Dream Guide

Chapter 321 Captain’s Diary 4

Church's Diary 5

I'm glad that everyone who got seasick has recovered, including Mrs. Larry and Miss Alice. I don’t know if it was Poseidon’s blessing or Anderson’s fish soup that played a role. Anyway, I am very grateful to Anderson, sincerely.

Alice began to run around on the deck again, admiring the vastness and beauty of the ocean. Her smile was so innocent, as bright as the sunshine in May. It seemed that she had completely forgotten the pain the sea had caused her a few days ago. She often went to see Anderson fishing, and the two of them talked and laughed in the sea breeze. I said Anderson, are you lucky? Even though I don't think you two are a good match, I wish you good luck.

Mrs. Larry seemed much heavier. I don't know whether it was because she did not recover as quickly and completely as the young man, or because she had the same worries as Mr. Robbins because of the cold snow. I saw that the two of them were always whispering together in the past two days, and I didn't know what they were discussing.

No matter how worried we are, we will arrive at our destination tomorrow. Although it is a full week later than planned, with the blessing of Poseidon, everything will go smoothly. If it were me, I would definitely relax today. Anyway, the result will be revealed tomorrow. Whether it is good or bad, everything is in the control of God, not us. All we can do is face all this with optimism.

As for when to return, it depends on the progress of these scientists' expeditions. Who knows what shocking secrets they will discover? If there is any major discovery, it would be an honor for me to witness it with them. Anyway, the Discovery's endurance is 18,000 nautical miles, which meets the requirements of the unlimited navigation area. They can take as long as they like. Although more than 70 people eat 50 kilograms of vegetables and 30 kilograms of fish every day, the food we replenished in Auckland is enough to last for a month. If not, we can still go fishing like Anderson did.

Oh my god! What am I thinking? Even before we arrived at our destination, I was already thinking about returning. How old! I wouldn’t have thought so much when I was young!


Church's Diary 6

We arrived at the designated location, but did not find the ghost island.

Anderson and I double checked, checked the GPS system, and looked at the charts. Mr. Robbins also contacted the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory and requested that their system provide us with a more accurate positioning and retrieve satellite images from a previous period. However, all our efforts were in vain.

I didn't drive in the wrong direction, and the GPS didn't guide us the wrong way. Everything showed that the Discovery had reached its predetermined target location. My crew and I felt nothing because it was not us who had discovered the ghost island here and noted its location, but another ship. But those scientists, the Robins, believed that to be true, because there were a lot of scientists on that ship at the time, and several of them were on our ship, and they were coming here for the second time.

Based on the seriousness with which they treat science and their sense of credibility and mission beyond life, I think most of what they say is true and is definitely not a joke by some boring person. And with their knowledge, it is certainly not easy to be fooled. Nature deceives.

According to the position recorded by the ship that discovered the island before, I drove the Discovery to 36°55′ south latitude and 136°39′ west longitude. This number is almost identical to the location of Maria Theresa Reef recorded over the past 100 years or so. But when we arrived, there was nothing in my field of vision except endless water, and because the water depth exceeded the length of the anchor chain, we couldn't anchor at all. Of course, Discovery has an advanced balance positioning system, which allows the ship to automatically stay in place and remain motionless even if there are winds and waves.

Robbins requires us to search according to this coordinate position within the range of plus and minus 1° in longitude and latitude.

Oh my god, the difference between positive and negative longitude and latitude is 1°, that is nearly 50,000 square kilometers of sea surface, which can fit the entire land area of ​​the Netherlands. You must know that just three centuries ago, this country's iron ships conquered many places around the world. It was the Dutch who first discovered these lands in the southern hemisphere ocean and named the largest piece of land "New Zealand". "Netherlands" was later renamed Australia; while another smaller landmass was never renamed and was named New Zealand after a region in the Netherlands called "Sealand".

Now, I'm going to take the boat and search for two ghostly, invisible islands that may be about the same size as our boat in an area of ​​sea the size of the Netherlands.

We took a trip around the sea and found nothing. In fact, everyone knows very well that relying on the equipment on our ship and GPS satellites, it is too easy to find two islands within tens of thousands of square kilometers, provided that they really exist. Since the satellites can’t be found, we definitely can’t find them if we look for them this way.

We just don't want to give up, so we continue to circle around, hoping that Ghost Island will live up to its name. If it is a "ghost", maybe the satellites really can't be seen.


Church's Diary 7

We had been cruising in this area for two full days and everyone was starting to get impatient. Everyone would have gone crazy if it weren't for Mr. Robbins's strictness and good temper, and for an innocent girl like Alice who brought joy to the ship.

Only Anderson remained unfazed. As long as the boat stopped or when he was not required to work, he would go fishing on the stern deck.

He said there was no ghost island, it was just a huge ancient fish rising from the bottom of the sea to take a breather!

I think Anderson lost his head while fishing. How could there be such a big fish? Besides, how could those scientists not even recognize a fish?

All the equipment on the ship was turned on, including sonar, magnetic, laser, infrared, and underwater robots, but there was nothing. Data shows that the water depth here is at least 3,000 meters, and the deepest reaches 5,000 meters. There are only a few submarine peaks. Even if the submarine volcano erupts, it is impossible to form an island exposed to the sea.

After dinner, the scientific expedition team held a small meeting, and first mate Anderson and I were invited to attend. Mr. Robbins made a brief speech to explain the situation, and then asked for everyone's opinions. Everyone looked at the few people who came here for the second time. They had vowed before that the island existed, but now they said nothing with a grimace.

Anderson suddenly said loudly, I have already told you that it was a fish, but you didn't believe it! Did you know that the ocean area on the earth is much larger than the land, and the sea water is so deep, there must be many strange creatures on the seabed. There is a kind of fish that is very big. Because it is so big, its movements are very slow and its metabolism is also very slow. Its back is covered with various corals, seaweed and so on. It took hundreds of years for it to rise to the surface of the sea to breathe fresh air. It just floats there, but you think it is some kind of island. Haha, how ridiculous!

The more wildly Anderson smiled, the uglier the others looked. What else did Robbins want to say? The unsmiling Mrs. Larry said, don't waste time here, let's go to the next place.

The next place Mrs. Larry mentioned was the underwater ruins with the pyramids. In the end, everyone agreed with Mrs. Larry's opinion, although they were not willing to do so. But what Robbins said is that the next place is where they really want to go, and it will never disappear like the ghost island, because that place has already undergone preliminary inspection and has photos and physical objects as evidence.

I was also full of expectations and full of curiosity about the inverted pyramid under the water.

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