Dream Guide

Chapter 553 Flame and Hourglass

Ahmed's heart was beating wildly. He found that he could not move or speak. He seemed to have turned into a stone statue and could only watch helplessly.

The man holding the coral branch came slowly and walked past him with a very gentlemanly step, but turned a blind eye to him.

Ahmed vaguely felt that he had seen this person somewhere. Although the details of his facial features were blurred by a layer of faint golden light, his outline, especially the profile of his face when he walked past, made him sure that he must have seen it somewhere.

As a good police detective, he will leave an impression in the mind of anyone who meets him. He was sure that he must have seen this person, maybe on TV or in a magazine. Yes, that must be the case. This person must be a celebrity, politician, or rich man. Well, it's more likely that the rich are more likely to appear in the media than the average politician.

The man walked to the center of the five stone tablets and stopped. Ahmed remembered that there was the Pharaoh's sarcophagus, but now the sarcophagus was gone and turned into flat ground.

The light from the five stone tablets intertwined with the man.

Ahmed looked carefully and found that the light came from the words on the stone tablet. When the lights were intertwined, they actually turned into three-dimensional words, twisting in the air like a holographic projection, as if they were pregnant with living things. life in general.

That person stands in the words of light. But he didn't realize it. He knelt down and wiped his hands on the ground. Ahmed saw a symbol on the ground, which was two connected equilateral triangles, with vertices connected to each other, and the two center points connected by a line segment.

The man inserted the coral branch in his hand into the vertex where the two triangles were connected. There was obviously a small hole there. The coral branch suddenly burned and turned into a raging flame, beating in the surrounding golden light words. Those twisted words flew toward the flames like moths, as if they wanted to put out the flames.

However, the fire grew stronger and stronger, and the gold characters that jumped in were like bamboo thrown into the fire. They were burned until they crackled, cracked, and finally shattered into fine sand. And the sand did not extinguish the small cluster of flames, and all flowed into the two triangles next to the flames.

As more and more golden words were burned to death, the light of the stone tablet gradually dimmed. Ahmed saw spider-like cracks appearing on the stone tablet, becoming more and more dense.

The last word jumped into the fire and disappeared with a bang.

Almost at the same time, the five stone tablets fell down with a bang and turned into five piles of stone powder. The stone powder slowly flowed into the triangular symbol along the small zigzag cracks on the ground.

Ahmed saw that the sand in the two triangles was flowing, because the sand in one of the triangles was getting less and it was obviously flowing to the other triangle. After the sand in the first triangle was emptied, the two triangles quickly rotated 180 degrees around the coral flame and exchanged positions. Then the sand in the sand-filled triangle began to flow toward the empty triangle, and the fine sand slowly flowed along the engraved line that passed through the vertex.

Ahmed saw clearly that it was an hourglass. Whenever the sand in one sand cone leaks out, the hourglass will automatically turn upside down and flow back from the other sand cone.

The flame in the middle kept burning, and at some point three suns appeared in the sky. Each sun shot down a strong light, which fell on the spiers of Khufu, Khafre and Menkaure respectively.

The hourglass on the ground rotated back and forth so many times that Alhammed looked a little dazed, and the hourglass became more and more vivid. It seemed to stand up and turned into a three-dimensional real hourglass - crystal. The outer shell is made of fine golden sand, and the outside is wrapped in rose-colored flames.

The hourglass grew larger and larger, and so did the flames. Slowly, the entire world was ignited with raging fire, including the three pyramids that were also burned red.

However, the hourglass was still growing, and it actually broke away from the flames, turning the flames into a bloody flower inside the hourglass.

Ahmed saw a look of surprise on the face of the old man in a suit, as if something had caught him by surprise.

When the upper and lower ends of the hourglass connect with the sky and the earth respectively, the originally majestic Giza pyramids become a child's toy in front of it, and everything becomes insignificant.

When all the sand in the sand cone above fell to the ground, I originally thought that the hourglass would turn upside down again, but it didn't this time. Perhaps it happened, but Ahmed did not feel this reversal. A scene that shocked him even more happened——

The entire sand sea became the sand at the bottom of the hourglass. Suddenly a sand pillar rose up from the ground. The gravity seemed to be reversed. The sand pillar passed through the middle point of the hourglass and rushed up to the dome.

A black hole appeared in the sky, and all the sand was sucked into the hole and disappeared.

The flame went out. It suddenly became dark.

Before being swallowed by the darkness, the old man bent down and picked up the coral branch.

Ahmed seemed to see him turn his head and look at him, and then he saw nothing.

Then, he felt someone push him hard from behind. He stumbled and bumped into something, which seemed to be a low wall. Then he rolled over and fell to the ground with a thud. His butt and back were painfully hurt by the hard stones. He also heard a thumping sound, like hail hitting the car.

He wasn't sure if he fainted, but his mind was blank for a while. When he opened his eyes drowsily, he saw a white light, surrounded by walls, and he was lying in a small space.

He sat up suddenly and found that he was sitting in a sarcophagus with a shroud wrapped around his arm. What hit him just now was not a stone, but the gold nugget and mask in the coffin.

He crawled out of the coffin and saw two soldiers lying on the ground and Professor Aleph lying on the other side. They were covered in blood, but their bodies were intact.

Adura was lying next to the coffin, holding on to the edge of the coffin with both hands, apparently wanting to climb in. Ahmed remembered that he seemed to have been pushed by someone just now. Judging from the scene, the person who pushed him was probably Adura.

The five stone tablets surrounding the sarcophagus disappeared, leaving no trace, as if they had never existed. The five corpses in the corner were still there, with their heads facing the sarcophagus, and there was no sign that they had ever moved.

Ahmed checked the bodies of the four dead companions and found that they were all shot. They must have been hit by stray bullets in the chaos just now. He was able to escape entirely because Adura pushed him into the coffin.

It was Adura who saved him.

Ahmed carefully recalled everything that had just happened. The resurrection of the dead body and everything he saw afterwards must have been hallucinations, or even a dream, but where were those stone tablets?

He remembered the wizard's curse in "The Mummy" and felt that this place was indeed a bit evil. He decided to leave here first.

When he reached the entrance of the passage, he came back, carried Adura's body on his back, and then began to climb up the passage with difficulty. Because the passage was so steep, he could only drag Adura's body up little by little, leaving traces of blood in the passage.

When he came out of the sarcophagus on the upper floor, he accidentally dropped Adura's body again. Ahmed really didn't have the strength to go down and do it all over again. He said to the cave of the sarcophagus: "Brother, I'm sorry. Wait until I go out to find someone and then take you out. I will definitely take care of your family for you." Take care of.”

After saying that, he turned around decisively, turned back along the way he came, and soon came to the entrance of the pyramid.

Coming out of the pyramid, Ahmed took a deep breath of fresh air, and then slowly opened his eyes to adapt to the dazzling sunlight. He found that the military police blocking the Giza area were gone, and the tourists were walking around as if nothing had happened.

Several Arabs were holding camels and selling photography business, and a young Oriental couple was bargaining with them. After making an agreement, they got on the camel, but the Arab businessman reneged and wanted to charge them two hundred Egyptian pounds, but they would not be allowed to get off the camel unless they gave it.

Ahmed felt something was wrong. He walked aimlessly, analyzing in his mind what was going on. Why did the military and police withdraw? Who gave the order?

As he walked, he came to the Menkaure Pyramid and met the young Oriental couple again. The boy was talking to the administrator guarding the pyramid in the concierge, and seemed to have handed over a few banknotes.

Another one to climb the pyramid. Ahmed thought so, but didn't intend to meddle in other people's business, so he walked away.

He wanted to call the director, but he didn't think of how to say it. As I was thinking about it, I suddenly realized something was wrong and ran back to the Menkaure Pyramid.

He saw two policemen riding camels shouting at the pyramid: "Come down, there's going to be a sandstorm! Come down quickly!"

The pyramid administrator also came out of the room and shouted towards the top of the tower. However, Ahmed did not hear what he shouted, because he recognized him - this administrator was none other than Abdullah Rashad Rashid Buzbrahi Yitseje Rashi Tsarasha Mudd arrived.

The wind whistled, a couple sat on the top of the pyramid and made a wish, and a gray-black wall appeared on the horizon in the distance.

A sandstorm is coming.

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