nose was hot, and from the teeth that bit her flesh, a vague humming sound came out: "I'm going to rape/rape you!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ling's mouth twitched a few times. The flesh on his face throbbed, and the fire in his heart burned.

Blowing up the jeans outside, but still the magic **** inside, and finding that the **** couldn't be torn apart, Zhu Li raised her hand angrily and slapped him in the face with a loud slap. Song said coldly, "Take off your underwear and lie on the ground!"

This extremely strong slap in the face and what Zhu Li said made the line of reason in Wang Ling's head completely cut off at this moment.

"Bitch, you seem to have misunderstood the primary and secondary distinctions, eh?"

Wang Ling tore it with his free hands, and Zhu Li's wide taekwondo trousers were torn into strips of cloth in a few moments. Burning with anger.

"If I don't train you into a sheep today, my last name will be written backwards!"

Spider Li's underwear was easily untied with side ropes, but Wang Ling was in no mood to untangle it now. He stretched out his palms between his legs and pulled hard, tearing the small piece of cloth to shreds.

When Wang Ling moved with his left hand, Zhu Li not to be outdone, tore off the magic panties, only to hear a crack, Wang Ling's heart jumped, and quickly took the torn magic **** into the space bag.

At this moment, the two finally faced each other naked/naked.

The flesh on Wang Ling's face twitched, anger burned in his eyes, and Zhu Li also had a fierce look that refused to admit defeat, and the two looked at each other.

The woman slapped her face again, only to be grabbed by Wang Ling's other hand.

"I still want to fight, you bitch!"

Now Zhu Li has both hands grasped, Wang Ling holds her wrists with both hands, her legs also press tightly against her two slender thighs, her body is pressed upwards, crushing her on the ground covered with cherry blossoms, and she opens her mouth. I bit it up, and bit it on the lump on the right.

After fiercely leaving two rows of teeth marks on the fat, Wang Ling raised his head and looked directly at Zhu Li, and said viciously, "I want to **** you!"

"You are dreaming!"

Although she holds the same idea in her heart, Spider Li, who has a distorted personality, absolutely cannot accept the passive result. However, Wang Ling's movements were direct and effective. He arched his body and used all his strength to express his determination to do what he said with an extremely violent thrust.

Now Wang Ling has no other equipment except Peach's Heart - but his strength is still as high as 81 points!

Eight times the strength of ordinary people, the full force penetrated, this violent stab made Zhu Li's eyes suddenly condense, her body tightened suddenly, and a short groan came out of her throat. With 75 points of physical strength, she would not be stabbed by this blow, but the brutal behavior, the pain and the humiliation on her body filled her heart with a sense of humiliation.

In the Sadulu organization, spiders who take pleasure in hunting other people's lives have never been treated in such a disgraceful way!

Uncontrollable anger poured out of Zhu Li's heart. Although her lower body was blocked and her wrists were grabbed, it did not hinder the movement of her legs. The slender, strong, and elastic legs that he had trained in Taekwondo were lifted up sharply and tightly clamped around Wang Ling's waist. The tensed body released all the strength, trying to lift the person who was on him.

However, in terms of strength, Wang Ling has the advantage, even if it is only a 10-point strength advantage, it will be magnified when both sides use their full strength! Not to mention, the feng shui engine that had been activated before, constantly attacking at high speed, consumed too much physical energy, and Zhu Li was already very tired.

The two were skin-to-skin, their chests squeezed against their chests, and they fought each other fiercely. Zhu Li struggled desperately to raise her slightly raised body, and in her unwilling moan, she was gradually pushed back again.

Since the beginning, Wang Ling stabbed in and was caught by the warm flesh, but he has not pulled it out. This wrestling lower body is still connected together, if his physical strength and defense are not strong enough, I am afraid that in the competition of strength, the limbs are broken...

The desperate wrestling action consumed a lot of Zhu Li's physical energy, plus the pressure from being tightly plugged, she gasped, her face was full of anger and **** mixed with blush. The body was even more wet, full of sweat secreted, almost a little out of strength.

Wang Ling, who had won this confrontation, rode proudly on Zhu Li, grabbed the girl's two wrists with his left hand, and left his right hand to grab the erect plump. He grasped so hard that Zhu Li's skin was so white that it was almost transparent, leaving bright red finger marks, which formed a symmetry with the tooth marks on the other side of the skin.


Zhu Li was completely unable to resist, her eyes turned to Wang Ling, her purple pupils were full of anger. She regrets very much now why she used the Feng Shui engine before. The system must wait for a certain period of time to recover and absorb enough Qi, otherwise, once it is activated, it will immediately regain the upper hand.

Seeing the angry gaze, Wang Ling was in a good mood. He held his slender wrist with his left hand and held the cellulite tightly with his right hand, so that the tender **** squeezed out from his fingers~www.readwn.com~ with victory The pleasure of the reader, his lower body, which was tightly clamped, was finally able to move.

Rough hit!

On this wicked woman, Wang Lingke did not have any feeling of pity for Xiangxiangxiyu, plus she had been attacked continuously before, and she had been slapped a few times. This backlog of shame needs to be vented/vented. He used almost all his strength, and every blow was extremely violent!

The cherry blossom petals on the ground were shaken into powder by the blasting airflow as early as in the wrestling just now, and many cracks appeared on the soil ground below. With the impact of Wang Ling, the heavy force was transmitted, and the cracked ground trembled, falling down continuously.

Zhu Li clenched her teeth tightly, endured the terrifying continuous impact, and purple light flashed in her eyes. She seems to have given up any resistance, but in fact, she is secretly gathering the Qi in her body and the remaining Zisha in the Feng Shui engine.

She did not fail, because she still has the strongest profound meaning! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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