Dream Guide

Chapter 569 Is it her or a coincidence

Wolf Manor is on the north side of West Vancouver, near Capilano Suspension Bridge Park. The manor is an exquisite French-style building covering an area of ​​more than two square kilometers. The main building of the manor is built on the high ground in the center, with a very wide view. Standing on the terrace of the main building, you can see the entire affluent area of ​​West Vancouver and the coastline of Ballard Bay in the distance, with a large green forest behind you.

In front of the mansion is a straight boulevard, which serves as the central axis of the manor and runs through the broad main garden. There is a auxiliary axis on each side of the garden. Three vertical axes and several horizontal axes intersect to form a rigorous grid. Wire. The intersections of these grid lines are decorated with many fountains, carvings and garden sketches, which look simple and bright, without any sense of stacking.

The boulevard stretches straight ahead, pointing straight into the neighborhoods of West Vancouver. From there, follow Highway 99 to the east to reach North Vancouver, and go south to the Lions Gate Bridge and pass through the famous Stanley Park to reach South Vancouver, which is the real urban area of ​​Vancouver.

The meeting place agreed upon by the Second Leader and Huang Liang was in Stanley Park.

This is an island park located in Ballard Inlet and is the largest park in North America. Its southern end is connected to downtown Vancouver, and the Lions Gate Bridge at the northern end is known as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. It is the only way to the wealthy areas of West Vancouver.

The park is full of beautiful redwood trees, nestled among rose gardens and miniature golf courses. A 22-kilometer fitness path surrounds the island, making it a paradise for joggers and cyclists.

Huang Liang rode a bicycle to Stanley Park.

The bicycle was lent to him by Martha. He told Hong Kui that he wanted to go shopping in downtown Vancouver. Hong Kui originally wanted to send him a car, but he refused on the grounds that he wanted to get familiar with Vancouver's roads and relax. This reason is not false. After all, after he came to Vancouver, he only stayed at Professor Dickinson's house and Wolfe Manor.

When he came out of the manor in the morning, he met Martha and asked her about the bus route and time to the city center. Martha asked him where he was going, and he said he was just strolling around, and then sighed that it would be great if he had a bicycle.

Martha took him to the parking garage, where many bicycles were parked. She looked at the puzzled Huang Liang and said, "There's nothing surprising about this, Doctor Huang. Gentlemen take cars when they go in and out, but we can't. In such a big manor, sometimes it's more convenient to ride a bicycle."

She pointed to the cars here, "You can ride them as you like without locking them. Those cars are electric, but you have to charge them in Nancheng City, otherwise I'm afraid they won't be enough to come back."

Martha was very enthusiastic, and Huang Liang felt that she was sincere, not out of perfunctory politeness or the fake hospitality of a servant from a large family.

He said, "Thank you, Martha, you're such a good person."

"You don't have to be so polite!" Martha smiled lightly, her eyebrows were curved, and the faint freckles on her face looked a bit cute and cute in the morning light.

He rode his bicycle to Stanley Park. There were already many cyclists in the park, all dressed up for riding, but he was the only one still wearing ordinary clothes, not even a helmet. He rode to the English Bay in the west, where several old men had already laid out their fishing gear and were sitting there leisurely fishing.

Huang Liang opened the map on his phone and looked at it. After confirming that the location was correct, he found a secluded place, parked the car, and sat down on a park bench.

There were few pedestrians in the park in the early morning, and he carefully examined everyone who passed by. To be honest, he was a little nervous now. He wasn't sure if the person on the phone was the second leader, because the voice on the phone had changed, and he couldn't tell the other person's gender. The other party didn't tell him the connection code or anything, and just asked him to wait here.

"Doctor Huang!"

Huang Liang heard someone calling him from behind, and this familiar voice made his heart skip a beat.

He turned around and saw a playful Martha standing there holding a flower basket and looking at him with a smile.


Huang Liang stood up and looked at her in disbelief. He really didn't expect it to be Martha, but then he thought it seemed reasonable, both in terms of her identity and the time she called him, except that she was a little young.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't call you by your name like this." Huang Liang paused, thinking about how to call Martha. It's obviously inappropriate to call her leader. Calling her madam doesn't seem right either.

Martha looked innocent, "Why can't you call me by my name? Everyone calls me that!"

"But..." Huang Liang hesitated.

"Stop it, just call me Martha." Martha came over as briskly as a little bird and sat down on the bench, "Aren't you going to the city center? If I had known you would come to Stanley Park, we just We can walk together, since my master’s illness became serious, I haven’t ridden a bicycle for a long time!”


Huang Liang was a little doubtful of his initial judgment. Martha didn't seem to be teasing him on purpose. There was no one around and there was no need to cover up. Could it really be a coincidence?

"Didn't you come here on a bicycle?" He asked without saying anything, which was considered a test.

"No, the driver Brandon drove me here. He is waiting for me in the parking lot over there." Martha raised the basket in her hand and said, "I'm going to pick roses in the rose garden. Master Wolfe likes it." He said that the roses here are not as good as the roses in Stanley Park. He likes to smell them. Every time he is seriously ill, he feels better after smelling the fragrance of roses."

"Can I pick any roses in the park?"

"Of course others can't, but we can. The rose garden and golf course in Stanley Park are paid for and maintained by Mr. Wolfe, and the yacht club on the island is also a family property. Half of the public facilities in Vancouver were built by the Wolfe family. Yes, the city hall even awarded Mr. Wolf a trophy for this! Mr. Wolfe is a good man and he will get better, don’t you think so, Dr. Huang? "

Martha looked at the sea in the distance, which was calm and waveless, but deep and blue.

Her words made Huang Liang even more confused. Was this a test?

"Um...I'm not sure..." He didn't know how to answer.

"You must have a way, right?" Martha turned her face and looked at him seriously.

"Maybe." Huang Liang said.

"No, I believe you must have a way." Martha said firmly.

"Why...me?" Huang Liang actually wanted to ask, why did you choose to let me come to North America.

"You are different from the doctors who treated me in the past...well...I can't tell you. In short, you are very special. I felt so from the first time I saw you." Martha said very firmly.

"Do you need me to do anything?" Huang Liang continued to explore.

"What to do?..." Martha looked at the yellow beam, suddenly laughed happily, raised the empty basket in her hand and said, "Come with me to pick roses!"

After she finished speaking, she stood up, grabbed Huang Liang's arm, and walked towards the path ahead. She was jumping up and down as she walked, like a happy bird.

At this moment, Huang Liang thought of his sister again. When she was a child, she would hold her brother's hand and go to the fields to pick wild vegetables.

Just as he was following Martha in a trance, he suddenly saw Dickinson walking towards him. He was carrying a fishing rod, a net bag, a bucket, and a big bag on his back.

As soon as Huang Liang saw him, he thought of the chip in his neck, which was emitting radio waves into the sky.

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