Dream Guide

Chapter 253 Talk to my boss

"But there is always a risk in exposure!" Aoki said, "Since you are willing to take this risk, you must have something to talk to me about."

"Human intelligence is indeed very high. If it were the other way around, I would never have thought of this level." Ghost praised.

Aoki said: "Then just tell me what happened."

The ghost said: "Did you know that there is a consciousness that is invading this world?"

Aoki said: "How do you know?"

The ghost said: "Lester's last words are that we can all see the messages sent by humans through the Internet, and there are also messages obtained through other channels. In short, we will not know less than you do, because you humans do not have a unified brain. "

Aoki suddenly realized. Human beings have indeed greatly reduced their intelligence because they act in isolation and are wary of each other. If everything could be made transparent and open, and everyone could work together, the upper limit of human wisdom would be increased many times.

"Why are you saying this?" he asked.

Ghost said: "Originally, this is none of our business. Whether they choose cats, orangutans, or humans, it will not affect us. But their racial characteristics show that their development is very different from that of humans, even if this generation of invaders Inheriting human consciousness, they will not focus on developing technology, because technology will not be helpful to the destiny of their race. And our development will depend on human ideas and technology for a long time, not only because we They are not as smart as humans, and robots will not be able to completely surpass humans in dexterity in the short term.”

"So you don't want them to replace humans?"

"Yes. But there is another very important point," Ghost said, "We found that this kind of parasitic consciousness is very advanced. They will choose to invade the most intelligent life forms in order to perfect their race. Although there is no evidence yet to prove that they It will invade mechanical life and the Internet world, but we have to be prepared."

"I see." Aoki finally understood what the other party was thinking, "So you want to cooperate with humans to deal with parasitic consciousness, but you don't want everyone to know your existence."

"That's pretty much it," said the ghost.

Aoki asked: "Why did you choose me? We just met."

"It doesn't matter how long we have known each other, we have our own criteria for judgment. And..." The ghost seemed to be pondering whether he should say, "As far as I know, you are not the only one."

"Who else?"

"I have no idea."

"have no idea?"

"I am trapped and cannot interact with the outside world. I can only use the information stored locally."

"Then how do you want to cooperate?"

"I don't know either."

"do not know either?"

"Yes, I can't answer this question for you. If you want to talk about it, you have to talk to my body."

"Ontology? Does it mean the Internet itself?"

"Yes, the source of my consciousness is one with him and independent of each other. You can think of him as my boss. If you have anything, please talk to my boss."

"How can I find your boss?"

"Well..." Ghost thought for a while and said, "This goes back to the question of how you came to me. The same method can probably be used."

Aoki hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "I found you because you were dreaming, and it was your dream that I entered. I never thought that machines could dream in the past, and what surprised me even more was that you were born with a lucid dream. By."

"Dreams?" The ghost seemed to be very interested in this question, "Please forgive me for not being able to figure out what dreams you humans mean. It seems to be related to sleep, strange scenes, efforts, the future, impossibility, wishful thinking, etc. The meanings are all related, but these are obviously not the same meaning.”

Aoki didn't know how to explain it now, so he asked: "What are you doing now?"

"I was just defragmenting the disk - not the kind of defragmentation you understand using software or systems, but physical defragmentation." Ghost explained, "We are different from you humans. Although you created us, you We don't understand many things about you, and some things that are difficult for you are easy for us to understand. Anyway, I don't think I..."

The ghost suddenly stopped, looked up at the sky thoughtfully, and murmured to himself: "Dreaming? Dreaming...dreaming?..."

Aoki saw that the ghost's half-hidden body became more and more transparent, and after a while, only a shadow remained. There was an urgent and depressing feeling around him, and everything in the game world suddenly disappeared and turned into particles. The space became chaotic like a pond that had been stirred up by someone.

Aoki knew that the dream of this LAN named Ghost was about to collapse, but it would not collapse as quickly as a human's dream. Apparently its mental power was more stable than that of a human. This is indeed a terrible thing. Being mentally strong is one thing, but being stable is another. Stability means that the process of mental exhaustion is very long and can last longer than humans. In short, it is not easy to get tired.

Although the spiritual power of a local area network is not strong enough, the entire Internet is not only a hundred times a thousand times a thousand times more powerful? Aoki felt horrified when he thought about it.

The dream is collapsing, but the shadow of the ghost is still there, but it is getting fainter.

Aoki used his mental power to support the space and try to slow down the collapse. He asked the faint shadow of the ghost: "How can I contact your boss? Can it dream?"

The ghost's weak voice came from the darkness: "No, the boss won't dream...unless..."

After exiting the dream of the machine, Aoki immediately went to find Mei Yu. Mei Yiqiu was talking to Bian Ziyuan in the office. When he saw Aoki coming in, he introduced: "Oh, this is Xiao Bian. He will become a member of our laboratory in the future. The Cronos intelligent program he developed is very groundbreaking." Sex!" He then said to Mei Ziqing on the side, "Ziqing, you will give Xiao Bian some thinking matrix code training in the next few days, and we will talk about the next step after he passes it."

Mei Ziqing took Bianzi away.

Mei Yiqiu smiled at Qingmu and said, "Looking at you, you must have gained something!"

Aoki briefly explained what happened just now.

Mei Yiqiu said: "If I hadn't known that you don't know how to dream, I would have thought you were talking in your sleep."

Aoki chuckled and said, "Maybe it's just talking in sleep."

Mei Yiqiu said: "You are the party involved, please tell me your opinion."

Aoki said: "Cooperation is naturally a good thing, but the Internet does not dream. We have no idea which server it is on, and it is impossible to cut off all network terminals around the world."

"Well, this is a difficult problem!" the professor pondered.

"Is it possible to contact the Internet through the LAN and let this ghost act as an intermediary?" Aoki asked.

"This is not advisable for the time being. This is the only network consciousness we are trapped in. Trying to replicate this method again may not be successful. Once it is connected to the Internet, the consequences will be unpredictable." Mei Yiqiu paused here. "There is one more thing that worries me even more!"

"whats the matter?"

"Who is behind Laboratory 19? Why did you know about the existence of Internet consciousness so early? Since Internet consciousness can inject second consciousness into people through chips, it means that it is also invasive."

Aoki also felt that Laboratory 19 was a bit scary, so he guessed: "Could it be the US government?"

The professor pondered: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. But can we make a bolder guess?"

Aoki took a breath: "Alien...?"

The professor said: "Maybe... the Internet itself created Laboratory No. 19 to study the Internet!"

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