Dream Evolution

Chapter 326: participate in black boxing

The morning wind was mixed with a faint mist, blowing gently across the earth. Wang Ling and Tomoyo are now on the street outside the Bangkok airport in Thailand [Chapter 326 of Dream Evolution].

Came to this country for only one reason, the headquarters of the Sadulu organization is here.

The world of Street Fighter is more martial than the real world, and there are terrorist organizations secretly manipulating the regime. Thailand is quite chaotic! Walking on the street, you can see robbery, fighting, or a few people fighting with knives and slashing, as if they came to the base camp of the underworld.

Wang Ling is also famous now, but his clothes are very ordinary, he looks like a high school student at a young age, and has a hat on his head. Generally, no one can recognize him. He is the wave of the fire in the previous special show Karate Master.

Tomoyo dyed her eye-catching silver-gray long hair into black, and she wore very ordinary clothes, but because of her beautiful appearance, the temperament of that fighting girl was too good, and she ran into trouble before she walked for a long time.

4 local Thai gangsters came up and spoke the local language of Ulla Ulla. The translator with the badge could understand it. They were all unspeakable and filthy words, coupled with the lewd smile on his face, a look immediately appeared in Tomoyo's eyes. Murderous: "You are courting death!"

"Leave a living account, I want to ask about things." Wang Ling said indifferently.

What the two said, because the dreamer had a badge translation, the other party heard the dialect and fully understood what was said.

"Damn, two stupid pigs!"

"Men have fine skin and tender meat, and sell them to be shemales. Women are so beautiful. Take them home and lock them up for fun. Everyone has a share!"

"This man is not bad, don't panic and sell it, play for a few days before selling it!"

The 4 scoundrels laughed loudly and surrounded Wang Ling and Tomoyo in the middle.

The indigenous people of Southeast Asia are thin and black, and with social chaos, each and everyone is brutal, like beasts. The four of them obviously fought frequently. One guy raised his hand and swiped at Wang Ling's face, while the other grabbed Tomoyo's chest. The other two took out a knife, their eyes full of cruelty and bloodthirsty.

Thailand's chaos has its advantages, and you don't have to be too shy when you do it. Wang Ling raised his hand and grabbed it. The gangster who wanted to slap him was suddenly grabbed by the wrist, twisted his hand gently, and the sound of flesh and bones cracked, and the whole right arm was broken. became a thorn. The twisted bone **** pierced out of the flesh.

How powerful is Wang Ling? Tomoyo is by his side. Team contract increase, 9 times the power of ordinary people!

Dealing with these brutal indigenous monkeys is even crueler than them. Wang Ling grabbed his wrist and twisted it into a twist, then raised his foot and kicked it in his heart. With a muffled sound, the bastard's body was kicked out more than 7 meters, his mouth was full of blood, and he rolled his eyes when he fell to the ground. .

"The body is too weak!" Wang Ling's face was full of sneer.

Tomoyo, who was attacked in the chest, shot like lightning. The fist slammed directly into the center of the palm that was caught and opened. She used the Baguazhang oscillating technique, her right fist jerked violently, and there were a few "kakakaka" sounds, and there was a burst of sound from the arm that was beating the palm, obviously the bones were broken into several pieces. .

"Ah ah ah ah ah…"

The **** immediately screamed loudly, and Tomoyo, who was standing in front of him, frowned slightly, took a step forward, and slapped him on the forehead.

The screaming stopped abruptly. This guy's eyes, nostrils, ears, and mouth all bleed, and he fell on his back - Tomoyo slapped the middle of the forehead with a split palm, and force penetrated into it, shaking the inner brain into a paste. Naturally, the seven orifices immediately Bleeding, the dead can no longer die.

The remaining 2 gangsters had unbelievable expressions on their faces. However, as expected of the tyrannical natives, they were not scared away. There was madness in his eyes, and they screamed and slashed with a knife.

Tomoyo stretched out his left and right hands and pointed upwards. The two blade knives were pointed by the fingers, the force penetrated into the iron, and the two "boom" turned into pieces, leaving only the knives [Dream Evolution Chapter 326 Participate in the Black Fist Chapter]. Seeing the two people standing still, Wang Ling took a step forward and grabbed one of them by the throat, pinched the cervical vertebrae with his hands, and threw the corpse aside.

A faint stench came, and the gangster who was left was shot with a shard knife, and saw the death of the other three. From madness to fear, the front and rear doors were frightened and incontinent.

"Hey, who is the boss here, tell me to spare your life." Wang Ling frowned in disgust and said to the last bastard.

"Me, me... Our boss is Naoki... woo woo woo woo, please don't kill me... woo woo..." Sure enough, the villain was going to use evil means, and the previously vicious **** was so frightened that he "thumped". Kneeling on the ground.

"Who is Naoki?"

"Yes... manages this area... woo woo... the policeman who manages this area... Chief..." The gangster kowtowed on the ground while crying.

Wang Ling was a little speechless. Feelings here, the police are the underworld, and the police chief is the black boss. There is no difference at all. Since this is the case, there is no need to leave. Just wait here for the police to arrive.

Ten minutes later, the police brigade drove a jeep and rumbled here. A man with a black face and a thin face, who seemed to be able and sharp, jumped out of the car with more than 10 police officers, glanced at the dead body on the ground, and saw kneeling on the ground. The bastard, with a smile on his face:

"Since the two of you haven't left, I'm afraid that you need something from Naoki?"

Being able to be the boss in the chaos and taking control of the police station, Naoki is not a brainless person. Hearing what the person who reported the letter described, he knew that neither man nor woman could afford to offend him.

Although they have guns in their hands, in the world of Street Fighter, fighters who practice and vent their anger can resist bullets.

Tomoyo raised his hand, and a faint green mist appeared on the palm of his hand. Seeing this scene, Naoki's face showed a look of shock, and he was able to let out his breath. Even in a fighter, this is a powerful existence!

Wang Ling smiled and said: "This is my girlfriend. I heard that Thailand has the world's largest underground black boxing fight, so I came to Bangkok and wanted to participate in the underground black boxing to hone my martial arts skills. We will stay for a maximum of 2 weeks during this time. Inside, all the money you win will be given to you!"

"Participate in the underground black boxing? Give me all the money you win?" Naimen took a deep breath and couldn't help screaming.

You must know that black boxing is linked to gambling. The top fighters of underground black boxing can earn more than one million dollars in a game. Of course, at the beginning, the money you can win is very small, but 2 weeks of non-stop challenges and battles are enough to make him, the police chief, a rich man!

"Yes." Wang Ling nodded and added, "My girlfriend has only one condition, she has very little time, so within 2 weeks, you must arrange as many opponents to fight as possible."

"no problem!"

Naimu gritted his teeth, and said viciously in his heart: In 2 weeks and 14 days, one more fight is the money for one more fight. We must squeeze out the maximum value of this woman!

With this local snake contact, from the first fight with an unknown Muay Thai boxer, to the tenth day, with the most famous Russian boxer in the Thai underground black boxing world, in just 10 days, Tomoyo participated in 113 matches. , an average of 11 games a day, almost in addition to sleeping and eating, they are all spent in entering the field and going to the stage to fight!

In the first 112 games, Tomoyo killed all his opponents, and even devastated the entire black boxing world.

This is not Tomoyo's cruelty, but for two reasons: first: killing is a shortcut to cultivate the fluctuation of killing intent, and second: she is accumulating soul energy for the prop of the guardian deity of ice and snow.

Tomoyo has a young and beautiful face, powerful skills, and a style that will kill the enemy as soon as he shoots. The almost non-stop battle is like a whirlwind swept through. In a short period of time, he has become a celebrity known to the underground forces, and he has won Known as the "Bloody Queen".

Because there were too many murders, killing like this would deal a huge blow to the black boxing world, and almost no one wanted to fight Tomoyo, so this 113th match was her last battle in the underground black boxing world.

This Russian boxer is a fighter with gas, and his strength is much stronger than Tyson and Holyfield in the real world. This guy can even hit the air on the surface of the fist to form a hazy air mass, but the flight distance is only more than half a meter.

Compared with him, Tomoyo's strength is too strong, his personal attributes are not weak, he has many powerful fighting skills, and he has a perverted fighting instinct. Even if he doesn't use the wave of killing intent, his strength can reach the level of Kasuga Sakura and Honda.

A boxer who can just deflate is considered powerful in the eyes of ordinary fighters, but it is far worse than that of plot fighters!

Facing the flying air mass~www.readwn.com~ Tomoyo's "Rikong Foot Knife", the green arc-shaped air blade flew out from the kicked right foot, and the air mass was cut open with a "pop". She kicked out with her left foot, and the second qi blade slashed on the boxer's arm, immediately bloody.

The third foot of the Lie Kong Foot Knife is a right sweeping kick with great visual effect. Lifting the right foot, twisting the body to the left, supporting the body with the left foot, using the fore palm as the axis, the slender and sturdy right leg sweeps, bringing out the A fan-shaped light like Gu Lie's "Soul Chopping Knife"!

This kick hit the chest, and the green fan-shaped air blade that rushed out flew out with the Russian boxer and fell to the bottom of the ring. He fell on the ground without moving and was obviously dead.

Tomoyo's Lie Kong Knife slashed three times in a row, the first qi blade slashed the boxing air mass, the second slashed the arm, kicked the arm's block by the way, and the third kicked with the qi blade, slashing the boxer from The chest from top to bottom was almost ripped open, and the body would be cut off, naturally dead.

As the boxer was beheaded by the fierce knives, the audience suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers. Although it has only been 10 days, Tomoyo already has a fanatical fan in the underground black boxing world.

"Blood Queen! Bloody Queen!" (To be continued)

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