Dream Evolution

Chapter 330: Killing Tomoyo

>With the green light when using the skill, Tomoyo kicked out his right leg, with a green air blade on his instep, smashed the air with a "swoosh" sound, and turned back with his arms on the ground without falling to the ground. Shaggette, who jumped up in anger, chopped it off.

"Lie Kong Knife!"

Lie Kong Foot Knife, three consecutive kicks, especially the last kick, the big fan-shaped air blade pulled out by sweeping the right leg, very much the style of American soldier Gu Lie when he used his nirvana "Soul Chopping Foot Knife"!

This move once killed the Russian boxer in seconds.

The air blades that were kicked out in succession slashed at Shagait's blue-black, sturdy arm that seemed to have steel muscles.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The three kicks connected to the air blade were all blocked by the arm, and the flame energy of Shagate's arms escaped, forming a red ray of powder floating.

In the game, such an action is "protection". Every fighter has this ability. By putting air in his arm, he can block even the super nirvana of the ultimate mystery level, and only lose very little life!

Liekong's sword was ineffective. This was actually Tomoyo's miscalculation. She didn't expect Shagate to get up so quickly, and she would have enough time to adjust her movements and raise her arms for protection.

The last kick of the air blade was very large, with strong lethality, and at the same time, it took a long time to straighten. Shagate, who was slightly injured and felt his face was damaged by the blasting boxing, immediately burst into flames in his body, and he would not have any pity for his opponent, whether it was a man or a woman!

In the dazzling red light, his face was twisted, his one eye radiated a fierce look, and his thick hands were raised in front of him. Two flame **** appeared in the palms of the left and right palms.

The middle of the flame ball is incandescent, and the surrounding is bright yellow, but it emits a dazzling golden light, obviously the temperature is extremely high. At this moment, it seems that the light in the entire National Centre for the Performing Arts has dimmed, and only two flaming **** are radiating light. This is one of Shagate's mysteries:

"Tiger Light Chopping!"

The king of Muay Thai slammed his palms together, and a heart-piercing scream came out of his mouth, and the two **** of flame were pressed together. A flaming sphere that is as bright as a nova of the sun is formed, and it is impossible to look directly at it with the eyes!

As the flame ball took shape, Shaggette seemed to send out a "tiger wave". Pull your fists sideways. The sphere was instantly torn into two halves, attached to the stretched left and right fists, and the flames rushing from the fists almost enveloped his upper body, forming a coat of flames!

In the Grand Theater, a large number of audience cheered loudly and excitedly at this moment. This trick of the Muay Thai King's must-kill mystery has been silent for too long.

Shaggette stepped forward and threw his fists forward, almost twice as thick as a normal person. With crimson flames, it slammed heavily on Tomoyo, and the flames spread like a tornado, instantly igniting the petite girl into a burning man!

But that's the beginning, and then the flames that spew from both fists. Mixed with the impact of his fist, Tomoyo, who burned the flames, flew out in the air with a thump, and flew for more than ten meters, hitting the cable before falling to the ground.

Wang Ling, who was sitting in the VIP seat in front, couldn't help but get up suddenly. The terrifying temperature of the flames was explained by the distinct smell of scorching in the air. This trick has both the huge power of Shaggette's slamming fists under the impetus of qi, and the burning of the continuous burst of flame qi. The damage that Tomoyo has suffered can be imagined!

Feilong also almost stood up with Wang Ling, Tomoyo taught him a lot of kung fu, no matter what, he could not watch Tomoyo die in the ring. Although it is unfair to meddle in the fight, it will have an impact on the status of the fighter and the status of the international kung fu superstar, but it has to be done.

At this time, Baroque and Bysson had sarcastic and grim smiles on their faces. This expression was obviously that the two of them would try to save people, and they would try to stop them.

Tomoyo in the ring had already climbed up from the ground. She resisted some of the flames with her breath, but she still suffered a lot of damage under the heavy punching. There was a bright blood on the corner of her mouth.

1/3 of life damage!

If it wasn't for her exercising and venting her qi, her personal attributes would increase greatly; if there was qi contained in her body to resist the intrusion of flame qi; if it weren't for the equipment that increases defense and resistance, such as cotton underwear, a ring of defense, and white rabbit ears, Reduced a lot of damage...

When she first entered the world of Street Fighter, she might even be killed by this mystery in a naked state!

Wang Ling looked at Tomoyo worriedly and sat down.

"Fortunately, there are a lot of advanced equipment on the body, and it is not easy to kill, but this scene, the disadvantage is too great, even if there is equipment and medicine, it can't make up for the gap in strength..."

Feilong also sat on the seat and asked in a low voice, "Would you like to take the initiative to help her admit defeat?"

"Wait, Tomoyo is not so easy to be defeated, she also has trump cards on her body." Wang Ling sighed.

After a heavy blow from the profound meaning, there was no painful expression on Tomoyo's face, only calm and indifference. Her hands rose up like lightning, floated in front of her forehead, hugged the bracket, and blocked Shagate's heavy sprinting straight punch like a pile driver with her cloud hands.

She has a defensive skill "Cyclone Defense" that integrates offense and defense, but this skill is upgraded to a C-level skill, which consumes a lot of qi when it is used. Her qi energy is still not enough, so she can't use it indiscriminately, so she still uses Taiji Yunshou in defense, and uses softness to overcome rigidity!

Similarly, Shock Fist, Rising Dragon True Fist, Shadowless True Foot, Lie Kong Foot Knife, combined with energy will consume qi. Even Street Fighter's orthodox plot character fighters wouldn't casually use even ordinary-level Profound Truth to kill, for fear of wasting too much qi energy, let alone her.

This is also why in the battle of Tomoyo, why ordinary attacks parry and use Taijiquan techniques such as cloud hand, single whip, and sledgehammer. These basic moves, when used with luck in the body, will only consume a small amount of energy and can be used as regular combat moves.

As for those advanced skills, they are used as combos, attacking the enemy, and using them when the enemy is unable to defend.

Tai Chi Yunshou parried, because of the difference in strength between the two, Tomoyo was still shaken by the pores, the air flow escaped, and a faint green mist floated, her waist was spinning like a circle, her arms were soft and floating like clouds, and the force of the fist beating was resolved. force.

A smirk appeared on Shaggette's face, and the moment his arm was held, he used his left foot as the axis, raised his leg muscles, bent his knees again, and shot out like a switchblade opened. A kick pierced the air, and slanted up and blasted towards Tomoyo's head:

"Tiger Knee Kick!"

Using Qi to control the move, Qi is combined with the jumping and flying knees in Muay Thai. It was originally a Muay Thai move that used the knee to hit the chest. Because of the push of the airflow, and the height of 2.26 meters, it turned into a knee to hit the opponent. Brain weakness skills.

Another ruthless move, enough to smash the head in one blow!

Tomoyo does not have a head of steel, even if her physical defense can withstand it, she will also be hit with a crit, and because her brain is severely damaged, she may enter a state of dizziness.

Extremely dangerous!

Originally it was Tai Chi Yun's hand that was swirling, but who knew that the opponent activated the skill, and the violent upward thrust instantly broke the Yun's hand. Tomoyo immediately turned his palms into fists, and the air was transported into his arms, and the etheric gigantic hammer blocked, and he used a sturdy pounding force to stand up the collision.

The flames and green mist are scattered everywhere!

Obviously, the Taichi hammer that was hurriedly shot at close range could not resist the ferocious tiger knee-jump kick. After all, this move was a D-level skill comparable to Shenglongquan, and Shagate's power far surpassed her!

But Tomoyo responded very cleverly. When her fist was pounding out, her body jumped lightly, without any ground leverage, she was immediately hit by a huge force and hit the back cable. This cable is specially designed to deal with top fighters. It is not As for breaking.

With the help of the anti-vibration force on the cable, Tomoyo bounced sideways and landed on the ground, while Shaggette's body was falling from the air.

This is the inertia when using the skill. The figure is already rushing upwards. Even if the opponent doesdges, it cannot stop this move.

Tomoyo naturally couldn't let go of the opportunity to attack, but Shagate was about to land. As soon as he landed on the ground, he could immediately turn around to block the defense and use the Profound Truth of Destruction. There was only one move:

"Rising Dragon True Fist!"

The advanced C-level anti-air skills are the same as the Shenglong Fist. They can be used as long as the hand is lifted, and there is no time wasted to use the skills.

The green light flashed and exploded, Tomoyo's fist was wrapped in the green air mass, and the arm was also wrapped in the beautiful green air. He slammed his fist into the back of Shaggett, clenched into a small fist, but with unimaginable strength, it resisted him and rushed straight into the air, dragging out a spreading green Aerosol trail.

Different from Takashi's True Rising Dragon Fist, Tomoyo's Rising Dragon True Fist rotates clockwise after being hit, enhancing the penetration of the fist surface. Although her strength is not as good as Long, but during the rotation, the fist face also wiped out an obvious flame-shaped scar on Shagate's body!

Shaget, who was smashed by the real fist of the rising dragon, fell from the air and fell to the ground, and immediately rolled and jumped up~www.readwn.com~ Tomoyo, who was standing at the other end of the ring, was gasping for a distance of 15 meters. .

"That's the feeling, that's the shame!"

Shaggette's eyes were blood red, and a scar was rubbed on his back, and he remembered the scene of losing to Longsheng Longquan at the beginning. This blow did not cause much damage, but it reminded him of unforgettable memories. shame.

"I'm going to kill you!" Shagate roared sharply, like a tiger roaring.

Looking at this irritated opponent, Tomoyo understood that she couldn't defeat Shaggette by conventional means of combat, she could only use that kind of power.


Tomoyo snorted softly, opened her fists, raised her feet and shook the ground. With her movements, a red mist sprayed out from the pores of her body, covering her body, looking like a burning blood-colored flame.

Bloody killing intent instantly enveloped the entire National Centre for the Performing Arts.

With the help of the wave energy of killing intent, Tomoyo transformed into "Killing Tomoyo"! (To be continued) RQ

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