Dream Guide

Chapter 524: Never Seen the Revival of Sang Soul

The old willow trees in Liuying Lane are wrapped with circles of neon lights. At night, they light up like stars, making people think they are fairy trees in the sky.

Every time I see it, I will think of the brilliant nebula I saw through the telescope. Is there such a tree in the nebula, with its roots in the black hole and its branches spreading across the Milky Way, standing in the night sky and spreading starlight year after year?

The atmosphere of celebrating the New Year is getting worse every year. Apart from neon lights, lanterns and safety signs saying no firecrackers are allowed on the streets, there is no sign of celebrating the New Year at all. There are few people and few cars on the street. Besides being deserted, it is still deserted.

Life Flower came out of the back door, habitually took out a pot of Chihuahua and put the key under the flower pot. She has been doing this every time she goes out for more than a year. What if she comes back?

She came to Front Street, stood at the door of the bar for a while, and then walked slowly along the street.

Lao Li's small supermarket was still open, and the old air conditioner buzzed on the side wall. This is the first supermarket to open in Liuying Lane. It opened before Lifespan Flower was born. I heard people say that it was very prosperous at that time and business was very good. Later, there were more and more supermarkets, and there were hypermarkets nearby, so small supermarkets were not so prosperous. Lao Li is also getting old, so he spends his days in a lukewarm small supermarket.

Most people in Liuying Lane are looking forward to demolition. She is the only one who firmly opposes Rushenghua, but there are still people who don't want demolition, and Lao Li is one of them.

Bi Shenghua lifted the plastic door curtain of the supermarket, and the sensor at the door sounded a "Welcome" tone. I don't know if it was out of power or too old, but the voice was hoarse like an old man.

Lao Li was sorting out the shelves when he saw Lifespan Hua coming in and said with a smile: "Hey, Huahua, what do you want to buy?"

"If you don't want to buy anything, just come in and take a look." Bishenghua said.

Lao Li was very happy: "Sit down, sit down, you are the only young man who still comes to see his old neighbors if he doesn't want to buy anything these days!"

Bi Shenghua didn't sit down, she just leaned casually on the counter at the front desk and asked, "Brother Zhengyang and sister-in-law haven't come back yet? The Chinese New Year is tomorrow!"

Lao Li sighed: "Oh, I married a daughter-in-law and forgot about my father. She said that the baby has to go to school. She will celebrate the New Year in Australia this year and will not come back."

"Isn't it summer vacation in Australia now?"

"Who says it's not the case? I probably have to make up lessons. But Zhengyang said that when my place is demolished, let me go to Australia to enjoy myself." There was a trace of happy yearning in the wrinkled folds of Lao Li's face.

"You don't object to the demolition?" Bi Shenghua was a little surprised.

Lao Li said: "Sooner or later, it will be demolished, and there is no point in objecting. I said flowers, you should be more open-minded. Your grandfather said when he was here that times have changed, and the debts owed by the older generations do not need to be paid by you younger generations. Come back."

"I know." Bishenghua smiled, chatted with Lao Li for a few more words, and then went out.

Further ahead is Boss Wu’s Wu Sheng Noodle House, but it’s closed. This is also an old shop. Boss Wu is a foreigner. He came to Wuzhong to do small business in his early years. He started with wonton pickers and later opened this shop. Bi Shenghua loved coming here to eat noodles when she was a child. His Aozao noodles are well made, including fried fish, braised duck, braised pork, and shrimp. They are full of ingredients and delicious, and they are no worse than those made at a century-old restaurant in Kun County. .

After Aoki and Crow came here, they also liked to eat noodles here. Crow often said that apart from the flowery sauce pork ribs, their favorite thing to eat is the noodle toppings here.

Boss Wu goes back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year every year, and his return lasts for more than half a month. He doesn't come back until after the Lantern Festival at the beginning of the new year.

Next door to Wusheng Noodle House is Aunt Six's clothing store. Aunt Six was a tailor in an old state-owned garment factory in the last century. After the garment factory closed down, she opened this ready-made clothing shop in Liuying Lane.

In those days, many people were used to cutting several feet of new cloth to make new clothes during the Chinese New Year. Later, people became accustomed to going to stores to buy clothes, and they also had to tell the brand, and ready-made clothing shops became repair shops. A few years ago, Aunt Six was still wearing reading glasses and working on a sewing machine in the shop, repairing zippers and hemming pants for neighbors. Later, the sixth aunt's daughter gave birth to a second child, so she asked the sixth aunt to help take care of the child. The shop was rented to a Shandong couple who made pancakes, but there was still the words "Nanny's Clothing Shop" on the door. Nannan is the nickname of the sixth aunt, and people still call her that when she is old.

In front is Uncle Qian's home. Uncle Qian is a wealthy man, and even if he has a shop, he doesn't open one. He decorates it like an old-fashioned tavern, but only entertains his old drinking buddies to drink. There is a sign at the door: Private place, no one allowed to enter. Some people say that he is overqualified for his talents and can entertain friends at home and rent out his shop to make money. He said that he just wanted to leave a comfortable appearance for himself so that his friends could come in and out easily.

Uncle Qian likes to raise birds, and he has a myna. He used to show off his starling's intelligence, but since the coal boss came to Liuying Lane, it seems that his myna is not very smart anymore. Every time Uncle Qian saw Qingmu out walking the birds, he would say: "Let's chat with the old man for a while and lead us. My old man doesn't know how to talk straight now!" The coal boss was always disgusted and didn't turn around: "Damn Brother, you're so stupid!"

Life Flower smiled when she thought of this. She walked forward slowly, looking at one shop after another, and the past was vividly in her mind.

However, it will be demolished sooner or later!

No matter how much Bi Shenghua objects, no matter how much Huang Ziqiang helps, sooner or later this place will be demolished, and the old willow tree will be removed sooner or later.

And after the surveying and mapping personnel from the Park Literature Bureau came that day, she became even more worried. She clearly remembered the man saying that there were tree roots for miles around. How similar this was to what she heard from her grandfather!

She didn't know that the surveying and mapping union would not go back and report everything. If the leaders of the Garden Culture Bureau really took this seriously and came to study the details of this tree, what would happen? Maybe it will be protected as a particularly precious tree species. That would be a good thing. The biggest fear is that they have to dig out the roots to take a look, or use it as a gimmick to make money from tourism. Then the tree is probably going to die. .

She walked for a while and turned into an old alley on the side without realizing it. Entering the alley is the old farmer's market. The last vegetable farmer is holding his position and shouting over and over again: In the last half day, all the stalls will be sold out!

Bishenghua walked through the alley next to the farmer's market and stopped in front of the Internet cafe.

The fire more than 20 years ago that still makes people in Liuying Lane lament started here. The whole family of the old Liu family, as well as the workers in their woolen mill, died that night. Got clean.

It is now known that Liu Huai set the fire, but people at the time did not say so. At that time, there were rumors that it was the fire from heaven, that someone from the Liu family had done something immoral and made God angry.

But when I was very young, sitting on my grandfather’s lap and listening to stories, I heard another version.

Since a fire in the Hua family that year, all the mulberry trees within ten miles of Mulberry Camp have died. Since then, not a single mulberry tree has grown in decades. No matter transplanted or cut, it will not survive. However, willow trees have grown row after row. Row. But a mulberry sapling grew in the courtyard of Liu's Woolen Mill.

Grandpa said that it was the soul of a thousand-year-old Sang who had revived. He went to the woolen mill to find work so that he could take care of the mulberry trees in secret. Later, the mulberry seedlings gradually grew up, but the Liu family felt that the mulberry tree was an obstruction, so they cut it down, leaving only a small root reaching the ground. Then the Liu family caught fire.

Grandpa actually didn’t say that the fire started because the Liu family was cutting down mulberry trees, but Bi Shenghua automatically connected the two things in her mind.

Grandpa escaped the disaster because he went to the hospital during the fire and waited for his little granddaughter to be born.

Lifelong was born that night.

Grandpa loved her very much, probably because she saved his life when she first came into the world.

Although the fire has nothing to do with the life-long flower, after all, so many people died. Every time I hear it mentioned, I feel horrified, as if I was the one who witnessed it. When I was struggling in the fire and had nowhere to escape, I had no choice but to abandon my body and leave it alone. The soul escaped and was hastily reborn.

This chapter is an extra update for Hengfeng book friends. I’ll see if I can code out another chapter later.

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