Dream Evolution

Chapter 325: leave the honda house

Awakening the dragon's martial arts, no one else can know except himself, Feilong sees that Tomoyo can't learn Reverse Scale Fist, and Wang Ling can't get any benefits, and he is very ashamed. //

Whether it is Flying Dragon or Long, they are all decent people with noble character, different from villains like General Vega and Seth, and different from people in the real world.

He got the benefit, but the other party didn't get enough reward, Feilong decided to use other ways to repay in shame. He cooperated with Takashi to help Tomoyo research the combination of Qi and existing skills to advance the new type of skills.

It can be seen from this point that if the favorability degree is not hidden and cannot be viewed, the relationship between Wang Ling, Tomoyo, and Long and Feilong may have reached the level of "trust"!

Tomoyo's current skills, passive skills, combat intuition are not counted, Wushuang dance and lion's roar are not easy to expose, and the whirlwind combination is a combination skill that can't be shown. If you want to improve the advanced level, there are a total of 5 conventional fighting skills: Bolt Fist, Rising Dragon Fist, Gale Foot, Foshan Shadowless Foot, and Rotation Defense.

Among the regular skills, except for Foshan Shadowless Foot, which is C-level, the others are D-level, and the power is slightly weaker.

Just like a scientific research team doing a project, Feilong, the protagonist of the story, Long, plus Wang Ling, Tomoyo, 4 people wholeheartedly research advanced skills, and even only sleep 2 or 3 hours a day.

Both Feilong and Long are master-level figures, and they are also well-known in the fighting world such as Street Fighter, and they are extremely experienced in martial arts. With the cooperation of these two people in the research, other dreamers know that they will definitely go crazy with jealousy.

The first skill to be successfully advanced is Rising Dragon Fist. Long owns True Dragon Fist. This is the profound meaning of punching out the qi contained in the fist, and the power is huge. Feilong proposed that when he punched out his fist, he could use the body rotation to increase the penetration power. With the guidance of the two, Tomoyo's Rising Dragon Fist advanced to "Rising Dragon True Fist".

Feilong has cracked empty feet and blazing feet, while Long has tornado and cyclone legs and chopped empty feet, all of which are highly accomplished in leg skills. Under the guidance of the two, Tomoyo kicked out the green Qi blade formed by Qi attached to the instep. It forms an outwardly deflated blade like the "vacuum blade" of the Fang Tianhua halberd, and kicks out a green arc blade with a length of half a meter.

One kick hits, and then 2 kicks in a row to form a combo technique. The arc-shaped air-blade foot knife almost has the power to split the air. The original "Gale Foot" was advanced and named "Lie Kong Foot Knife".

The Bolt Fist can knock out a grenade-like blast of airflow. Wang Ling asked whether it could inject Qi into the enemy's body to cause an internal explosion. After the improvement of two Kung Fu masters, the Bolt Fist became able to blow air and form air. The shock wave can hit the opponent again. A "shock punch" that injects a blast of air.

Rotation defense, when this skill is used, the body rotates rapidly, using the rotation force to weaken the power of physical punches and kicks. The advancement of this skill is relatively simple. When it rotates, qi is ejected from the pores of the whole body, forming a cyclone around the body, and it becomes a "cyclone defense" that integrates offense and defense.

As for Foshan Shadowless Feet, they used the creativity of vacuum whirlwind legs and blazing feet to sink qi into their legs, and each attack caused a burst of qi. It creates a leg skill that is not inferior to the profound meaning of "Flaming Shadowless Feet". This advanced skill is called "Shadowless True Foot".

Shock Fist, Thang Long Zhenquan, Shadowless Real Foot, Lie Kong Foot Knife, Cyclone Defense, 5 kinds of conventional fighting skills, combined with their own Qi energy. All form the new skills of C-level.

These moves are almost all street fighter ordinary mystical skills such as "Plum Blossom Sitting" and "True Rising Dragon Fist". The power is much higher than before. The only problem is that after the combination of Qi and Qi, each casting will consume Qi energy in addition to physical energy. The Qi possessed by Tomoyo is not enough to support multiple castings.

The growth of energy requires a lot of time to practice. Even Wang Ling, who has the profession of a psychic medium, does spiritual thinking every day and runs spiritual power in his body. The growth rate of spiritual power is not fast, let alone Tomoyo.

Wang Ling couldn't help but think of Spider Li again. If Tomoyo can get a Feng Shui engine and add a kind of auxiliary energy - just like the elemental spiritual power sealed in his hands and feet, the energy will not be too scarce when he uses his ultimate move.

"Feng shui engine... Chi Nami is right, this prop is really suitable for Tomoyo... But even without a feng shui engine, Tomoyo has enough benefits in this world!"

After training, the Qi Quan attribute has risen, awakening the wave of killing intent to obtain the bloodline skill of killing intent, learn mid-range energy attack skills such as vacuum wave boxing, and learn Long's strongest mystery. Wave boxing, and now advanced to 5 C It's amazing that Tomoyo has gained so many benefits in just one month after entering Street Fighter.

To get these benefits, the first is that Wang Ling used the copycat wave and flow moves, and his familiarity with the backstory of Street Fighter, cleverly connected with the protagonist of the story "Long", and the second is that Long and Feilong are decent characters with sincere personalities. The third is the talent of Tomoyo's A-level Takeki, the extraordinary fighting talent, and the strong learning ability of fighting skills. The fourth is thanks to Zhu Li's dedication and Qian Nami's bad ideas.

Wang Ling also got a lot of benefits. The Dragon's Martial Arts gained a new skill: Dragon's Reverse Scale Fist, and the 1% awakening increased by the input skills, so that the total awakening rate reached 1/4, and he obtained the necessary skills in the Dragon's martial arts. Kill: Crazy Dragon Attack.

Uh, I even had a fight with Zhu Li in the wild...

It has been the second month since Wang Ling and Tomoyo entered the world of Street Fighter. During this time, I don’t know if the Honda family is too powerful, and the people from the Sadulu organization did not appear, nor did Zhu Li show up.

During this time, many fighters came here, hoping to ask for the secrets of Elemental Wave Boxing. Wang Ling simply made another special program, explaining in detail the difference between spiritual power and qi. Elementalization is the characteristic of spiritual power, which makes these people give up. .

Otherwise, there are always people harassing, which is really annoying.

Of course, not all come from unknown people. Among them are two plot fighters, one is Long's junior brother, and the American Ken who came to investigate after learning about Wang Ling's new junior brother, and the other is the US military stationed in Japan. One of the colonels: Gulie.

Both are big-name characters: Red Wolf and GI. It's a pity that the relationship between Ken and Gangquan is far less than that of Long's relationship with Gangquan, so the relationship with Wang Ling can only be relatively friendly, and it can't reach the point of imparting all the secrets, let alone the United States. Soldier Gulie is gone.

Wang Ling really wanted to learn Ken's ultimate meaning "Red Lotus Whirlwind Foot", Gu Lie's two major skill systems "Sonic Hand Knife" and "Soul Chopping Foot Knife", but unfortunately he couldn't find the opportunity.

The two competed with Wang Ling. After learning Elemental Wave Fist, Dragon Head Fist, and Dragon Tail Spin, they quickly left. After all, Ken was a son of a wealthy chaebol and Gu Lie was an officer. Both of them were very busy.

Then Feilong has a new movie to start shooting, Kasuga Ye Sakura is going to go back to school, and Takashi also goes to Tokyo with Sakura. Coupled with the broadcast of that show, it was found that the ice elementalization of Qi could not be achieved, many fighters lost interest, and Nara gradually became quiet.

In this world, Wang Ling's big fluctuations subsided a little - this may not be without space to push behind, after all, a plot world cannot revolve around a dreamer, and the real plot of Street Fighter is about to unfold. .

Entering the world of Street Fighter, on the 45th day, both Wang Ling and Honda received an invitation letter:

Street Fighter Fighting Tournament Invitation!

Looking at this extremely gorgeous invitation letter with the words "SF" gilded, Wang Ling fell into contemplation.

"The 60-day limit of the mission has not been reached. Since Dreamspace has not given any new mission prompts, it is time to plan the next step."

Because he learned that this little junior brother was very poor, Ken, the heir to the big consortium, left him a bank card - in fact, Long's two years of wandering and cultivation also depended on Ken's funding.

1 million US dollars is not much, and it is enough for Wang Ling and Tomoyo to spend in this world. There is no point in living in Honda's house. They have learned everything they need to learn, so they left here.

Wang Ling got the "Street Fighter Contest Invitation Letter", not the invitation letter to join the Sadulu organization, and he also had an idea in his mind.

I shouldn't talk nonsense about Spider Li's humiliation, but after killing three of Vega's replicants before and after, and having a relationship with Long, I'm afraid he will be attributed to a decent party like Long by Vega. In addition to the second special broadcast, knowing that qi and spiritual power are different and unable to learn from ice elementalization, Vega's interest in him must have declined, and he focused on the original Long.

As for Wang Ling, send an invitation letter to the Street Fighter fighting competition, and you can see how strong the competition is.

Tomoyo arrives in this world, and although he killed 2 Jamie clones, Spider Li is afraid that he will tell Vega of this crime on his body. Moreover, Tomoyo has been studying and practicing at Honda's house. He did not participate in the filming of the special program, nor did he challenge anyone. Naturally, he could not cause Vega's beam of light.

There are still 15 days~www.readwn.com~ If you can't make Vega notice this fighting girl, the erasure of space will come.

With Honda's power, Wang Ling's reputation, and Tomoyo's kung fu, it is very simple to arrange a program to introduce Tomoyo, and it will soon get her attention and an invitation to complete Main Quest 2, but all dreamers like that, I'm afraid they all know her.

For other dreamers, Wang Ling did not lose vigilance. The leader of the Free Mage Corps has two corpses of elemental elves sealed in his body. In addition, there are top dreamers such as the Five Emperors and Eight Heavenly Kings. Obviously, he is not the only one who has adventures. .

Besides... even now, it is impossible for him to be as generous as Bai Feng, who was still in the primary area, throwing a scroll and creating an icy storm that freezes the entire valley of a kilometer in diameter!

It can also be seen from Vessack of the Orcs that there are still some really strong people in the same level, and maybe they will be planted in the hands of others if they are careless.

There is a special program on the Dragon of the East, at least he will fluctuate in the karate style, and he will definitely be exposed to the eyes of all dreamers. Tomoyo can't attract so much attention. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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