Dream Guide

Chapter 502 Knowing both honor and disgrace

Aoki didn't understand the indigenous language Mrs. Larry shouted, but he understood what she meant, which was to tell the savages not to eat the corpses of their companions. He didn't know if this kind of humanitarian thought made sense in such a primitive tribe, but since Situ could tame the savages and stop eating people, he should be able to do the same. Moreover, he really didn't want to see anyone eating people in front of him.

Aoki issued an instruction in his mind not to eat people. Some of the savages had confused and puzzled looks on their faces, and some even showed anger. But none of them objected, just standing or sitting blankly.

Mrs. Larry said to Aoki: "Let them dig a hole and bury the body, otherwise it will rot quickly in this weather. We are not familiar with the environment here. Maybe there are some rare viruses that will spread along with the rotting bodies and water sources." Contagion. They burned the corpses and ate them, which may have been a primitive way to avoid contamination."

The savage wizard who was replaced by Aoki said something to Mrs. Larry. Mrs. Larry kept a straight face and argued with him fiercely. The old wizard glanced at Aoki and stopped talking.

Aoki didn't know what they were arguing about. He gave instructions in his mind to let some strong savages dig holes and bury the bodies. A few people stood up quickly, but a few others looked reluctant. They looked at each other a few times, and then looked at the savage wizard. One of them even shouted:


Kubota was probably the name of the old wizard. He raised his head and glared at the man, and mumbled something. Those people all stood up and went to dig holes.

Aoki could see that old man Cooperta still had great authority among the savages. People in the tribe regard Aoki as the descending god, but not everyone is convinced, especially in the battle he just commanded, he did not show any more powerful power than Kubota.

Putting yourself in his shoes, is Cubata regretting handing over the god-given scepter to him at this moment?

Kubota, who lost his scepter, was not vulnerable. On the contrary, Aoki knew that his mental power itself was also very powerful. And this old man was a little strange. He had been watching the battle just now and did not participate in it. Of course, Aoki could also use his scepter to issue instructions to him with his consciousness, but he did not do so. First, he felt it was unnecessary, and second, Mrs. Larry was talking to the old man at that time.

Mrs. Larry stood up and walked over to a wounded savage. The savage's thigh was pierced, and blood flowed all over the leg, with a lot of dirt and leaves stuck to it. He saw Mrs. Larry coming over, looking a little scared, with a pleading look in her eyes.

Mrs. Larry knelt down and reached out to touch the Savage's leg. The savage trembled with fright, screamed, and crawled backwards with his hands on the ground.

Aoki didn't understand why the savage was so afraid of Mrs. Larry, so with a thought, he entered his consciousness to explore. Now that he has the scepter in his hand, it becomes much easier to hypnotize them, even more convenient than hypnotizing ordinary people in the past. He saw Mrs. Larry everywhere in the savage's dreams. One moment there were scenes of the lady being tortured, and the other moment the lady turned into a vengeful demon.

Aoki couldn't bear to watch any more and exited the savage's dream.

Mrs. Larry pressed her hands to signal the savage not to get excited. She muttered a few words and the savage calmed down, but his fear could still be seen in his eyes.

The lady pushed the dirt and leaves away from the savage's legs, checked the savage's wounds, then turned to say a few words to Cubata, who also responded.

The lady shouted to Petru: "Petru, there are herbs they collected to stop bleeding on the ground over there, the prickly purple flowers, and those golden things like dog hair. Please help me." Bring it here, and try to get some thin rattan without thorns, which should be flexible."

Petru loudly said: "Madam, I recognize him. I know what he has done to you. I can't wait to shoot him now! But you have to treat his injuries..."

"Petru!" Madam stopped her sternly, "Go quickly! Their wounds are still bleeding!"

"Oh my God, I am Petru with a red beard, but I have become a nurse in white!"

Petru mumbled and went to pick up the weeds, pulled some vines from the nearby woods, and threw them to the injured savage angrily.

"The wound needs to be cleaned." Mrs. Larry added, "Mr. Aoki, can you ask them to fetch some water?"

Aoki issued a conscious command to fetch water. Some savages obtained bags and ladles from unknown sources and went to the lake to fetch some clean water.

"Petru, come and help! You know how to clean wounds better than them." Mrs. Larry held a gourd in one hand and fished water from the gourd with the other, and began to clean the savage's wounds.

Petru squatted down reluctantly: "Madam, I don't understand. It's fine that you don't want to hurt people, but why do you want to save them? They are man-eating savages with countless crimes. Even God does not They will be forgiven!”

"Stop talking, Petru!" Mrs. Larry handed the gourd in her hand to Petru, "I am not the Virgin, and I am not doing good deeds. I am just doing what I can. In this hellish place, if What's the point of killing everyone except for temporary pleasure? If God really exists, I think he will treat my experience fairly. Those who should be judged will be judged sooner or later! And those who should be let go, we will do it now Let it go!"

"I can't let go!" cried Petru.

Mrs. Larry raised her head and looked at Petru's face seriously, and said: "Petru, I understand what you mean. But, we can't, at least not now. Next, we may have to face more complicated situations. You You know, the words I found not only belong to these savages, but are probably left behind by a higher civilization. They are what human beings have been looking for. They are related to the destiny of human beings and the truth of the universe. In the face of these, personal Honor and disgrace are nothing!”

Petru's eyes lit up: "Madam, do you really understand what I mean?"

Mrs. Larry said, "I'll consider your wishes when we get out of here."

Petru became happy and helped clean the savage's wound, but his strength was a bit too strong. The savage's wound had no scab in the first place, but was covered with blood clots and mud, and now blood gushed out.

"No, he has injured the aorta, and we have to find a way to stop the bleeding." Mrs. Larry pulled a piece of rattan, wrapped it around the top of the savage's thigh, and then handed it to Petru, "Help me tie it tightly."

The old wizard Kubota looked at them silently, his brows furrowed and a complicated look in his eyes.

Petru turned his head just in time, and when he saw his face, his heart became angry. He exerted force on his hand, and the cane was tightened tightly. The savage screamed in pain. When Petru heard the screams of the savages, he felt indescribably comfortable.

Mrs. Larry picked off the leaves and stamens of some herbs and asked Cubata in barbarian language: "Is that so?"

Cooperta nodded expressionlessly.

Mrs. Larry stuffed the flowers and leaves into her mouth, chewed them up, spit them out, and smeared them on the savage's wounds.

The bleeding from the wound stopped. Mrs. Larry found some broad, long leaves that were a bit like rice dumpling leaves and wrapped them around the wound to prevent the herbs from falling off.

Then she stood up and walked over to the next wounded person.

Cubata sighed and stood up as well.

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