Dream Evolution

Chapter 329: Tomoyo vs Shagate

At 12 o'clock, as the referee rang the bell under the ring, the crisp sound of "ding ding ding" indicated the start of the battle.

After all, he is a long-established powerhouse and someone who is challenged. Shagate did not attack at the beginning, but raised his hands, clenched his fists and raised them in front of him, making a posture that can be attacked and defended. Stand still, waiting for Tomoyo to attack first.

The relative distance between the two is about 7 meters. With the speed and explosive power of a top fighter, they can reach it instantly with a dash.

Tomoyo folded his palms and pushed forward, and the fluctuating energy formed a green air mass, which flew in the air and advanced. She was using the wave fist to conduct a tentative attack, and showed that she had no intention of taking the opportunity to attack.

The competition is broadcast live to the whole world, and there are countless pairs of eyes watching. For the opponent's "seemingly humble", attacking with a low-power wave fist is undoubtedly a very peaceful way to deal with it, which can increase the impression points in front of the audience.

Shagate's raised fists suddenly opened, the action was like a big bird spreading its wings, the muscles of the whole body were tensed, and the bulging muscles were like steel and iron, bringing a shock of masculinity. Beauty!

He lowered his head, punched his fists in front of him, and stretched his arms together. As the fists were punched out, scarlet rays of light flashed, and a red air mass twice the size of the wave fist appeared:

"Tiger wave!"

The color of the air mass was like a flame, and when it flew in the air, it dragged a long tail of flames, and even brought out a puff of smoke. Obviously, this is not an ordinary air mass without attributes, but a flame air mass that is elementalized by fire.

The tiger wave and the wave fist collided in the air, and a wave of air visible to the naked eye exploded in all directions. The green air mass was shattered by the flame air mass!

Tomoyo folded his hands again and released a wave fist, which offset the hot air that was still flying. She has not been exercising for a long time, and she is using the non-attribute wave to fight the element wave, so naturally she can't fight it.

"Now, the battle really begins!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Shagate's mouth, since the other party had attacked. There is no need to keep your hands, and use a fierce attack to kill the opponent!

With one big stride, the man seems to have become a real tiger. While swatting at the weak prey, it brought a gust of wind. His hands folded forward, hugging each other's head. The knee of the right leg is bent, and it rushes forward with a forward momentum.

One of the most ferocious moves in Muay Thai: Hoop neck and knee hit!

Shagate's personal attributes are indeed far above Tomoyo:

Strength: 163, Agility: 92, Stamina: 127, Intelligence: 92.

In Street Fighter, he is a boss-level character. As a plot fighter, he has an extra 250 life bonus, and his personal attributes have almost no weaknesses. Even the lowest sensitivity and wisdom are higher than those of Tomoyo.

127 points of stamina, 163 points of strength, his knees were blue and black when he slammed into it. Call it "iron knees"! This time, the figure slammed up, and the whole person was like a thorny spear, "whoosh" piercing the air, and instantly reached Tomoyo's chest!

Originally, the move of hooping the neck and knees was to hold the head and hit the lower abdomen, but Shaggette was 2.26 meters tall. After using it, it turned into a blow to the chest and hit the heart. With the strength and impact of the King of Muay Thai, the iron knees are enough to smash the sternum of an ordinary person, and the inner heart will be pierced through the back and fly out.

Tomoyo just used the wave fist to catch the aftermath of the tiger wave, when he heard the air in front of him explode, and the tall human figure rushed forward, like a tiger swooping and roaring from the mountain, with the sound of "woo woo" wind blowing. Her clothes were all rattling.

"What a ferocious blow to the knee!"

Stepping on the wind step with his feet, he swam with the gust of wind from the impact. Tomoyo turned his body back, and was dragged back by the wind for 5 meters, and his feet suddenly took root. He squeezed his right hand into a hammer shape, dashed forward and slammed into the iron knee that followed.

Tomoyo's physical fitness and martial arts talent are excellent. He studied with Wu Tian and practiced Taijiquan and Baguazhang proficiently. This blow is a Taichi hammer. It takes the artistic conception of bombardment with an ancient battlefield hammer. unmatched.

The fist and the knee intersected, making a muffled "bang", and where the impact was, a green mist exploded, and there were also flame-like spots of light.

Both of their fists and feet contained qi. The collision and handover was too violent, and the qi was shaken and escaped from the pores, showing a very obvious blow effect!

Tomoyo's strength is much weaker than her opponent's, but she dodged with the wind step. Then he sent the extremely fierce Tai Chi hammer, his fist exploded on the knee, and immediately stopped the knee, and his head swayed and shrank, avoiding the hoop.

When the hammer exploded, there was also a huge force in the hand. Strength, the right hand that collided with the knee retracted, the left hand was raised, and the hands were together like a ball, just to catch the iron fist that slammed on the head after Shagate's offensive was blocked.

As soon as the hands and the iron fist were handed over, Tomoyo's arm floated, and with Shagate's fist, he drew an arc to the right. With her movements, a faint green mist continued to seep out of the pores on her arms, drawing a clear movement trajectory in the air.

Shaggette's face changed, he felt his fist slammed down, like hitting cotton, he couldn't get it, and his body also rotated to the right with this arc, involuntarily wanting to move his footsteps.

Taijiquan, using softness to overcome rigidity, Taiji Yunshou!

If it is an ordinary person, even Wu Tian, ​​who is more profound in Taijiquan than Tomoyo, would not be able to hold Shagate's fist with his cloud hand, because his personal attributes are too different.

The power gap has reached a certain level, even an ordinary straight punch, no matter how subtle the moves, can't deal with it.

However, Tomoyo has now been increased by equipment and contracts. Although 98 points of strength are still lower than Shagate, it is still enough to resist, and he can make up for the lack of strength with subtle moves.

Yun's hand floated, holding the opponent's fist with thousands of pounds of strength, and breaking the opponent's center of gravity with the rotation force, but the explosive power of the King of Muay Thai was too strong, this heavy iron fist caused the air in Tomoyo's arm to seep out slightly. , a green aerosol trail appeared.

Anyway. Tai Chi Yun held it in his hand, and Tomoyo immediately swayed his shoulders, his left hand still supported the opponent's fist, and his right arm was straight, like a big iron whip, and when he threw it forward, a sharp wind sounded. Smashed into Shaggett's chest.

Tai Chi single whip!

Tomoyo has learned Taijiquan, Baguazhang, and footwork, but 2 months is not long, and it is impossible to master all the moves. I have to focus on it, and practice other moves slowly later.

Under the guidance of Kung Fu masters, she focused on practicing a total of 4 moves:

Quick and light movement: Wudang Treading the Wind.

With the soft and strong move: Tai Chi Yunshou.

Tough moves: Tai Chi hammer, Tai Chi single whip.

Other esoteric tricks are the red sand hand and the big stone tablet hand. There are also exquisite footwork and gossip steps, and even though they have learned all of them, they can be used in battles with weak people, but not in battles with top masters.

If you can't be proficient, you can't use it at your fingertips, but you use it deliberately, and there may be flaws in battle!

And with the artistic conception of artillery bombardment, shaking the ground, and using the anti-shock force to play Taiji Cannon Boxing; with spiral twisting grinding force. Compared with the big smashing stone hand of Zhi Gang Zhi Meng, the power of Tai Chi hammer and Tai Chi single whip is slightly inferior, but it is much easier to master it, after all, it is just pure fierceness.

He is also proficient in Tai Chi Yunshou with the same move as Rou Kegang. It is also simpler than being proficient in Bagua Cotton Palm and Tai Chi.

Wu Tian's gossip step, the footsteps should correspond to the gossip direction when fighting, and the blue moon's ladder cloud vertical, after taking a breath, can move in the air for a long time before coming down, these two kinds of footwork and movement. It's more difficult to learn than walking in the wind.

These more advanced skills take time to master slowly.

Tomoyo's current strength is almost ten times that of an ordinary person. After cultivating qi, he uses qi imperial moves, and his power is even stronger. If this Tai Chi single whip is thrown, it will be smashed into pieces even if it is a big stone!

The fighters in Street Fighter have perverted personal qualities, elemental energy of qi and qi, and all kinds of ferocious big moves. The body and skills are too powerful, and it is impossible to be like a master in the world of kung fu.

Therefore, even if Shagait is the king of Muay Thai, his center of gravity is out of control when he is spun by Taiji Yunshou. At one point, when he wanted to lift his body and step back, the Tai Chi single whip had already hit his chest.


With a solid blow, Tomoyo's right fist just hit the center of the flame mark scar, and at this moment, her body suddenly exploded with light, and air flow erupted.

The martial arts moves are exquisite, but they are not as good as the damage of the skills. When the single whip hits, Tomoyo detonated the qi in the body and displayed the advanced C-level skills:

"Shock Fist!"

In the center of the fist hammer, a large air bag was swollen, followed by an extremely dull explosion. Shaggette groaned angrily in his throat, and his body flew backward uncontrollably. When he was about to fall, he supported the ground with one hand, and when he pressed and flicked, the man turned up and stood on the ground.

"What an exquisite attack method, this chick is not weak, even Big Brother Shaggette suffered a small loss." Baroque, a skilled fighter, couldn't help but exclaimed admiration when he saw this series of dazzling moves.

Detonation Fist, with the help of the creativity of immortal energy, when it hits the enemy, it injects energy into the opponent's body and detonates it from the inside. Although it is not as powerful as immortal energy, it should not be underestimated. After all, it is a C-level skill. An ordinary person hits a fist and is immediately blown into pieces of flesh and blood. Even the former Russian boxer will also be blown to death by his internal organs!

Shagate has extremely high physical strength and has internal qi to protect the body. He was caught off guard and was hit by the opponent with a C-level skill equivalent to the common sense of Street Fighter. He suffered a little loss, but he did not suffer much damage, but his face was damaged too much incredible.


The Muay Thai King's facial muscles are beating. His pride is one of the best in Street Fighter. He was injured by a naturally weak female fighter and only felt his face turn red.

A trace of flame oozes from his body. Shaggette's qi has been completely elementalized by fire. His inner qi is the qi of flame. Under the anger, the flame in his body is burning fiercely - in the terminology of Street Fighter game , that is, he is full of anger, and if he can let it go, he will kill...

On his chest, a new small fist mark was added to the flame mark scar that was once punched by Long. There are cameras broadcasting live, and there are projectors in the Grand Theater projecting images on the stage. At this moment, both in the theater and all over the world, countless people have seen this fist mark.

"Shaggette is actually injured?"

"Yeah, there is a fist mark on my chest, and I was punched hard!"

"how is this possible!"

The audience in the Grand Theater were all amazed in a low voice. Unexpectedly, the King of Muay Thai and this little girl who just appeared in the fight, in just a few rounds, seemed to be at a disadvantage.

Far away in Japan, at Kasuno Sakura's home, Sakura, who was watching the live TV broadcast, also shouted with joy - when they were at Honda's house, Tomoyo and Sakura, a fighting girl, were very close, and they had a good relationship with each other and became a good friend. friend.

"Shagate's strength hasn't shown yet, he's not easy to deal with..." Takashi sat cross-legged next to Sakura, his eyes full of worry.

At the same time, in a poor mountain valley in China, in front of an old black-and-white TV, a man with white hair fluttered, extremely old, and his face was gray and bleak, like a seriously ill, thin old man. In the eyes, there is a flash of light:

"Using softness to overcome rigidity, use the rotational force to drive the opponent's unstable body, and instantly pursue and explode the profound meaning, such an exquisite move connection! This girl is really good material for learning martial arts! A boy who can know the ice wave boxing appeared a while ago. Now there are such girls, do I want to go out and see these rising stars? Cough, cough..."

The old man muttered ~www.readwn.com~ At this moment, he suddenly covered his mouth, and a violent cough broke out. A trace of dark red blood dripped from the edge of the thin palm.

In Thailand's National Grand Theater, a black man and a white woman in the audience, the faces of these two dreamers are very ugly. With just these few tricks, this young woman would not have any difficulty in killing them.

Wang Ling's face was solemn, Tomoyo seemed to have the upper hand from the scene, and he also punched Sandgate with a "shock punch". However, this skill as high as C-rank did not cause much damage, and the burst of Qi was obviously offset by the opponent's inner Qi.

The blood bar above Shagate's head only dropped a little.

"Tomoyo's strength is 98 points, which is still a bit low for a fighter of the level of Shagate!" Wang Ling sighed slightly in his heart.

On the ring, Tomoyo looked calm without sadness or joy. After punching out the shocking fist, she took a deep breath to adjust her inner qi, and immediately followed Shagate, who was knocked away, to charge forward, and launched a fierce pursuit.

Her body shone with light, and once again displayed the profound meaning! (To be continued..)

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