Dream Guide

Chapter 322 Captain’s Diary 5

Church's Diary 8

We continue sailing north.

The location of the underwater ruins is north-east of Maria Theresa Reef, at 150° west longitude and 30° north latitude. That is a strange coordinate. If you connect it with the center of the earth in a straight line and pass through it from the opposite side of the earth, it will happen to be the location of the pyramids on the bank of the Nile.

Did the ancient Egyptians really know that the earth was round four thousand years ago and drove ships to the Southern Islands? Maybe the Maori are the descendants of the ancient Egyptians. At that time, this sea was still a continent. Anyway, they look very close, and they probably belong to the same race.

If that were the case, it would make sense. The ancient Egyptians' fleet traveled thousands of miles to the other side of the earth and built pyramids among the islands of the Southern Islands. After that, they settled down and became natives of the South Pacific. The divided islands and the harsh environment at sea seriously hindered the development of civilization. Thousands of years later, they no longer remember who their ancestors were, and the magnificent projects built by their ancestors sank to the bottom of the sea.

There is a lot of controversy about the ancient Egyptian race. Perhaps because it is the oldest civilization, everyone wants to be related to them, but no one can convince anyone. It is said that the archaeological evidence about ancient Egypt is concentrated in the hands of Europeans and Arabs, but when it comes to racial issues, they become very secretive.

Speaking of this issue, Mrs. Larry angrily scolded them, they are just a group of cowards who are unwilling to face reality!

She said Egyptians were neither Caucasian, nor Arab, nor black. If it were a white person, the Germans and Frenchmen who had the evidence would have made it public long ago; if it were an Arab, the Egyptian government would not have kept it secret, and even set a mandatory decree that the genetic experiments on the pharaoh must be carried out by the Egyptian government. carried out under the control of. Why don't you say it? Because of economic interests and political needs. If the whole world knew that ancient Egyptian civilization had nothing to do with the bullshit they promote, they wouldn't make a penny!

I asked her what race were the ancient Egyptians? Mrs. Larry stopped talking, saying only that Hao's unsubstantiated speculation did not comply with scientific principles.

At this time, Anderson intervened again. He said, they are yellow people. You can see clearly by looking at those murals. The nobles of ancient Egypt all had yellow or reddish skin, and both blacks and whites were slaves. Looking at their facial features and hieroglyphics, even if they are not the ancestors of the current yellow people, they must be related to the Chinese. Those experts did some genetic testing, but they didn't test the pharaoh's. They only got things belonging to civilians, of course there were masters and slaves, so they made the ancient Egyptians look very different. You ask them what the results were of the genes extracted from the mummies? Hey, they won't tell you! They will say that it is difficult to extract genes from mummies and that hundreds of past experiments have failed. Oh my God, the broken bones dug out from the ground can be tested, but the well-preserved mummies cannot be tested. What a liar! They just don’t want the whole world to know that their ancestors were slaves of the yellow race, haha!

After he finished speaking and laughing, he carried the fishing rod to the stern of the boat again, regardless of other people's reactions.

Anderson impresses me every time. I was wondering, could he be the kind of omniscient and omnipotent hermit who is content to be ordinary as in many stories? Sometimes I really want to ask him where he learned so much strange knowledge. Did the fish tell him?

His words made white-skinned people sound uncomfortable, and most of the people on the ship were white, including Anderson himself.

Mrs. Larry made no comment on Anderson's words, but it was obvious that she was not very disgusted with such views, otherwise with her temper, she would probably have cursed her on the spot.

Robbins said that if our scientific expedition is successful, it is likely to subvert people's inherent understanding of ancient Egypt, the pyramids and human civilization, and even affect the development trend of modern science.

People have forgotten the unhappiness caused by the disappearance of Ghost Island. After all, the main task of this scientific expedition is the underwater ruins, and Ghost Island is just a side project. As for its disappearance, it is not the first time in history. Let’s just regard it as another mysterious incident, waiting for future generations to discover the secrets.

Now, everyone is looking forward to tomorrow. In a dozen hours, when the sun rises from the eastern horizon, we will reach our destination.


Church's Diary 9

The voyage last night went very smoothly. We arrived at our intended target before it was fully light. The GPS positioning system showed that we were near 30° south latitude and 150° west longitude.

The gray sky and the sea are one color, like a dark egg. Whenever I sail in the night, I wonder, are we really at sea? Isn't it wandering in a certain void in the vast universe?

I know that in a while, the sun will peek out from the distant horizon like a naughty child. Sailors on ocean-going ships see this sight dozens if not hundreds of times a year, but we still love to see it. Because the brilliance of that moment can make us feel that we are still in the world, and let us know that we and our families are bathing in the same world.

Just when I was hesitating whether to wake up others to watch the sunrise together, I heard Anderson's loud singing voice:

Somewhere beyond the sea

somewhere waiting for me

my lover stands on golden sands

then watches the ships that go sailing

Although I admit that this guy sings well and fits the occasion, I must tell him that singing at this time will disturb everyone's dreams. Just when I was about to say something to stop him, I heard messy footsteps and chattering voices.

Everyone was up, but no one blamed Anderson. Everyone was excited to be close to their destination. The first thing they did after getting up was not to enjoy the beautiful view of the red sun rising over the sea. Instead, they poured into the captain's cabin to ask me if I was sure I was there.

I'm right, ladies and gentlemen, we are here, but I suggest you go back and put on more clothes first, and then take a good look at the sunrise. The weather is good today, and you will see something you will never forget. moment.

However, the good expectations came to nothing, and a heavy fog suddenly appeared on the sea, so thick that nothing could be seen.

God seemed unwilling to show his best side to us, so I had to let everyone go to breakfast first. The sunrise is definitely not visible. I just hope that the clouds will clear up and the fog will clear up soon. The foggy weather can easily affect people's mood.

Moreover, although we have reached the designated location, one coordinate on the map is still a large area in the vast Pacific Ocean. The scientists who discovered the ruins last time marked buoys on the sea. However, the heavy fog made it difficult for us to move forward. Unless the fog cleared, we would not be able to find it.

But until the afternoon, the fog did not dissipate, but showed signs of getting thicker. Except for Anderson, who was fishing contentedly in the fog, everyone else's faces were full of loss and uneasiness. Everyone felt that this was not a good sign.

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