Dream Guide

Chapter 570 Who is the second leader?

"Ah, Dr. Huang, how come it's such a coincidence that I meet you here?" Dickinson walked over cheerfully.

"Yes, what a coincidence!" Huang Liang said, "I came out for a walk. I have been in Vancouver for so many days and I haven't had a good walk around yet! Are you here for fishing?"

"Oh, yes." Dickinson shook the fishing rod in his hand, "This is a good place for fishing. Many of my old friends like to come here to fish. Old William also came here to fish in the past, but there are always people behind him. He was followed by several bodyguards who were so murderous that they scared away the fish! Hahahaha..."

His hearty laughter resounded in the morning light. He didn't look like a crazy professor who inserted a chip into his neck at all, but more like a leisurely retired old man.

This made Huang Liang have doubts. In his impression, professors like Dickinson were all focused on scientific research, so how could they have time to go fishing? Could he have come here specially to meet him? Otherwise it would be too much of a coincidence.

Could Dickinson be the second leader? This guess seems more reasonable than Martha's. Dickinson's identity, age, and status were all in line with the organization's invasion goals, and Huang Liang was introduced to Wolfe Manor by him and Professor Mei. Treating old Wolfe and getting close to the Wolfe family were the original purpose of the organization sending him to North America. Dickinson obviously has an easier time grasping Mei Yiqiu's whereabouts than Martha, and can skillfully use Mei Yiqiu to bring Huang Liang to Canada. Mei Yiqiu's relationship with the Wolfe family is unusual. In this way, although it is a detour It was a lot of twists and turns, but it did gain the trust of the Wolfe family.

In addition, if Martha is the second leader, since she is already with William Wolfe and is one of the people whom Old Wolfe trusts most, then why is there any need for Huang Liang to get close to the Wolfe family?

The only thing that puzzled Huang Liang was that Mei Yiqiu had so much trust in Dickinson. Logically speaking, Dickinson must have verified the Thought Matrix password. If Dickinson was the second leader, how did he get Lester's signature? If he fails to sign through Leicester, then Mei Yiqiu's identity becomes suspicious, but Mei Yiqiu's relationship with Aoki...

Huang Liang tried to figure out the meaning of Dickinson's words, thinking about how to test it. At this time, Martha was still holding Huang Liang's hand. Of course Dickinson also saw her and smiled:

"Ah, isn't this Miss Martha from the William family? What are you..."

Martha said, "We're going to the rose garden to pick roses."

"You?" Dickinson was a little surprised, "Ah - I understand, young people are really rich in emotions!" He winked at Huang Liang and quietly gave a thumbs up, "You are really good! "

Huang Liang was confused, Martha's face turned red, she let go of Huang Liang's hand and defended: "It's not what you think, Professor Dickinson, I'm going to pick some roses for Mr. Wolfe, he likes it." Smell the roses in Stanley Park, I just happened to meet Dr. Huang.”

"What a coincidence?" Dickinson's wrinkled face showed slyness.

"It's such a coincidence." Huang Liang said, "Just like you and I met, it was also such a coincidence."

Dickinson laughed loudly: "Yes, yes, the beauty of this world is made up of coincidences. Without so many coincidences, even life cannot be born! But..." He looked at Huang Liang and then at Martha. , "Some things are no coincidence, such as why the roses in Stanley Park are particularly fragrant; why these flowers with sharp thorns have become the favorites of lovers; why when your lover kneels in front of you holding a rose in his hand, At this time, what you smell is obviously just pollen molecules diffusing in the air, but your brain will secrete a large amount of dopamine, making you as excited as if you had smoked marijuana... These problems cannot be explained by science!"

Huang Liang and Martha looked at each other, wondering why Dickinson said such words.

"So Professor, why is this?" Martha asked innocently.

Dickinson was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Oh, I'm just an old man who came to fish, how could I know! Okay, I'm going fishing, you go pick roses quickly."

As he said that, he walked away with the fishing rod, found a place to sit on the beach, and said to himself, "I wonder if my luck is good today." Then he turned back and shouted, "I'll wait for you to enjoy it in the rose garden." When you’re done with your romantic time, you can come over and I’ll treat you to fish! The small white fish from English Bay is the most delicious fish you can catch in Canada!”

Martha glanced at Huang Liang, her face suddenly turned red again, and said: "Huang... Doctor, there is still some way to the Rose Garden. If you want to go to the city center, then... no, no need to accompany me..."

Huang Liang is getting more and more confused now. The appointed time has passed, and the second leader is probably one of these two people. Of course, it is also possible that he did not show up because he saw someone around him. No matter what, the time has passed, so he doesn't break the appointment.

He pushed out the bicycle parked under the tree and said to Martha: "Come up, I will take you there."

"Ah? How...how do you take me?" Martha asked in surprise.

In Vancouver, you are not allowed to take people on a bicycle, and this bike has no back seat, so you can't take people with you at all.

Huang Liang pointed to the upper rung of the frame in front and said, "Sit here."

He thought that if Martha was the second leader, she would definitely refuse.

Martha hesitated for a moment, as if she was very curious about this new way, and raised her face and said, "Then you must ride more firmly and don't fall!"

She agreed so readily, which was a bit unexpected for Huang Liang. So, he rode his bicycle, carrying Martha, and swayed slowly forward in the beautiful morning light of Stanley Park. His hands wrapped around Martha's body, gripping the handlebars tightly. Martha held the basket in one hand and supported Huang Liang's arm with the other, enjoying the morning romance nervously and happily.

People passing by looked at them in surprise, but most responded with friendly smiles. Occasionally, young people riding the same bike whistled at them, and some elderly people warned them that it was dangerous to ride like this.

Of course, there is no real danger in riding a bicycle in the park, but the roads are small and densely forested, and there are still dangers when turning. Martha was screaming and laughing. The wind blows her hair like gentle waves on the distant sea; the sun shines through the gaps in the leaves and shines on her face like sparkling waves.

Huang Liang was very close to her, close enough that he could clearly see the light freckles on her side face and nose, which were jumping with life as she smiled. He could smell her scent, a faint fragrance like wild flowers in the countryside.

He remembered that when he was a child, Uncle Yu was riding a bicycle with his brother and sister. He sat in the back and his sister sat across the front. At that time, Uncle Yu was still young and strong. Later, Uncle Yu went to the city and he also had his own bicycle. My sister still liked to sit in front and let her brother hold her while speeding along the country roads.

At that time, he often smelled a special fragrance from his sister, mixed with the smell of wild flowers on the roadside, and it smelled particularly good.

Martha turned her face and saw Huang Liang staring at her face with a dull expression and a look of obsession. She felt that the morning sun was beginning to heat up, making her face feel a little hot.

"Huang, what are you thinking about?" she asked, raising her pretty red face.

"Huh? Oh, no, it's nothing..."

"Hey, be careful!"


Without paying attention, the wheel ran over the rocks when turning and almost hit the trash can on the roadside. Huang Liang quickly controlled the guard to avoid it, but the car rushed into the lawn, and then the two of them rolled down on the soft grass.

Ahead, there is a large area of ​​blooming roses.

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