Dream Evolution

Chapter 318: 0 Nami wakes up

The fierce battle lasted for an hour. When Wang Ling finally let go of Zhu Li's hands and left her body, an incredible whirlwind of air, accompanied by strong rays of light, burst out from below!

At this moment, it seemed that time had been frozen, and Zhu Li's figure was twisted into a blur of light and shadow under the co-encapsulation of air and light. M [just read the novel~]

Wang Ling didn't have time to react at all, Zhu Li's slender, powerful, and elastic, white and tender legs that had brought great joy to his waist, were split into a "one", and the head was stretched. Facing down, legs up, like a helicopter's propeller, it spins upside down.

With her movements, the elegant and beautiful Zisha formed a purple satin around her body, twisting a circle of spirals.

"Turn around to break the boundary!"

Spider Li's strongest secret, its power surpasses Honda's Gui Wushuang and Fujisui, and is at the same level as "Zhen. Orochimaru". All the qi must be exploded to display the super-killing secret!

Wang Ling's figure was immediately caught by Zi Sha, and Zhu Li's feet kicked away heavy and swiftly in succession, not caring how ambiguous her posture would be.

The profound meaning of the original murderous intent has changed from being naked, with finger marks and tooth marks all over the fair skin, and the spider li of the white turbid liquid in the stretched legs, which is extremely fragrant.

After twisting like a spiral wing, Zhu Li's body turned upside down suddenly, kicked down with a high kick with his right foot, and with a large piece of violet spitting out, he slashed at Wang Ling's head, and a huge force knocked him down. Split down.

There are four stages of action in total. The first is the "up twist" when the legs are reversed and the spiral rises at the beginning, the second is the "down split" when the twist reaches the highest point, and the third is the opposite side. Before landing, the explosive gas slammed into the ground one step earlier, bounced up on all fours, and "kicked" the falling enemy. The fourth is to grab the enemy's head, raise the right leg, and smash it to the ground. [Just read the novel~]

After the split. Zhu Li's body suddenly rushed, and like a cat, she rushed to the ground and landed on her hands and feet. She was about to bounce up and face Wang Ling, who was on the ground. There was a kick that was enough to break the spine, but the woman's eyebrows were suddenly slightly wrinkled in pain, her voice couldn't help but groan, and the breath in her body suddenly leaked.

It turned out to be hit by Wang Ling for an hour. Then start the roundabout and break the boundary, make difficult movements, kick and jump with your legs apart. The force of the muscles in the whole body was too great, and when the legs were spread apart and fell on the ground like a cat, I felt a tear-like pain from the lower body.

"Damn...Wang Ling, wait for me!"

With an expression of extreme shame, Zhu Li quickly picked up two long cloth strips and tied one to her chest. The other is tied to the lower body. Tears ran down the mountain.

After Wang Ling fell, he immediately bounced back and jumped up, but only saw Zhu Li wearing two cloth strips, as if she was not wearing anything, running away from the back, this woman was running very fast, but Footsteps sometimes stagger.

The battle is over. The emotion/desire in my heart was completely vented, and the woman also ran away. The emotions that were previously controlled by violent anger are quickly returning to normal. Wang Ling's expression became tangled. He lowered his head and looked at the severe damage, as if he had suffered an earthquake, sinking into the ground more than one meter deep, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching, and a row of black vertical lines appeared on his head.

"What happened just now... ah... Could it be that I... cheated?"

Standing in the sun without any worries, Wang Ling opened his mouth wide, looked at the ground in disbelief, quickly recalled the previous events, and glanced at the broken pieces of clothing, the petals of cherry blossoms that were shaken into powder, The ring spreads around, forming a dust ring of circular trails.

"No way!"

Wang Ling let out a scream, and the sound was rumbling and rumbling. It was unknown how far along the hillside, and soon the empty sky was filled with continuous dull echoes:


Hearing this echo, Wang Ling burst into tears, rushed to the big stone by the spring, and hit it hard with his head:

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Soon, cobweb-covered cracks appeared on the surface of the stone. As the impact cracks continued to expand, they eventually "boomed" into countless small stones. [Just read the novel~]

"Sure enough, men are all animals controlled by their lower bodies. How can a pure person like me do such a thing?" Looking at the sticky lower body, Wang Ling wanted to cry but had no tears, so he jumped into the spring water to wash his body. Traces of body fluids.

What happened with Zhu Li was not as simple as a one-night stand in the real world—the identity of this woman was the killer of the Sadulu organization. In this organization, whether it was General Vega or President Seth , are the existence of the ultimate SS level!

No matter how confident Wang Ling is, he doesn't think he can challenge Vega or Seth. Besides, Zhu Li had turned on the Feng Shui engine before. If he really wanted to kill him, then using the augmented version of the manoeuvre to break the realm would definitely cause serious damage to him. harm.

In one-on-one battles, if Spider Li uses her agility skills and fights by her side, and does not stimulate the drive of the Feng Shui engine, I am afraid that she will be the one who will die in the end.

This woman, especially her twisted and evil character, is much more dangerous than Chun Li.

It was as if the two of them had had a close relationship just now. The moment Wang Ling pulled away, she mercilessly performed the maneuver to break the world. Her ruthlessness and ruthlessness were enough to make any man feel chills!

"It's over!"

Wang Ling in the water lowered his head, his body lost all strength, and sank slowly. After a while, there was a burst of "gulugulu" bubbles on the water.

If it weren't for the anger of being beaten, she would maintain a normal heart, and she would be able to defend herself until the end of the Zhuli Fengshui engine, and use her ultimate move to make her retreat. Even if she was taken away to see Vega, it was no big deal, it was just that the meeting with Long was missing.

"It's all the fault of this woman. Shameless to wear so few clothes. Isn't this obviously a seduction?" Wang Ling began to comfort himself.

If he didn't control his lower body properly, and the battle turned into a fight at the end, it would bring many unknowable consequences, casting an unknowable shadow on Wang Ling's planned future plan when he entered this world.

First: Spider Li was abused for an hour, and she may have deep hatred buried in her heart due to such humiliation. Next time this woman comes again, with the performance of the feng shui engine UP, it will not be so easy to resist this time.

Second: If the Shadulu organization knows about this, it’s not a problem that General Vega’s ban is Jiami, the killer bee. The future big SS Seth, I don’t know if he has been mixed with Zhuli, and whether he has installed his dantian. engine. If Zhu Li is from Seth, then Wang Ling's behavior is to bring a green hat to the final SS. Maybe Seth, who has a Dantian engine, will come to chase and kill him.

Third: Tomoyo, who is stubborn and stubborn, does not easily acquiesce to Bingrou's status. With a stable mentality, the relationship between the two develops rapidly, and it may be overthrown in one or two worlds - but the relationship with Spider Li Tomoyo knew about this exchange, and it is conceivable how serious a violent incident would occur.

Wang Ling can keep this secret, but in the future, he will inevitably come into contact with Zhu Li. After this incident, the woman's expression, language, and even a bit more evil when we meet next time, if he takes the initiative to shake the incident in front of Tomoyo...

"One slip of a step becomes eternal hatred!"

If he had known that he would meet Zhu Li, he would not have come out to wait for Sadulu's people, and would have stayed at Honda's house with peace of mind.

"Hum hum…"

The girl's laughter came from the air, and the red-haired and white-clothed Qian Nami gradually showed a floating void. On her pale face, there was a cold smile that was enough to freeze people into ice cubes.

Compared with the original, her appearance did not seem to have changed much, she was still fluttering in white clothes, but her blood-red long hair had grown to her ankles, and her eyes had become completely white with no variegation, and she could not see it at all. the presence of pupils.

"Qianami, have you finally completed your transformation?"

A head emerged from the water, and his whole body turned pale, with only a black vertical line on his head, Wang Ling, who should have been cheering with joy because of the appearance of the battle power of the spirit, but because of the spider Li, he was weak. call.

"You woke up when you smashed someone's clothes into pieces and watched an intense show for free. I can't believe that my master is a womanizer, no wonder he did that to me in the first place, You don’t even let me, the evil spirit, let go, but you can imagine how lecherous you are, hum!”

These words were like sharp arrows, shooting at the heart one after another, Wang Ling quickly defended: "This is a misunderstanding~www.readwn.com~ Actually, I am very pure, but I was beaten by that woman. lure…"

Qian Nami's eyes swept across the clear spring water and interrupted him with a sneer: "Standing in front of me with a bare bottom, how dare you say purity?"

Wang Ling: "…"

Watching him leave the spring and jump on the shore, and after covering his body with the psychic suit in the space bag, Chi Nami continued: "I'm only curious about one thing now, what would you do if you did this kind of thing? To end?"

"It seems that you are in front of Tomoyo, like a mouse in front of a cat, do you want me to tell Tomoyo about this?"

"Don't!" Wang Ling grabbed Qian Nami and held her hand, only to find that this slender wrist had the soft touch of a human girl, but there was no body temperature at all, and the pale skin was cold.

It was found that Qian Nami had materialized her body without using his spiritual power. Knowing that this was a change after the girl's transformation, Wang Ling was not surprised. He wasn't in the mood to ask the reason, he just grabbed the girl's wrist tightly and said with bright eyes, "Qianqian, don't make trouble, and help me!" (This site.. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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