Dream Evolution

Chapter 319: 0 Nami's bad idea

Being caught on the wrist, Qian Nami's expression was slightly unnatural. The temperature on Wang Ling's hand made her feel very comfortable without her body temperature. She wanted to break free but was reluctant to leave.

She pretended not to realize that her hand was caught, and snorted with a cold expression on her face: "Let me help you? Humph... It's not impossible, but I want to know first, who is this woman? What kind of charm, actually let you meet her for the first time, and you did a cowardly thing."

"Unfortunate thing..."

This word made Wang Ling almost vomit blood, and the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, but after all, he made a mistake and was caught by Qian Nami. A brief introduction to the aspects.

"Twisted and evil woman? She has a powerful strength, but she doesn't use it properly. She will actually be defeated by you. Even her body has become a spoiled trophy. In fact, she is just a poor weakling." Clearly define.

"Uh... I feel like this sentence is actually belittling me? And you, who have been defeated by Chihiro Ayari every time, are counted even after death, and you have no right to criticize others for being poor and weak..."

Wang Ling's brows twitched, resisting the words of spit, holding these words in his heart, and then he said the plan in this world, and the crisis that this incident may cause to future actions.

"You made such a plan? It's feasible...but...it's too dangerous..." Qian Nami surprisingly did not taunt, but frowned with blood-colored eyebrows that were the same color as her hair.

"There is no danger. There is no gain... Besides, I am not without means of preventing failure."

"That fake jade seal? I'm afraid it's just that. It can't deal with the crisis that happens when you fail." Chi Nami's eyes were calm, "If you just rely on the fake jade seal, I will stop you from looking for such a dangerous guy, your chance of death is very high. high."

Wang Ling sighed and said with a heavy tone: "When you were sleeping and transforming, I got a rare item: the Guardian of Ice and Snow, but I haven't been able to start accumulating energy. Before I go, I will find a way to fill the Guardian of Ice and Snow with energy... Of course, it's just a large-scale freezing magic, and it doesn't have much effect... But you know, I have a last resort. It's really not good, and I can only use that..."

"But..." Qiannami's pale face turned slightly red, "But you used that method. Don't you become a pervert?"

"Even if I become a pervert, it's better than killing Tomoyo and I... Uh, now is not the time to talk about the future. Let's solve the current difficulties first, Qianqian, what should we do?"

With her feet suspended above the ground, Qiannami, who was dressed in white fluttering, said in a flat tone, "Kill her."


Qian Naimi continued: "Killing Zhu Li will be enough. Vega is not very interested in this woman. And Seth has a high probability that he has not installed the Dantian engine yet, otherwise Zhu Li will not still be under Vega's command. work."

"Vega founded Shadulu, and his control over this organization will be very strong. I speculate that it is very likely that this Super Street Fighter competition, according to the plot, Vega and his subordinates Baroque and others were all defeated, and Shadu will be defeated. With Lu's control weakened, Seth can win over the scientists and use the spare body and Dantian engine originally given to Vega for his own use."

"The feng shui engine and the dantian engine are both human assistance systems. The feng shui engine that has been installed on Zhuli may be used to test the performance of the system and improve the dantian engine. The Dantian engine has little chance of being successfully built. Make it, before Vega's control is weakened. Seth doesn't dare to use it himself, so don't worry about this guy."

"Since Vega is not very interested in Spider Li, it's easy to handle. By killing this woman, you can further demonstrate your strength, attract Vega's attention, and the greater the help to your plan. As long as your value, in On top of the value of Spider Li, Vega will not do anything to you. This man has a very cruel heart... Don't forget, even if it was his woman Jiami, when a mission failed, he issued an order to kill her. "

Qian Nami paused for a few seconds and said lightly: "As soon as Spider Li dies, as long as you don't tell me, Tomoyo will not know what happened today. Zhu Li has been humiliated by you for a whole hour, and she has used the highest meaning, her energy and physical fitness should be very good. The weakness has not recovered, and now is the best time to kill her."

"Kill her?" Wang Ling was slightly startled and said, "Let's not say anything else, she has already run away, **** her?"

Qian Nami turned her head to look at the bottom of the mountain and said, "With Spider Li's evil and cruel character, after being treated like that by you, she will definitely have a lot of resentment in her heart, plus she doesn't have any clothes on. She leaves the mountain, and her next actions will be here. In the village below the mountain, looking for clothes, killing ordinary people to vent their anger, bathing and resting."

"When you rode on her body earlier, I turned my resentment into a piece of hair, looking for an opportunity to stuff it into her body. Before I thoroughly wash my body, that hair will stay inside and it's hard to fall out."

"As long as it's within a thousand meters, I can sense the position of my hair. It's still too late for you to rush down the mountain to kill her. She won't be too vigilant when she's resting. I'll investigate and launch sneak attacks to limit her movements. , you immediately rushed in, and continuously activated the immortal energy, you can quickly kill it!"

Listening to Qian Naimi's cold words, Wang Ling couldn't help frowning. Since he entered the dream space, he also has the consciousness to kill, even if it is to kill a woman. In fact, in his hands, he also killed many women, such as the female hooligan in the world of Double Dragon, such as Joanna of the Orcs.

But... I just had a good time with Zhu Li, and now I'm going to kill someone... Even if I don't have feelings for this woman, this kind of thing is too hard for people to accept...

Seeing the expression on Wang Ling's face, Qian Nami sneered again: "My stupid master!"

She said slowly: "The feng shui engine in Zhu Li's eyes can absorb chi and transform it into feng shui evil qi. It will be a very useful boosting system for Tomoyo who has chi energy."

"Fengshui engine?" Wang Ling hesitated. "This is actually Zhu Li's left eye. Killing her should drop the key, but the one that opens is estimated to be a skill book. How could it drop the eye as a body organ? The chance is too low."

Qian Nami sneered: "Humph! If it won't fall, there's no other way to get it? According to your description, the Feng Shui engine has been made into an electronic eye, which replaces the original eye and connects with the neurons of the human body. recognized as a bodily organ."

"The scientific research agency organized by Sadulu has the ability to install the Feng Shui engine on Zhu Li. When an organ is formed, it cannot be installed in Tomoyo's eyes? Since it is an organ, there is a 60% chance of taking it out and it will be recognized by the space. This The odds are good enough to gamble."

Wang Ling thought for a while, then nodded and said, "It seems possible, but if you kill Zhu Li, you will offend Seth, the president of the scientific research club..."

"It's not Seth who performed the operation, but a scientist. Do you need me to teach you when you threaten ordinary people? Forget it, my stupid master, since you don't want to kill Zhuli now, I hope you don't be soft-hearted next time." The flame-like fog of resentment, Qiannami's figure slowly disappeared. back to the soul space.

"Hey, you haven't told me how to face Tomoyo, this is a big crisis right now!" Wang Ling immediately used his consciousness to contact the only holding spirit.

After getting a bad idea from Qian Nami, Wang Ling was stunned for five minutes with his mouth open, and then swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty. Through the team contract, he contacted Tomoyo to report safety, took heavy steps, and walked down the mountain along the mountain path...

After going down the mountain, I took a taxi and headed straight to Honda's house. Arrived quickly.

The weight of sumo wrestlers is too high and the pressure on the heart is great, so almost all sumo wrestlers like to take a bath, and the buoyancy of the water will make them feel relaxed. During this time, Honda was taking a bath in the bathhouse. Will be back in the afternoon.

Tomoyo, who arrived here first, is not easy to find Honda. No one else knows what happened to Spider Li.

Seeing Wang Ling's safe return, Tomoyo, who had been anxious all the time, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked suspiciously, "Why did you change your clothes?"

Turning around and closing the door of the room where the two were alone, to avoid anyone's peeping, Wang Ling wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and threw himself into Chiyo's arms, crying bitterly.

This big cry made Tomoyo panic, and his voice trembled: "What's wrong?"

"I...I don't want to live..." Wang Ling pressed his face against Tomoyo's soft chest, sobbing while eating tofu.

"What the **** happened?"

Wang Ling raised his head, with tears in his eyes, sobbing and sobbing: "I'm fighting against Zhu Li, her drive to start the feng shui engine is too powerful, I... failed..."


"Then...then she did that kind of thing to me who lost her resistance..." Wang Ling buried his head in Tomoyo's arms again, "My clothes were all torn to shreds...even my magic **** were torn apart. The big hole is broken...I...I don't want to live anymore...woooooooo..."

It took more than 10 seconds for Tomoyo to realize what happened. Suddenly, the world turned around in front of him, his feet softened, and he fell on the sofa behind him...

This is Qiannami's bad idea. When Zhu Li appeared, even if he didn't take the initiative to mention what happened, Tomoyo should be able to react from his demeanor, tone and dialogue. Rather than revealing in time and creating irreparable relationship rifts, speak up now and put yourself in the shoes of the victim.

Tomoyo knew that Spider Li would have overwhelming power after activating the feng shui engine. Now that Wang Ling came back, she was not taken away, and her clothes had also changed. She must have doubts in her heart - and if she said this, she would be considered It was Spider Li who had a good time with Wang Ling, and let him leave generously, which just solved the doubt.

What Wang Ling had to do was to cry bitterly—there was spiritual power in his body, as long as the lacrimal glands were stimulated, crying bitterly was just a trivial matter.

Tomoyo's head was still spinning, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking. He wanted to be angry with Wang Ling, but he couldn't. After all, Wang Ling was the one who couldn't resist.

And from her point of view, Wang Ling, who was caught and humiliated, was definitely more traumatized than she was when she learned of this incident.

"You... first... don't cry..."

Tomoyo stood up from the sofa, and hugged Wang Ling, who was covering his face and crying, in his arms.

"That **** woman... I must kill her next time we meet!" Tomoyo's eyes suddenly burst into flames, and he became determined to kill Zhu Li.

With Qian Nami's bad idea, Wang Ling finally survived the current difficulties, and the two lived in Honda's house in a stable manner, and did not go out anymore. They also learned that the "Dragon of the East" program has been continuously broadcast by "East Hot TV" and "ghters" international channel for fighting fans in the past two days, which has aroused great repercussions.

In particular, Long, the protagonist of Street Fighter, has contacted Honda through a wired phone, saying that he will arrive soon, and meet Wang Ling, the master of fluctuating karate.

Long Ke was one of Wang Ling's targets. How he sent out those huge wave fists definitely hides a great secret.

As for the woman Spider Li, she seemed to have disappeared since that day, and the Sadulu organization has not sent anyone for the past two days. Wang Ling and Tomoyo have spent two days of leisure.

One or two of the main quests have been completed, and Tomoyo also killed an extra Jamie clone and dropped a bronze key.

After using the key, there is nothing special in the summoned bronze treasure chest. There is only an E-level skill book and a D-level skill book~www.readwn.com~ The level skill is the throwing skill "Break the Neck". The d-level skill is the strike "quick spin elbow".

Neck smash is to clamp the opponent's neck with your feet, slam to the ground, and quickly spin the elbow. After turning around, use the elbow to knock forward. It will knock twice in a row. It is not very powerful. Bottom.

Neither Wang Ling nor Tomoyo would learn such a simple skill.

From the items released, Wang Ling also intuitively determined one thing. Worlds with C-level difficulty will also drop E-level skills. Even in worlds with increased difficulty, advanced skills are not easy to obtain. No wonder he traded with Dior of the Free Mage Corps. That guy said that the A-level skill intermediate zone was rare, and he didn't even have it!

Put away the two skill books that have been issued, no one in the intermediate area will take a fancy to such skills, and they can only be thrown into the recycling area of ​​the space.

Solved the big trouble that Tomoyo might have gone mad, although it was an out-and-out bad idea, Wang Ling couldn't help but admire Qian Nami's five bodies. It was only then that he remembered to ask the girl, absorbed the chaotic magic power of the devil, and absorbed the resentment of the ring spirits, transformed for more than half a month, what changes have been made. (To be continued..)

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