Dream Evolution

Chapter 816: Mission to Tomoyo

An hour later, Wang Ling, who was beaten into a coma, finally woke up. шШщm|No*popup*window*small*said*net|

When God Lukar used the gate of heaven and the impact came, Wang Ling only had time to break out the feng shui engine, and then he was grabbed by the neck like a chicken, sliding and crashing into the wall of a building. In the state of God, there was not only one impact on the gate of the kingdom of heaven, and she fell into a coma by the third blow.

It seems that the previous mouth escape is not useless, but it is not as good as Naruto's mouth escape in Hokage. Although the enemy was moved, he still suffered a sure kill.

When Wang Ling woke up, he found himself lying in Tomoyo's arms. Although he woke up, his health was still very low. But since there was no battle, she was reluctant to waste the big purple bottle, but unfortunately Tentacle Lolita was not around, otherwise she could use milk tea to replenish her blood.

Su Zheng sat on the side, connected with his mental power, and said to Wang Ling, "I can't think of Lukar, after listening to those words, he really didn't kill you."

"If you didn't kill it, it's almost the same. If it weren't for the doubling of the attributes of the Feng Shui engine, the health value, defense, and resistance brought by it would all be doubled. Look at the more than 2,000 points of life, they are all beaten to death, the original attributes will definitely be Die at the gates of heaven."

A sneer appeared on Wang Ling's face.

"Lukar later said that he didn't like to do what other people said, but he was hit by the gate of heaven. You didn't die. He gave us a chance to surrender to him."

Since he wasn't killed, this time can't be called a big failure. Jumping from Tomoyo's arms, Wang Ling let out a long sigh and said in consciousness: "I'm going to see Lukar, with Lukar's strength. If you make good use of it, you can become a A sharp weapon. If we don't use it well, we will become cannon fodder in his hands."

Leaving the room and entering Lukal's office, Wang Ling found the white-haired man wearing a burgundy suit. The wave spot of light that was originally wrapped around the body has disappeared, but the momentum that surpasses human beings is still clearly radiating. It seems that the face is not a human being, but a **** in heaven.

The **** Lucal, who has the immortality of the Protoss, is like Shura Tomoyo who has the body of Shura, surpassing the level of human beings.

"Oh? Sure enough, he didn't die. He was barely qualified to be my subordinate."

Wang Ling's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "Being a subordinate of a god. It's not a frustrating thing. I came here this time to report something to you. According to the information I have, this time In the upcoming King of Fighters ex2 tournament, the person who secretly manipulated it is called Ten Yu Shinobi."

"Tianyu Ninja?" Lukal didn't know the name.

"Just a small person, Kagura Qianzuru's subordinate. One of the ten treasures in charge of the death-returning jade. But... the person who manipulates this person is your old acquaintance, Storm Gonitz."

"Gonitz, how real is your information?"

Wang Ling said: "I control an organization. There is a special person to investigate the information. Gonitz is the information behind the final mastermind of the King of Fighters ex2 competition. There should be no mistakes."

"Storm Gornitz..." Lukar's eyes flashed red with hatred, "Now he is not in my eyes, only the serpent is qualified to be my opponent. But Gornitz, this is A person worth killing with my own hands and avenging the eyes."

"The King of Fighters ex2 competition, you participate in this competition, give me information at any time, Kusakikyo, Iorian, Kagura Chizuru, and Gonitz, then I will kill them all."

Wang Ling sneered secretly, the three families with Kusanagi Sword, Yata Mirror, and Bachi Qiongyuyu are not easy to deal with. In the orthodox plot of The King of Fighters 97, even the serpent that descended on Chris was re-sealed by the magical sealing skills of Kusakikyo, Yagami-an, and Kagura Chizuru using divine weapons.

God Lukar is very strong, but compared with Orochi, there are definitely some gaps. It is not easy to deal with the three artifact families, not to mention the power of the gods.

There are many dreamers who have entered the world of King of Fighters, and there must be some among them who want to muddy the waters in order to gain greater benefits from the chaos. Gonitz, who controls Tianyu Ninja, will definitely wake up, and it is almost certain that the other three kings will also wake up one by one with the assistance of the dreamer.

After all, as long as he finds the members of the Hell Band, Gonitz can unlock the power of the seal in their souls and awaken to the state of the Gods of the Kingdom of God.

With the strength of God Lukar, if he is upright, he can just take this opportunity, and maybe he can get the three artifacts.

If God Lukal is against the Gods of the Heavenly Kingdom and needs to defeat Orochi in the job transfer mission, Lukal can consume even half of Orochi's strength, and the passionate team with the cards of summoning divine beasts may not be able to defeat Orochi!

It's a pity that I couldn't kill the ultimate Lukar, and I couldn't get the blood of madness, but after thinking about it, it's not bad to get a thug like God Lukar. This is a stronger character than Ignis. Thinking of this, Wang Ling's depression has been greatly reduced.

The King of Fighters ex2 competition has not officially started yet. Lukal has some things to do in Nanzhen - he is going to take Guise Howard, Mr. Bigger, Jing and others as his subordinates.

Two days later, the hot-blooded team left Nanzhen, and Lukar was not worried at all. Wang Ling and others would rebel, because he believed that his strength was enough to control the hot-blooded team.

During this time, the hot-blooded team is not without gains. After all, Lukar's combat experience is much stronger than that of Zhen Yuanzhai of the super power team and Sakazaki of the extreme flow. Just giving everyone some pointers, Wang Ling's absolute domain has increased to 70%, and the combat experience of Tomoyo and Su has also increased.

After leaving Nanzhen, Wang Ling got the task from Lukar: to participate in the King of Fighters ex2 competition, and thoroughly understand the secret of this game. If Tianyu Ren is really Goonitz, then Lukar will come in person, never. Don't miss the chance to kill this guy.

After getting on the plane to Japan, the two bodyguards, Wang Ling, Su, Tomoyo, Ice Girl, and Guli Chali, were all a little frustrated. After traveling all the way to the United States, they did not expect not only to fail to kill Lukar, but also to be defeated, and the group went back in despair.

Fortunately, I understand that this is a thug that can be used, and the blood of madness can also be taken later, so everyone's hearts are not too disappointed.

"Zhu Li's body has insufficient explosive power to deal with super powerhouses. Scarlet Dusk is currently at level 1, so it can't cause too serious damage to small waves in the A-level world, let alone super waves. Feng Shui engine, This kind of ability to double the attributes cannot achieve the crushing effect on the big waves whose attributes are higher than those of the Dreamer."

"It seems that in the final battle, we still have to rely on the body of the body."

"But once the body's body appears, it will be recognized by Andy and others, and will be attacked by decent fighters. It cannot be used until the last critical moment. Before that, if you use the body of Spider Li, you may not encounter a powerful opponent. ...For example, before the serpent comes, and confronts the Divine Race, then Zhu Li's physical body will not be slack now."

"After killing Yamazaki Ryuji, Tomoyo wants to change careers. No matter which occupation is the task, we must kill four of the eight masters. If we can't find Mai Zhuo and Weisi, among the four kings, we must kill them. three people."

"If you want to change to God of Fighting, you have to get the blood of the Four Heavenly Kings. Therefore, there will definitely be a fight with Gonitz and others. Now that the strength is not enough, I must retreat and practice before that, and raise the absolute field to 100%, advanced to the dark power, so wearing the battle suit of God, the strength will be greatly increased."

Wang Ling mentioned the time before participating in the official competition. After this plan, he continued: "Tomoyo, you are going to challenge Kusakijing and Yagami-an during this period of time."

"Is it for the job transfer mission of the King of Fighters?" Tomoyo asked.

"That's right, we can't put our hope entirely on the God of Fighting. After all, that mission is to face Orochi, and the opponent is too strong." Wang Ling explained, "The King of Fighting needs you to defeat, not kill Cao Zhijing. , Yagami-an, it will be much easier."

"Having such divine weapons as Kusanagi sword and Bachi Qionggou jade, if you want to kill them, once forced to a desperate situation, the protagonists Kusakijing and Yashinan will definitely explode like Lukar, even if they are not as good as God Lukar, It cannot be ignored either.”

"Challenge in the name of learning from each other. With the relationship between the extreme flow and the superpower team, it is not difficult to get a relationship with the Kusaka family. When challenging, Kusaki should not be ruthless and beat him until he admits defeat. It's difficult, but not impossible."

"Defeat Kusakayo~www.readwn.com~ and then look for Yagami-an, be careful with that man. As long as you can defeat both of them before the King of Fighters ex2 tournament starts, then even if the situation is not right, give up the God of Fighting. If we change careers, as long as we kill three more Divine Races and get the first place in the competition, we can also be transferred to the A-level Fighting King."

Tomoyo nodded and said, "The two protagonists with divine tools, I'm not sure of winning, but I will try hard."

"You don't have to care too much, don't fight hard if you can't beat it. After the God of Fighting leaves this world, you can return here and change jobs. Although it is difficult to get the scene card of the King of Fighters series, at least there is hope. In any case, there is a point You have to remember, you can't use Shuraization."

Wang Ling sighed, shook his head and said, "Unfortunately..., Gulicha's strength is only 50% of its heyday, and a battle suit is not enough. Otherwise, let the two plot characters go sneak attack, first injuring Cao Zhijing and Yashin'an, and then you It's much easier and easier to beat the two of them with your own hands."

Since it is stated that it is "hands-on", neither the hot-blooded team nor other dreamers can participate, but there are no restrictions on plot fighters. However, with the strength of Guliza's strength, it is not very useful to deal with protagonists, so Wang Ling put out other ideas.

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