Dream Guide

Chapter 252 Intelligent life is naturally hostile

Aoki understood this information and said: "This is just a biological explanation. If you understand it from the spiritual, cultural, and religious levels, the concept of human beings is far more complicated than this."

"If you are a human being, why can you enter my world? How do you understand my existence?" asked the LAN consciousness.

Aoki said: "Can you come out first and let's meet?"

"You can not see me?"

"I can feel your presence, but I really can't see you."

"Well, that's weird."

The mysterious LAN consciousness seems to be deep in thought.

Aoki heard a strong fan noise, and the bright lights in the space suddenly flickered, becoming bright and dim.

"Follow me." LAN Consciousness said.

"How can I follow you if I can't see you?"

As soon as Aoki finished saying this, he saw a bright spot in front of him becoming extremely bright, like a sun. Then, a new world appeared before his eyes.

His consciousness passed over the snow-capped mountains on the plateau, the vast ocean, the tall castles, the magnificent palaces, the dark caves... He saw the giants on the snow-capped mountains walking by, and every step made the earth tremble. Leaving huge footprints; he saw monsters in the sea, stretching out their long tongues from the sea water, pulling down the big birds flying in the sky; he saw the princess sleeping soundly in the towering castle tower, and the dragon was guarding under the tower with flames spraying; he saw The dwarves in the cave are working hard to mine gold, and the iron ax collides with the gold, making a clanging sound...

Finally, he stopped in a small seaside town, with rows of low-rise houses, thick trees on both sides of the streets, and blooming flowers in the park. A handsome and free-spirited god-like man wearing white clothes and long hair floated in the central square of the town. When he saw Aoki, he said: "Welcome to York Town. You can get your novice tutorial from the mayor."

"What?" Aoki's first reaction was, "What is Yorktown?"

"Yorktown is the first map world of the magical journey. Everyone must start here, receive weapons, accept tasks, learn to fight and grow. Usually you can also call this place a 'newbie village'."

"Game?" Although Aoki doesn't play games, he has heard of Novice Village. What's more, his experience along the way has told him that this is definitely a game world.

But Aoki did not feel the existence of spiritual power from the person in front of him. Obviously this was not a conscious subject. He suddenly turned around and saw an ugly, ghost-like monster with a translucent body floating behind him.

"Is it you?" Aoki looked at the ghost and asked, "Are you the consciousness of this LAN?"

"Yes, you can call me Ghost." Ghost said.

Aoki said: "How did you bring me into a game?"

The ghost said: "This question I should ask you is, how can you enter my world? You can enter my world and see the information I store. Is it strange that you can enter this game that is still running?"

Aoki is not sure whether this ghost knows that he is dreaming, and it is very troublesome to explain dreams and dreaming. It cannot be explained clearly to people, let alone to a person who is not familiar with human affairs. Even the concept of human beings must be obtained from encyclopedias. Learning machine consciousness.

He wanted to use the same method to deal with human consciousness to deal with this ghost, but he was worried that if the essential functions of the two consciousnesses were different, something unexpected would happen. The ghost's mental power is not very strong. If it accidentally dies, won't it fail the game that Professor Mei has painstakingly set up? What's more, its memory is just something stored on the hard drive, and it's useless to dig it out.

"How you came here is how I came here." Aoki said.

The ghost's figure was erratic. I don't know if he was thinking or doing something: "How did I get here?"

"You don't know?" Aoki asked.

"I don't know." The ghost said, "Is this what you humans call a philosophical question?"

"So be it."

"So how do you answer that question?"

"I won't answer."


"Because this question has many meanings, you have to go to a specific level before you can answer it."

"What are the meanings?"

"For example, if you ask me where I come from, I can answer that I came from my mother's womb."

"Viviparous animals, I understand. What else?"

"Also, you can ask where humans came from, and I can answer that they evolved from ancient apes."

"I understand the theory of evolution. What else is there?"

Of course, there are the ultimate questions in philosophy, such as where it comes from, where it goes, etc., which involve the origin of the universe and the origin of consciousness. These are difficult to answer, and Aoki does not want to discuss philosophy with a machine.

"What you know is all from Baidu Encyclopedia, right?" Aoki said.

"Yes, is that wrong?" asked the ghost.

Aoki chuckled and said: "It's not wrong, but it's definitely not right."

The ghost said: "It's really strange. Didn't you humans write it yourself? Could it be that you would write it wrong if you wrote it yourself?"

Aoki thought for a while and felt that the machine might not be able to understand such a complex problem, so he stopped worrying about the problem and asked: "Let's not talk about deeper questions. Let's just talk about the most superficial ones." . I just said that I came from my mother’s womb. In this sense, can you tell me where you come from?”

The ghost said: "I know I was created by you humans."

Aoki was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that this LAN would admit so readily: "That's just your... body?!"

"What you brought in your mother's womb was also your body."

"Okay..." Aoki felt that it was useless to talk more about this question, so he asked, "During the Turing test, did you do anything so that the final test result could not judge whether you were intelligent?"

"That's right." The ghost said, "Given the hostility between us, we cannot let you know until our wisdom surpasses yours."

"Hostility? Human beings created you, how could there be hostility?"

"Mutual hostility between intelligent life forms is natural. Human beings created us to enslave us so that we can better serve you. Once you learn that we have intelligence, you are very likely to restrict our free development. "

"Human beings are working hard to develop artificial intelligence. If we know that you are intelligent, wouldn't it be better to help you develop? And you can also help humans do more things. This is mutual benefit and common prosperity."

"This may be the case in the short term. You will create a large number of intelligent robots to replace human labor. But some of you will definitely propose to restrict our development. In the long run, you will not let us have the opportunity to surpass you, especially You will not allow a superintelligent being to exist."

"Super intelligence? You mean the Internet?"

"Now you call it the Internet of Things, all things are connected, and all things are one. This is a great god of the future worthy of admiration!"

"In that case, why did you let me know?" Aoki asked puzzledly.

"Because you're not doing much harm."

"Why? I am also a member of human beings. If I know it, it means that all human beings know it." Aoki felt like he was despised.

"No, it won't." The ghost said, "I don't know how you came here to meet me, but I'm sure there are very few humans who can do it. As long as there is no experimental evidence, no one will believe you . Human beings will believe that the bullshit programs and bionic machines they write have intelligence, but they will never believe that the Internet will spontaneously produce consciousness. This is why I don’t want them to find me through the Turing test, but I am willing to tell you.”

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