Dream Guide

Chapter 523 Which prince and grandson will be freed

The last working day of the old year was also Hu Xing’s last day working in the criminal investigation team.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and she will accompany her mother to her grandfather's manor to celebrate the New Year, and then take over the family business that they have arranged for her amid the cordial chatting and laughter of the Xia family elders.

She had participated in such an occasion more than once, but she never expected that she would feel so melancholy and helpless when it happened to her.

The mall is a place that is both familiar and unfamiliar to her.

What she is familiar with is the appearance of all the dignitaries and celebrities in Wuzhong and even Shenzhou. She has called them uncles and aunts since she was a child, and they are as friendly as her own family. Their children are of her generation, most of them are young talents from prestigious schools. They play golf and drive supercars all day long. They talk about hundreds of millions of dollars in business. They have no connection with her at all, but they all regard her as a person. Among the people in the circle, the women call her sisters intimately, while the men either pursue her passionately or pretend to be confidants.

The strange thing is that she has never really done business, and she is not used to all the intrigues and intrigues in the mall. Even though her mother often took her to various business occasions and witnessed them negotiating, signing contracts, cutting ribbons, and having celebratory drinks..., she was like a student who had deserted in class. She had no idea what the teacher was talking about and seemed to have forgotten it. One day I will eventually face the big test.

She didn't like the kind of casual social interaction when meeting someone. She had to guess at two and a half of the three sentences to understand the meaning, and the remaining half was just a false politeness.

In fact, her personality is not suitable for working in the criminal investigation team. Although she also has the sweet side of a lady, she is a straightforward person who speaks out when she has something to say. She thinks lightly in everything and does whatever comes to her mind. Criminal investigation requires rigorous logical thinking. A case often requires peeling off the cocoons and grasping every suspicious clue. Actions must be carefully planned and organized, and words must be kept tight, otherwise the news will be easily leaked.

For example, in Ma Fuqing's case, if Aoki hadn't been there, she might have gotten herself involved in it. Shi Dazhuang half praised and half criticized her afterwards. In fact, he was beating and protecting her. But she has that temperament and can't change it. So Shi Dazhuang never dared to send her on a mission alone again.

Every time she went to ask for a mission, Captain Shi would say, "Please spare me. Director Xu of the provincial department called me. If something happens to you, just take my hat off. Do you like it?" To solve the case, just study the case files carefully in the team, use the skills you learned from Aoki to help me with the case, and don’t interfere in the arrest mission, unless you change your last name!"

Hu Xing didn't withdraw either. Even if she really changed her surname, she would still have no relationship with the Xia family.

The most important job she later did in the bureau was assisting in the interrogation of prisoners. Since Aoki left, no one has pointed out her doubts about lucid dreaming. Fortunately, she already has the basics and her talent is pretty good. She has been able to master the techniques of hypnosis and dreaming by herself step by step, but she just can't do it. Aoki is so calm. Some criminal suspects have particularly strong psychological defenses and strong willpower. It is very difficult for her to guide people in their dreams to reveal the motives and process of the crime.

She could have joined the pre-trial team and then went to the provincial department for training to become a pre-trial expert. This was also a good development route, but Shi Dazhuang suddenly refused to let her participate in the trial.

She asked why. Shi Dazhuang said: "All trial processes will leave records. If you don't want to be a guinea pig, don't touch these. I have seen Aoki's ability. Even he has to be careful and walk on thin ice. I can guess how much water is underneath." Shen, don’t go in there, drown yourself, and even get your master in there.”

Although Hu Xing felt that Shi Dazhuang was a bit alarmist, she did not object. When Aoki left, he did tell her to be careful. In addition to regularly observing whether Mr. Xia and other close people in the Xia family were being parasitized, he also told her not to expose her special abilities easily.

She doesn't go out in the field, doesn't try cases, and case analysis is not her strong point, so she becomes a complete idler in the team.

When she was admitted to the police academy, she didn't think much about it. She just wanted to inherit her father's legacy and be a good police officer. It wasn't until I joined the police force that I realized how difficult it is to be a good police officer! Especially with her background, it is even more difficult to be a good police officer!

Although she had long discovered that she could not be a good police officer, let alone become a hero praised by everyone like her father, she still liked working in the criminal investigation team. At least the people and things here are very pure. Most people think about how to solve crimes every day, rather than how to scheme against others.

When they are silent, they are very silent, and would rather not speak than say empty words; when they are chattering, they are very talkative, and you can't shut their mouths even if you knock their heads. Are you saying they are careless? That would be wrong! When fighting criminals, their acting skills are top-notch, they are full of slanderous words, and they can fool people into being stunned at any time.

Hu Xing wanted to laugh when she thought of the scene where Shi Dazhuang deliberately hit the suspect's car and quarreled with the suspect like a shrew. That's their history team! He walked through the hail of bullets, crawled through piles of dead people, was merciless in training people, and even dared to slap the desk of the city bureau director!

However, she was leaving the team no matter what.

Her mother gave her an ultimatum. She could not take over the family business, but she had to leave the criminal investigation team. If she really wanted to be a police officer, she would be transferred to the provincial department to work as a civilian. With their family background and her father's background in the public security system, it wouldn't take long. Years would allow her to smoothly transition from the department level to the full-time position. As for whether she would go to the department level, that would be a matter for the future.

Hu Xing knew that her mother was serious this time.

She thought over and over again that instead of going to the provincial office and following the boss around all day long, it would be better to go home. If you are doing business, you will have someone to take care of you in your family. At worst, you will be a hands-off shopkeeper, but the officialdom will be different. Once you enter a noble family, it is as deep as the sea. Which prince and grandson will be free?

Moreover, she also felt that she owed something to her mother.

After his father died, his mother supported the family alone. She could have remarried, but with her status as Xia Wenyuan's daughter, her appearance and knowledge, many wealthy men were lining up to marry her. But she chose to stay in the Hu family to take care of her parents-in-law. In order not to be looked down upon, she worked hard to manage the industry and kept the company in order. The business was getting bigger and bigger. Although she could not compare with giants like Cheung Chau and Huanyu, she was considered very popular among the entire Xia family branch. Just to keep up the facade.

Hu Xing is the only one in the Hu family. If she doesn't inherit the property, my mother will always feel like her hard work has been in vain for half her life.

While I was packing my things, my colleagues came over to say goodbye. She responded with a smile and made a joke from time to time. Originally, she could leave after packing her things, but she was a little reluctant and wanted to finish the last half day of work.

Her colleagues went to work, and she sat in the office with nothing to do, so she went to the archives to retrieve old files. She wanted to review the cases she had participated in as a last memory. I am afraid she will not have such an opportunity in the future.

The first file is the case of the headless female corpse in Majiabang. This is the first complete case that she has personally participated in, and it is also the most bizarre case that she has encountered during her time as a police officer.

She couldn't help but feel a little sad when she thought about the whole process of solving the case. This case turned around several times, and it wasn't until Qingmu and Shi Dazhuang returned from southern Yunnan that the truth came to light. Ma Fuqing's method of killing his wife and setting the blame was a textbook for crime. But if it weren't for Aoki, this villain might still be at large!

The only thing she still can't figure out is how did this guy find Aoki in the first place? Judging from the subsequent analysis, he obviously went there with a purpose. The panic and honesty when they first met were all fake. He just hoped that Aoki and the police could go to Majiabang to solve the murder of his mother and brother. come out. But Aoki is not a famous detective, and how did he know that Aoki can fall into dreams, and that a female police officer happened to go to Aoki's studio that day!

Hu Xing was lost in thought when a call came from the receptionist's office downstairs: "Officer Hu, there is a man named Yi Shenghua down below looking for you."

Thanks to Hengfeng for his silver. I still owe countless more. I will write a little more tonight. I don’t know how much I can write.

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