Dream Evolution

Chapter 818: The King of Fighters Tournament begins

Tentacle Loli's talent includes "Dragon Transformation", which means that after being baptized with golden dragon blood, this tentacle monster has absorbed some factors related to the dragon family. шШщ.dyzww. Net}Unfortunately, in the Sound Nest organization, even if there is technology beyond the earth in this era, the metal components in the blood can be induced, and it has reached its limit.

After leaving the space headquarters of Sound Nest and returning to Earth, Wang Ling brought two bodyguards to the hotel where he was staying. The King of Fighters ex2 competition will open in 5 days. The location is in Tokyo. This hotel has also become one of the hotels where fighters from all over the world stay.

Tomoyo, Su, and Hana, who were supposed to practice at the extreme flow dojo with Sakazaki Takuma and others, were all in the hotel. Seeing the three of them, Wang Ling's eyebrows could not help wrinkling, and Su Zheng was lying on the bed wrapped in bandages.

Dreamer's resilience is hundreds of times stronger than ordinary people, and there is still a recovery potion in the space bag. Su's injuries are still so obvious, one can imagine how serious the original injury was.

"What's going on? Someone attacked the extreme flow dojo?"

"Yes." Tomoyo said calmly, "There are five people who raided the limit flow dojo two days ago."

Wang Ling was a little surprised: "Takuma Sakazaki isn't there with those fighters?"

"No, everyone is there, Sakazaki Takuma, Sakazaki Hajime, Yuri, Robert, plus me, Su, and Little Hana. Among the other five...one of them is a member of the Divine Tribe, Shizuki Storm Gonitz, and the other four People should all be dreamers and strong.”

"Gonitz... This is absolutely impossible! The King of Fighters ex2 tournament is held by Tenha Shinobi, a puppet controlled by Goonitz. In the '96 tournament. Goonitz was killed, and now it comes as a soul. Even if it is awakened, it is also Tenyu. How could Shinobu's appearance and body go to attack the extreme flow dojo?"

Although Su was seriously injured, after two days of recovery, the injury is no longer serious, and she is in good spirits. There is a somewhat puzzled expression on her cute little face.

"I'm also surprised... I haven't played the King of Fighters 96. I don't know any Goonitz, but Takuma Sakazaki can't see it wrong. He said that it was Goonitz who appeared. If someone pretends, it's easy to disguise his appearance, and he belongs to the Divine Race. Yes, there is a unique windstorm that no one can fake."

"Strange. Could it be that because the dreamer entered this world, something strange happened? Or is there any special prop that brought the dead Gonitz back to life?" Wang Ling was puzzled.

Little Hanako, who had been silent for a long time, said from the side: "Takuma Sakazaki said after the other party left, it seems that Gonitz's power is a little lower than before. Moreover, I can see that he not only did not use the dark power, but also did not even use the absolute domain. Uh, that's kind of weird."

Su interjected: "It should be disdainful to use it. After all, the strength shown by Gonitz is even Boss-level. Sakazaki Hao and Robert teamed up to deal with him, and Robert was hit with a dark cry. He was injured more than me. still heavy."

"It's really dark crying? That's the unique meaning of Gonitz... The power is reduced, so it's not too strange. After all, Gonitz was killed once in 1996, and he didn't use the dark power... Is this too strange? , Even Yamazaki Ryuji has dark power, will Gonitz not? Even if he uses the great power of the universe, it will not be surprising."

Wang Ling asked again: "Are you sure it's Gonitz? What purpose did they have when they raided the extreme flow dojo? If you want to take revenge for being killed, Kagura Castle, the Kagura family, or the alone Yagami An, is Goni. Ts' goal."

"In the past two days, I was injured and lying on the bed, and I feel a little strange in retrospect. The few people that Gonitz brought seemed to be deliberately attacking the grass to startle the snake. Invitation card."

"As one of the big bosses of the Divine Race, Goonitz will care about the invitation letter for the game? If he has any idea about the game, just go in there."

Wang Ling felt that this Gonitz had an indescribable strangeness, and asked, "Are the other five people plot characters or dreamers?"

"Should be all dreamers, all with masks, Tomoyo fought a tall woman with a big sword, and I was slashed by a man with a knife."

"That man is very strong, he seems to have a special bloodline, his arm is a strange dark blue color, like a dead person. In addition...his knife, when I saw the knife, flashed a faint colorful light, it should be colorful Dreamer's weapon."

"Dark cyan skin, colorful dream weapon?"

A familiar feeling surged up in Wang Ling's heart, Wei Wei thought and said stunned: "The evil butcher Kidd!"

The evil butcher, in the glorious battle of the tank war, Wang Ling once used this body to confront him, and he was slashed by him.

The power of the extradition of the dead country is still fresh in Wang Ling's memory. This person is qualified to participate in the glorious battle, and he is undoubtedly the strongest among the strong. At the beginning of the glorious battle, he was one of the most powerful people, and even Bai Feng was very jealous of him.

This person and the hot-blooded team are assigned to the same world? After that mission, Wang Ling once inquired about the evil butcher's information and knew that he was a member of the "Butcher Team", then... entering this world, the Butcher Team should have five people.

The leader of this team, Wang Ling has also been in contact with, in the world of Pokemon, he controlled the nightmare **** Darkrai, Feng Wang, Yan Emperor, Lei Huang, Sui Jun, those who besieged the sky dragon crack empty seat on the Tianzhu Among people, the man who masters the power of wind and electricity: Paul.

Wang Ling recalled Paul's appearance, blue eyes, blond half-long hair, wearing a blue priest's robe, very similar in temperament to Gornitz.

"It turns out that the butcher team has entered this world... Hehe, Paul only needs to change the color of his hair a little, and it is not difficult to disguise himself as Gornitz with his appearance and body. The ability that man has, except for Shalmi's lightning In addition, it is the power of the storm of Gornitz."

Wang Ling knew completely in his heart that it was Paul who disguised as Gonitz and raided the Extreme Flow Dojo with the evil butcher and others, and it wasn't that Gonitz was resurrected.

Tomoyo said: "Under our resistance, the people who raided the limit flow quickly left without taking away the invitation letter of limit flow. However, the appearance of the head of the Eight Great Masters of the Divine Tribe, Gonitz, is too embarrassing. People were shocked."

"Takuma Sakazaki reported this to Kagura Chizuru. Because of the appearance of Gonitz, Kagura Chizuru, who was only going to send a few people, decided to participate in the King of Fighters Tournament in person."

"And some fighters who didn't originally plan to participate in the unorthodox King of Fighters tournament might also join in order to fight Gonitz. For example, Sakazaki Takuma is going to join Kusakazaki's father, Kusaki Chaishu, and then invite Colonel Haderon to form a group. One team competes."

Wang Ling nodded and said, "It can be confirmed that it was not Goonitz who raided the limit flow, but a team called the Butcher Team. In this team, there are at least two super strong... Damn, the variables have increased again. The Gods of the Kingdom of God, God Lukar, the serpent behind the scenes, and another butcher team."

After thinking for a few seconds, Wang Ling took out the encrypted phone and sent a message to Lukal in Southtown, USA.

Afterwards, he sighed and said: "With the strength of the Butcher team, it is impossible not to get an invitation letter, and the attack on the limit flow is definitely not an invitation letter. The limit flow is located in Tokyo, and its strength is in the middle and upper reaches of all teams, starting from the Korean team. It's easier to grab an invitation, or a knockout champion from another region, than it is from an extreme stream."

"The goal of the Butchers, I think, is to attract plot characters who were not originally prepared to participate in the ex2 competition. This team should play a big game. If it were me, there would be Goonitz's breath of wind and Sharmi's absurdity. Electric light, definitely has a peeping heart for controlling the flames and the dry earth."

"The Four Heavenly Kings are very strong, and with the big snake behind them, I am afraid that Paul wants to attract decent fighters such as Kagura Qianhe to participate in the competition, so as to deal with the Gods of the Kingdom of Heaven. They are taking advantage of the fishermen behind them!"

5 days later, the King of Fighters ex2 competition finally started. In the original game background, it was only a small-scale competition. Because of the indiscriminate entry of dreamers and the appearance of Storm Gonitz before the competition, many fighters were attracted and the scale more than doubled. .

The teams participating in the competition, the plot fighters are:

Grass child team: grass child Beijing, Daimon Goro, Nikaidou Benimaru;

Bad Wolves: Andy Berg, Terry Berg, Dong Zhang;

Dragon Tiger Fist Team: Sakazaki Hao, Robert, Sakazaki Yuri;

Team Rage: Clark, Ralph, Liana;

Superpower team: Asamiya Athena, Shiiquan Chong, Zhen Yuanzhai;

Female Fighter Team: Kagura Chizuru~www.readwn.com~ Jing, Fujido Xiangcheng - Originally, the members of this team should include Mai Shiranui, but now Mai Shiranui is missing, so Chizuru finds out the use of Toudou Kou Flowing oranges.

South Korean team: Jeon Hoon, Chen Guohan, Cai Baojian—Jin Jiafan died in the attack of the Dreamers. South Korea, which attaches great importance to national honor, quickly dispatched Jeon Hoon.

Special teams: Billy, Mary, Yagami - Yamazaki Ryuji died, Yagami filled the vacancy;

Senior team: Sakazaki Takuma, Kusaki Chaizhou, Hadillon.

Looking at the official list of entries, Wang Ling found that none of the Kurosaki Renyu and others who were supposed to appear in The King of Fighters ex2, should be due to Kagura Qianhe himself.

The Hell Band of The King of Fighters 97 didn't appear either, but this competition was turbulent, and Wang Ling felt that there were definitely dreamers who found these people.

The dreamer's team, like the plot fighters, is also nine teams. These are the powerhouses who stood out from the knockout rounds in various regions, and the name of the butcher team is included in it!

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