Dream Guide

Chapter 578 One person is missing

Shi Dazhuang was promoted to deputy director of the municipal bureau and had a rare long vacation before taking office. He decided to take the poppy back to Qianziba, but the little girl talked about going back to see Grandpa Enkun more than once.

Poppy brought the space box with her. She said: "I gave this to Grandpa Nkun so that he can see Le Maueye and he can be with Le Maueye every day."

This space box was bought by Hu Xing for Beauty. Shi Dazhuang was very disdainful when he bought it. Although he had heard the name of the space box, in his eyes, the essence of this thing was a game console, which would make children lose their minds playing with things.

Hu Xing laughed at him as an old antique and said, "This was developed by Professor Mei and others. The supply exceeds the demand. It was hard to buy it!"

What Shi Dazhuang didn't expect was that after using the space box, Poppy not only did not lose her mind with toys and turned into a problem girl addicted to games, but she became brighter than before, as if she was a different person. Later, when he asked, he found out that the beauty had met her parents in the game. As long as she put on this mask, she could be with her parents. She said that her father was very handsome in his police uniform and that her mother was as beautiful as a flower.

Shi Dazhuang was a little excited, so he registered an account under the guidance of the beauty. When he first entered, he was very uncomfortable because he knew that he was entering an unreal world, just like a dream.

After spending some time, he finally understood why this game was so popular.

Because here, everyone can dream and realize their dreams. You can have whatever you want and do whatever you want. No one will stop you, there is no morality to restrain you, no law to sanction you, and there is not even physics. Laws to limit you.

This is a paradise for everyone. The lovelorn find true love here, the lonely are surrounded by friends, ordinary people can fly to the sky and escape, and the blind can see the flowers everywhere...

But Shi Dazhuang didn't like it, and even felt a little disgusted. He remembered what Yohji Yamamoto said: I never believe in lazy freedom. The freedom I yearn for is a broader life achieved through diligence and hard work.

As a police officer, he has seen too many tragedies caused by so-called freedom. True freedom must be obtained under a reasonable rule. If everyone obeyed traffic rules, there would be no congestion on the road. Without rules, only tragedy will happen.

The world of Dream Guide is one of absolute freedom. This is not only a paradise for ordinary people, but also a paradise for criminals. Human nature cannot stand the test here, because we know that this is not the real world, and we do not need to take any responsibility. All negative emotions in reality will be magnified to the extreme. People who have problems with you in reality, competitors in the workplace, opponents in love, or even people who have nothing to do with you but just make you jealous may become the target of your anger in your dream.

Ordinary people can easily become criminals in this free world, and crime can easily become addictive. The more freedom there is, the more uncomfortable it is to return to the real world; the more uncomfortable reality is, the more I want to go back to dream.

But Shi Dazhuang cannot control these things. He is a criminal policeman in Wuzhong City, not a time and space policeman walking in the free world. He also knows that individuals cannot stop the development of the times. Things have their own laws of development. Good and bad cannot be simply evaluated, just like the original mobile phone.

Shi Dazhuang wants to return the money to buy the space box to Hu Xing. Hu Xing became anxious and said:

"I gave this to the beauty, why should I ask you to give me money!"

Shi Dazhuang said: "That's not what I meant. The beauty wants to take that back to Enkun for public use. I think if Enkun uses it well, leave it in Qianziba for him to use. This one will be mine. You can buy one for the beauty." Make it new."

Hu Xing said: "It's not easy to buy new ones. Even if you order now, it will take several months to get the goods."

Shi Dazhuang said: "It doesn't matter if you wait a few months."

Hu Xing said: "Then you don't have to give me money. Are you afraid that I won't have any money?"

Shi Dazhuang said: "One code equals one code. This one taken to Qianziba must be mine."

"Old antique!" Wu Xing rolled her eyes and muttered, then picked up the phone to find someone. The space box is no longer as difficult to buy as when it was first released. In addition, the Xia family's companies are directly involved in this project. How can Hu Xing not get the goods?

After making the phone call, she said to the beauty: "There will be new ones when you come back."

Shi Dazhuang said: "I know you can do it, so there is no need to be so anxious. Instigating the next generation to play games exposes the nature of capitalists!"

Hu Xing said: "Yes, yes, I know! Beauty, you must study hard and get into a good university in the future, otherwise your eldest father will blame me."

The beauty took Hu Xing's hand, pulled her down, and said in her ear: "I am a good man and a good policeman, but I am too old-fashioned."

Hu Xing burst into laughter.

Hu Xing drove them to the airport. While waiting for the flight, Poppy asked suddenly: "Where on earth has Aoki Yeye gone, and why hasn't he come back yet? It would be great if he went back with us!"

Shi Dazhuang and Hu Xing's expressions darkened at the same time.

"You Qingmuyeye went to a far away place to do something, and you came back after he finished it." Shi Dazhuang said.

Poppy asked: "Will you be like my father and never come back?"

Shi Dazhuang's body trembled. He wanted to say something, but after looking at Hu Xing, he didn't say anything.

Poppy looked at the expressions of the two adults and knew that they were sad, so she said, "If you miss him, you can go look for him in the Dream Guide. That's where I found my parents."

Hu Xing looked at the beauty's innocent face and didn't know what to say. Of course she knew the function of the space box, and she was indeed obsessed with it for a while, but she knew it was illusory. However, children like Meiren are exposed to space boxes prematurely and grow up between the virtual and the real. For them, the world in that box may be as real as the real world. If things go on like this, I really don’t know whether it’s good or bad. When their generation, or a younger generation, grows up, they may be used to living in two worlds. What kind of society will that be?

When leaving, Hu Xing told them: "Be safe over there and come back early."

What Shi Dazhuang bought this time was the same flight as the one he bought more than two years ago. B737 has only one boarding aisle, and economy class passengers have to pass through first class. He thought of the interesting incident he met with Aoki on the flight, as if it happened yesterday.

When passing the first class cabin, Poppy suddenly called out: "Ms. Jingjing!"

Only then did Shi Dazhuang see Yao Jingjing sitting in the window seat, looking at them in as much surprise as he did.

Yao Jingjing is now considered a figure on the scene. Of course she flies in first class, unlike Shi Dazhuang, who has a special status and can only fly in economy class. She deliberately bought this flight today. This was the place where she once worked and where she and Qingmu first met. It was a double nostalgia. Unexpectedly, she met Shi Dazhuang and Yu Meiren here.

Economy class passengers were still boarding the plane and could not stay. Yao Jingjing took a look at Poppy's boarding pass and said, "You go and sit down first. I will come find you later."

She quickly contacted the flight attendant and learned that the first class cabin was not full, so she helped Shi Dazhuang and Yu Meiren upgrade their cabins.

Shi Dazhuang thought of the woman who bought an economy class ticket and insisted on flying in first class last time, and smiled: "Does this count as taking the back door?"

Yao Jingjing smiled and said: "It is not against the rules to upgrade passengers, as long as there are vacancies in the first class cabin, but you have to follow the process. I happen to be familiar with the process. Team Shi, oh no, Director Shi, this is not considered a bribe, right?"

Shi Dazhuang laughed, leaned on the spacious seat and let out a long sigh.

Two years ago, he and Qingmu took this flight to Spring City, and Yao Jingjing was still a flight attendant on the plane. When they came back, he and Qingmu came back with Yu Meiren, but Yao Jingjing was not on the plane; this time they met again. On the same flight, he, Yao Jingjing and Meiren were all there, but Aoki was missing.

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