Dream Guide

Chapter 501 Experience the feeling of death

Aoki's body took half a step back involuntarily.

With this half-step back, the mental strength that had been tense relaxed. He felt his consciousness floating up, as if the leaves of the tree were blown into the air by the autumn wind, flying messily.

He quickly collected his mind, regrouped his mental power, and controlled the scepter and thousands of branches and leaves in his hand.

The leaves rolled in the air were sucked back by the tree trunk, and all returned to their respective branches, swaying in the wind, making a rustling sound in the consciousness.

However, the laxity just now still caused problems with his command. Although it was only a moment in his consciousness, like a blink of an eye, the time was almost negligible, but in such a tense battle, this little time was enough. deadly.

A spear pierced the stomach of a savage, and blood spurted out.

Aoki felt a pain in his abdomen, as if the spear had penetrated his body. Now he could feel what it felt like to cut off the arms and legs of an octopus. Although it won't die, the pain is inevitable.

Every time someone on one's side is injured or dies, it will be directly transmitted to Aoki's brain, making him feel as if he himself was injured or died.

Now he finally figured out why the three parties were so cautious when fighting.

In the past battles of mankind, only the soldiers who were charging forward could truly feel the threat of death and the pain of injury. Most of the time, the commanders of the war were in the camps at the rear. The sword would not cut them, and the blood would not be cut. It will not spill on them. The death of soldiers is commonplace in their eyes. As excellent military commanders, they are cold-blooded. In their eyes, war can only have two endings: failure and victory. As for how many people died in the battle, , how many people are injured, how many people can only linger in pain in this life, that is not the most important, if they need to die in exchange for a victory, they do not mind pushing all their soldiers under the enemy's bayonet.

However, here, in this octopus tactical system, when the consciousness of the commander and the soldiers are closely combined, every soldier is a part of the commander's body, and the soldiers' feelings will be truly transmitted to the commander. Come. Every time a soldier is injured, it is like an injury to the commander. Every time the soldier feels pain, the same pain will be simulated in the commander's brain.

When hundreds of soldiers are injured and hundreds of thousands of pains add up, the commander will have to endure much more intense pain than the soldiers, especially death. Maybe you can die once, just because no one dies twice. No one can bear the pain of dying twice, or even a hundred or a thousand times.

Many people who are sick or are being tortured will pray for death to come quickly, because death is a final thing. No matter how terrible the death is and the unbearable pain, as long as you die, you will never wake up again and there will be no pain.

However, Aoki can't get over it now. He is dead, but still alive.

When the savage fell, the blood in his mouth kept overflowing like the foam from a shaken beer can when it was first opened. The muscles on his face were twisted, and his eyes were looking towards the sky, with nostalgia for life and pain of death. A spear pierced his stomach. Because the spear shaft was thick and uneven, with barbs naturally attached to the tree, it hooked out his intestines when it was pulled back.

Aoki's stomach cramped and he felt like he was going to die. In his mind, he was seeing his intestines hanging out of his stomach, and his brain sent out a strong death signal.

The feeling of death enveloped him. This feeling was so familiar, as if he had experienced it before. However, before he had time to rummage through his memory, his vision suddenly went dark, and his head hurt as if it was about to split.

It was another savage who was hit by an arrow in the eye. He reached out and pulled out the arrow, but his eyes could not see.

There was another savage who was also hit by an arrow in the cheek. The wooden arrow went in from the left side of the face and penetrated from the right side. Several teeth fell out and he spat it out with a mouth full of blood.

A female wildling had a broken arm, but she didn't fall, sprinting forward with a spear in her other hand.

All these injuries, deaths, and pains were happening to Aoki and were simulated in his mind. He just relaxed for a moment, and in the blink of an eye, three of his team died and a dozen were injured. And those who were injured probably wouldn't last long.

He keeps dying, but cannot stop living.

Aoki held back all the pain and mobilized his mental power to hold on to the war situation. But the enemy on the opposite side seemed to be sure of him. The mental storms came in waves, leaving him with only the ability to parry and no ability to fight back.

At this time, the advantage of two versus one comes into play. Aoki's weakness allowed the enemy to bite him, and Situ got the opportunity to attack. Pieces of spiritual boulders were thrown like cannonballs. The savages from his tribe also launched a charge, causing considerable losses to the enemy.

Aoki's mental pressure suddenly relaxed and he stretched his body. His consciousness suddenly enlarged and turned into a bigger tree. Its branches were like eternal snakes, winding towards the battlefield, sweeping back and forth in the valley, sweeping away the raging wind.

In his mind, he heard a few shouts of "Wow!" from the other side. Judging from the induction of his consciousness, they should be curse words. Only the powerful wizard could transmit the curse words through his mental power.

The wizard probably discovered that the two tribes had united, and immediately withdrew his strength and went on the defensive. His mental power is indeed very strong. After going on the defensive, even though Aoki and Situ worked together, they couldn't do anything to him.

The storm composed of his mental power was like a huge invisible energy shield. Aoki's mental branches were beating on it, and Situ's mental cannonballs were hitting it one by one, but they were still unable to break his defense.

The three parties returned to a state of balance. Everyone became cautious and began to slow down the pace of the attack. After a while, a truce was reached.

Aoki did not put away his mental power, and the big tree was opened to cover the sky and the sun to prevent a sudden attack from the other side.

The savages began to clean up the battlefield. They dragged their companions back to their camps. What is different from other war scenes is that at this time, even if people from different tribes bump into each other, they will not start fighting again, but will just quickly drag the bodies of their companions or pick up the bows and arrows on the ground and leave.

Aoki's losses were obviously the largest among the three tribes. A total of more than a dozen people died, and there were twenty or thirty injured. Some of them were seriously injured and were about to die.

Some savages had already begun to set up a fire on the ground and dragged the dead bodies to the fire.

Mrs. Larry suddenly became excited and shouted "Woo!" to them in the language of the savages. The savages stopped moving and turned to look at Aoki.

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