Dream Evolution

Chapter 817: Tentacle Lolita of 3 Bloodlines

On January 1, 1997, the Dream Badge finally gave the next task. It was estimated that the task given to the Dreamer was very simple because of the first experience in the world of the advanced area.

Some dreamers were assigned to join the decent forces represented by Kagura Chizuru to assist in the secret investigation of the conspiracy of the Gods of Heaven in the King of Fighters EX2 competition.

The other ones were assigned to the side of the Celestial Protoss, to be precise, the Tenyu Shinobi side, because now in the Celestial Protoss, Yamazaki Ryuji died, Liana, Yagami An, all belong to the decent side, who can take charge, but the soul is attached to Tenyu Shinobi Gornitz on him.

Mai Zhuo and Wei Si are missing, and Chris from Hell Band, Sharma, and the Seven Pills Society have not awakened yet. Those dreamers need to receive the task of confronting decent fighters and looking for other members of the Divine Race from Tian Yu Shinobi.

Regardless of whether it is the task of the decency or the villain, because there is no regulation to what extent it must be done, it is more like a force field to express an attitude. The danger only exists when the decency represented by the three artifacts is in a decisive battle with the villain of the Divine Race.

The really difficult task is that every dreamer must defeat at least one opponent in the King of Fighters competition, whether it is a plot fighter or a dreamer. Those who fail will not be obliterated, but 500,000 currency points will be directly deducted.

For ordinary dreamers, this is probably the same as obliteration, because when returning to the dream space, if the dreamer's currency point is negative, it will be directly obliterated.

In any case, the task of defeating an opponent is not severe, so dreamers can participate in the battle between the forces and gain additional benefits through some means. It is also possible to use some ingenuity and means to obtain certain benefits through the "potential" created in advance.

The mission of the hot-blooded team is completely different. Controlling the sound nest and eliciting the **** Lucal are all events that have a huge impact on the world of the plot.

It's just that Sound Nest has not been involved in the development of the orthodox plot, and God Lukar didn't go to Japan as soon as he gained power to kill those fighters, so the main line of the whole world, It's still the King of Fighters EX2, and that hasn't changed.

The three people in the hot-blooded team were assigned neither the Three Divine Artifacts nor the Divine Race. Because of allegiance to Lukal, he was actually assigned to Lukal's side, and the tasks he accepted were not only to defeat at least one opponent in the King of Fighters Tournament, but also the exclusive task of Lukal.

Killing one of the three divine weapons and one of the four heavenly kings of the gods of the kingdom of heaven, and it must be guaranteed that the wind blowing wind Gornitz, who once captured Lukar's eyes, must die.

Killing the Divine Race was something that the Hot-blooded Team had already decided to do for Tomoyo's job transfer mission. And to kill one of the three divine weapons means that one must be killed among Kusakikyo, Yagami-an, and Kagura Chizuru, which is not easy.

Both Kusakikyo and Kagura Chizuru have huge family power and complex interpersonal relationships. Although Yagami-an is alone and has no power, it has the blood of madness. Moreover, the three of them all mastered the divine weapon, and together, they were able to seal the divine skill of the serpent.

Wang Ling is not worried about the task. The only worry is the King of Fighters competition. Will she really succeed in killing the Four Heavenly Kings and the Three Artifacts as she imagined? On the other side, God Lukar and Orochi fought to the death and he was finally taken advantage of by the hot-blooded team?

You must know that in the King of Fighters world, there are a large number of dreamers joining, enough to muddy the waters of the competition. The strength of the top-level dreamers is not too bad at least, and there may even be strong ones, such as the woman who rides the war nightmare. If there is a team, everyone has that kind of strength, and the hot-blooded team is also difficult to eat.

With a slight sigh, Wang Ling stopped worrying about those things. The official start time of the King of Fighters Tournament EX2 is January 15th, and there are two weeks of free time for free activities.

After training a while ago, the absolute domain power of Spider Li Flesh* finally rose to the level of 99. Unfortunately, it was still 1, and it was still unable to rush up. There should be a lack of opportunity to advance to the ultimate power.

Once mastered the ultimate power, this flesh body can wear the battle suit of God.

As for Tomoyo, under the introduction of the limit flow, she successfully contacted the Kusaka family. She first challenged the Nichiaido Benimaru and broke out the fourth gate of the Eight Gates of Dunjia. Extreme power, an opponent who masters the power of lightning.

Through this battle, Tomoyo believes that only by transforming into Shura can he be sure to defeat Kusakikyo, who contains the soul of Kusanagi sword, even with the help of the fluctuation of killing intent, there is no chance of victory.

Sure enough, when he challenged Cao Zhijing, the Tiandi Bahuang Fist, promoted by the fourth door of the Eight Dunjia, shaved off the super-sized snake pushed by the ultimate power. As a result, the fist intent was defeated by the flames, and knowing that Kusakazuki still had "the final decisive battle secret. Wushi", Tomoyo voluntarily conceded defeat.

There is no limit to the number of times to challenge Kusakikyo. Tomoyo is not frustrated with this failure. The battles with Nikaidou Benimaru and Kusakikyo are precious experiences for her—at least in the final battle of the hot-blooded team. , when dealing with the three artifacts, it will be more certain.

The main quest has requirements, even if Wang Ling doesn't want to deal with the three artifacts, he can't avoid it.

Su's ability in melee combat is very weak. During this time, Wang Ling sent him to the limit flow to follow Sakazaki Takuma, Yuri and others to exercise basic skills. The Ice Girl is also in the extreme current, training the fighting methods of the ice element, which makes Wang Ling a little regretful that the Ice Girl cannot awaken the power of the absolute domain.

Through the badge and team contract, I contacted Su and Tomoyo, and said hello to the two of them. Then Wang Ling and Guli checked the strength and went to the Sound Nest base on Shenyin Island.

Arriving on the island, Wang Ling met with the only person who was in charge of the base. What made her happy was that two new clones of Wang Ling had been created. Now she has three copies of the original body in her space bag. clone.

"God Lucal? Close to the power of the serpent? It's a pity... If you can get Lucal's blood and cells, maybe you can create a combat weapon that surpasses K."

After listening to Wang Ling's brief description of the strength of God Lukar, Kuijima Yume sighed in disappointment.

This scientist, in the next 99 years, once developed the artificial serpent project and produced hundreds of artificial serpents that could only survive for three minutes. Wang Ling has no doubt that giving him Lukal's blood can create a powerful artificial Lukal.

"In the King of Fighters EX2 competition, the gods of the kingdom of heaven, the three artifacts, and the **** Lukar will all appear. It may not be impossible to obtain perfect research materials. I will talk about this later." Wang Ling comforted the island and said to me.

After obtaining two copies of the body, Wang Ling immediately took the space shuttle and flew to the headquarters of Sound Nest, which was in a space station in outer space. Diana, Vip, Mai Shiranui, Angel, and Tentacle Lo※ are all in this place.

The body of the spider is used now, so Wang Ling came here not to have **** with Angel or Mai Shiranui, but to Tentacle Loli. From Shenyin Island, she had already learned that the transformation of Tentacle Lo※Li was finally successfully completed.

Said to be transformation, it is actually the body of tentacles, biochemical metal cells, which belong to the ability of metal, and have been thoroughly developed. The current tentacle, Lo※Li, is a three-line familiar.

"Tentacle Lo※Li: A bizarre biochemical life that can be tentacled, controlled by three souls.

Attribute: Strength: 240; Agility: 240; Physical Strength: 240; Intelligence: 240; grade.) Evaluation: A;

Main bloodline: tentacle monster, HP +1000 points;

Vice bloodline: biochemical monster, health value +1000 points;

Vice bloodline: metal monster, health value +1000 points;


Simulation Transformation: It can change the body shape, but it can only change into the shape possessed by the three inner souls;

Self-regeneration: extremely strong cell vitality, so that damaged, broken and shattered body parts can be rapidly regenerated;

Self-recovery: extremely strong cell vitality, so that the consumed life and spiritual power will self-recover at a faster speed;

Dragon's Breath: From the mouth, the tip of the tentacles can emit extremely viscous **;

Dragon Transformation: It can be transformed into a dragon human form, but there will be no change in attributes;


Pokemon skills: drinking milk, laying eggs, frying eggs, destroying dead light;

Metal skin: The skin on the body surface is metalized, which consumes 10 mental energy per second. When metalized, the defense and resistance are greatly increased, which doubles the original two values;

Battle Transformation: Transform into a tentacle monster form for battle~www.readwn.com~ Double the strength and stamina, halve the agility and intelligence, and consume 1 point of mental energy per second when transforming;

Description: Strange biochemical metal tentacle monster, you must be careful as the owner. "

Tentacle Loli's intimacy has improved a bit, and her level has risen to LV7. The bloodline of the metal monster was added, and it brought another 1,000 points of life, a total of 4,200 points of life. This value can be more meat shield than any meat shield dreamer.

As for the skills, a metal skin is added, which can last for 2 minutes by consuming 1200 mental power.

In two minutes, the defense and resistance doubled, and with the original life of more than 4,000 points, if it was transformed into a tentacle monster form... Wang Ling estimates that it is God Lukar, with full power, I am afraid it may not be able to be in two. Within minutes, destroy the tentacles of abnormal health, defense, resistance, and resilience.

Wang Ling is very satisfied with the transformation of Tentacle Lo*li. At least in the final battle, he can have one more reliable meat shield to stand in front of the hot-blooded team.

The only regret is that this meat shield has no control. If the opponent cuts the back row and does not hit her, the defense is useless no matter how high it is. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe to the mobile network (), give a reward, your support is my greatest motivation.) (To be continued) If you like this work, you are welcome to come Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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