Dream Guide

Chapter 552 Bloody Rose

Ahmed's first reaction was that the pharaoh's mummy had been stolen. But when I thought about it, I felt something was wrong. Why should the shroud be removed when stealing a mummy? And the Pharaoh’s golden mask, which is the most valuable thing, why is it still in the coffin?

"What is this?" He no longer cared about whether the things in the coffin were cultural relics, and picked up a black object from some scattered gold ornaments under the shroud.

"Spices," Aleph said, "stuffed into the mummy's body along with these gold and silver treasures to embalm the body."

Ahmed frowned and threw the spices back into the coffin.

"Do you know how mummies are made?" Aleph asked.

"How is it made?" Ahmed didn't know why Aleph asked this.

"After every pharaoh dies, a ritual is held. The pharaoh's body is thrown into the wilderness or in the river, and then the whole city is mobilized to search for it. This ritual originates from the myth of Orisis. According to legend, Orisis once His brother put him in a box and threw him into the Nile. After he found it, he was cut into pieces and thrown into different places. Orisis's wife retrieved the body parts and put them back together again to make a mummy. After Orisis was resurrected, he became the god of the underworld. Later pharaohs would imitate this process and hold a corpse-hunting ceremony after their death.

The ancient Egyptians did not fear death. They believed that they would be resurrected one day after death. So I guess this ritual started while the pharaoh was still alive.

When the Pharaoh's corpse or the dying body was recovered, he began to be dissected - the abdomen was dug open and all the internal organs were taken out; the nose was dug out, the nasal bones and maxillary bones were opened, and the brain was taken out. However, they will keep the heart, because the ancient Egyptians believed that the heart is the source of wisdom and the main difference between the ontology and the object. Only by keeping the heart can they ensure that they are still alive.

Next, they soaked the body in salt water to dissolve the oil and wash off the skin. After about forty days, the body is taken out to dry, and then the cavity is stuffed with spices - the kind you picked up just now - and some gold jewelry that the pharaoh often used during his lifetime. After the abdominal cavity was sutured, gum was applied to the outer layer of the body, and finally the body was tightly wrapped in cloth. In this way, a standard mummy is made. "

Aleph seemed to be lecturing his students in a classroom.

Ahmed was horrified when he heard this. The corpse was lying there in the corner. The internal organs and brain had been taken out, only the heart was still there. If you stuff it with spices and wrap it in a shroud, it will be a standard mummy.

Did the murderer make the corpse look like this because he wanted to pretend to be a mummy to get away with it?

No, not possible. This is too easy to debunk, and it doesn't require so many dead people.

Or maybe the murderer deliberately treated the scene like this to lead things in a mystical direction and make the police make wrong judgments?

This is very possible. For example, he just judged from the beginning that the murderer was some kind of animal that likes to eat internal organs. Although it is unlikely that a large animal that can bite a person's stomach open would appear in this place, the inherent mystery of the pyramid makes it easy for people to ignore the logical irrationality. Sex, it seems that it is reasonable even if some monsters that have never been seen before appear here, just like the plot in the movie "The Mummy".

But Ahmed was an experienced police officer after all, and after combing through it from beginning to end, he ruled out this possibility.

The sandstorm lasted only a few hours. If the murderer discovered the underground treasure and wanted to take it all for himself and kill all the witnesses, he would not have time to deal with the scene. Mysticism can only deceive people for a while. For the murderer, time is of the essence. valuable. He should have fled quickly with his most valuable possessions, instead of leaving the golden mask alone and laboriously disposing of so many people's entrails and the pharaoh's mummy.

Ahmed walked to the body in the corner and squatted down to carefully search for clues.

The incision on the abdomen of the corpse was smooth, but it didn't look like a knife, it looked a bit like being cut with an awl. Nothing can be seen from other places, and I am afraid we will have to wait for forensic identification before we can draw a conclusion.

Looking at the empty belly of the corpse, he suddenly had the urge to fill the coffin with spices and then wrap the corpse with cloth. He didn't know why he thought so, but the thought was so strong, as if someone kept encouraging him in his ears.

He felt a cool breeze flow from the back of his neck and ears, as if something was lying on his back and breathing.

Cold sweat broke out on Ahmed's forehead and back. He turned around suddenly and saw Adura behind him.

"Adura, what are you doing?" he asked.

Adura seemed to be frightened, pointing behind Ahmed with a horrified look on his face: "He...he..."

Ahmed sighed and said, "Don't be afraid, it's just a dead person."

He turned around and went back, only to see that the corpse that was lying on the ground had stood up. Behind him, there was an open belly without internal organs, and half of his heart was exposed under the ribs, and it was still beating there. . And the faceless face seemed to be visible, staring at Ahmed.

Ahmed's heart was beating wildly. However, he was a policeman who had experienced strong winds and waves, and with the authority given to him by the chief to make emergency decisions, he reacted immediately, quickly retreated, took out his pistol and fired twice.

The bullet plopped into the body of the living dead, like hitting tattered cotton wool. The body of the living dead swayed slightly, as if he was irritated, and began to approach him step by step.

The sudden sound of gunshots suddenly rang out in the stone room, making people's ears hurt. He saw that the corpses in the other corners were also standing up, and the automatic rifles in the hands of the two soldiers who followed Aleph were spitting fire.

"Go!" Ahmed shouted. Shooting in such a small place, he was killed by his own stray bullet before he was bitten by the corpse.

He turned and rushed towards the entrance of the passage from which he came. However, whether it was due to an error in his memory or nervousness, he actually bumped into the stone monument.

The stone tablet suddenly glowed with golden light, and the other four stone tablets also glowed as if in response.

The light is getting brighter and brighter, making people unable to open their eyes, as if they are under the midsummer sun.

The light penetrated the thick stone wall like a sharp sword and penetrated to the outside of the pyramid. The entire pyramid became transparent.

Ahmed saw the sun in the sky, and there was a vast sea of ​​sand on the ground. The undulating sand dunes were endless, and the fine sand reflected golden light in the sun.

The three pyramids of Giza just stood in the sea of ​​sand, with many people standing around them. There was a halo around their bodies, making it difficult to see their appearance.

Alhammed was clearly standing in the underground palace of Khufu's Pyramid, but he seemed to have an extra pair of God's eyes and could see everything on the Giza highlands.

Then, he saw a man walking out of the crowd on the ground and walking towards the Pyramid of Khufu. The strange thing is that he did not walk towards the entrance, but walked directly towards the stone wall and walked up the stone steps outside.

Is he going to climb to the top of the pyramid? The tourism bureau clearly stipulates that anyone who climbs without permission will be punished by one to three years in prison. Even if he got permission from the government, why did he get away so easily? It’s not easy to climb those rocks!

What's even more strange is that he actually walked through the stone wall and walked in, as if the pyramid was not completed but a trapezoidal platform.

Oh, he went down again. But there is no road here!

The man stepped on the invisible steps, walked down a few steps, reached the same height as Ahmed, and then walked towards Ahmed.

Ahmed was a little nervous. He didn't know what happened and what that person did.

The man came closer, and Ahmed could finally see him clearly. He was wearing a suit. Because his whole body was covered with a layer of golden light, the color of the suit could not be seen, and his facial features could not be distinguished clearly, but he could vaguely tell that he was quite old.

He saw that the man was holding something like a red coral branch in his hand.

Even though the sun is dazzling, the coral branches are still eye-catchingly red, like blood-stained roses dedicated to lovers.

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