Dream Guide

Chapter 580 Everyone——Dehydration!

Three days in the sky, light is everywhere and darkness has nowhere to hide.

When the last torch went out, people groped in the cabin for a long time and finally returned to the deck. From extreme darkness, they suddenly entered a world of extreme light. This change was difficult for people to adapt to.

There are no shadows on the mountains, no shadows on the boats, and no shadows of people under their feet. Without shadows, people lose their sense of being grounded and feel as if they are floating in the void, helpless.

Aoki stood on the deck, squinting his eyes and looking up at the sky.

The sky above my head was as clear and transparent as a crystal-clear pale sapphire, without any impurities.

There is a sun in the south, northwest and northeast of the sky. The three suns are arranged in a Z-shape, and their dazzling light makes people unable to open their eyes.

When the eyes finally adapted and were able to clearly see the vast golden world in the distance, the center of the triangular area surrounded by three suns darkened, as if a black hole was formed above people's heads, and the three suns were surrounding it. Turning around normally.

"Quack, welcome to the three-body world! Shouldn't we be dehydrated?" the crow cried excitedly, "Everyone - dehydrated!..."

I don't know whether it was because I was shocked by the spectacular sight in front of me, or because I was worried about the abnormality of the three-day sky, but no one paid any attention to it.

"Oh..." The coal boss rolled his eyes in dissatisfaction and said to Shen Ran who was lying lazily on the deck, "Hey, you are so fat. If you don't dehydrate, you will be roasted."

Meowing loudly was a response to the crow. However, at this moment, without the stimulation of dried small fish, it obviously had no motivation to stand up. It could only lie down on the deck and take a nap like all its kind who want to sleep when they see the sun.

The crow croaked and laughed: "Is it done? Then take a bite on your leg when it's done. It will help you lose weight and satisfy your cravings, croak!"

Boris was the first to regain his composure and said loudly: "Hey, you intellectuals who know everything about the universe and claim to have seen the universe, how come you are so scared when you see three suns! We will never get to the shore again. If you take shelter in the shade, you will really get dehydrated from the sun like this bird said!"

"Ivan, have you become as stupid as them?" When he saw no one responded to his words, he urged his old partner, "Let's go quickly, I don't want to be like those people in the cabin."

Ivan always maintained his usual calmness and said: "Boris, do you feel hot?"

"Of course..." Boris suddenly felt something was wrong. He touched the exposed skin on his arm, then looked at the lazy fat cat lying on the deck, and said a little unconvincingly, "It seems... …It’s not that…hot either!”

He raised his head and looked at the three big suns in the sky. The sunlight did give people a burning feeling, but it was just a feeling.

"What the hell!" Boris yelled, "What the hell is going on?"

"Multiple star systems are not uncommon in galaxies. Ramla has been moving in the Milky Way. We probably happened to pass through a certain three-star system now."

After Su Huilan finished speaking, she looked at Situ worriedly, "I just don't know how far we are from the earth now."

Everyone understood what she was asking. If Ramla pulled them further away, the terrible relativistic effect would not only make them far away from the earth in space, but also far away from the past world in time.

"I don't know how far away we are from the earth now. Without starry sky positioning, we can't determine our position in space," Situ said.

"Then wait until evening," said Boris.

Su Huilan shook her head and said: "It will take a long time. Usually, this kind of stable three-star system needs hundreds of sunrises and sunsets before it can wait for one night. And that night is likely to be so short that you don't have time to see the whole starry sky. One of the suns rises in a direction you cannot predict."

"No wonder those savages worship the stars so much. It turns out that their days of seeing stars are pitiful!" Boris muttered.

Mrs. Larry said: "Mr. Situ, your consciousness atomic clock should not be affected, right?"

Situ nodded: "If we count from the time we entered Ramla, 832 days should have passed on the earth until now."

"Oh, that's..." The crow raised its paws and started to count, "832 divided by 365, uh... forget it; 832 divided by 30 and then divided by 12, uh... forget it, let's multiply 832 by 24 ...Um...equal to..."

It rubbed its toes for half a day and decided to change the algorithm, "There are 832 days in total. Half a pork elbow every day is 832 divided by 2...Half a pork elbow every day is equivalent to eating one every two days, so it must be multiplied by 2 , 832 divided by 2 and then multiplied by 2 equals... Gua, it’s still 832! 832 sauce elbows, it’s really too long! Ruhua has already made so many sauce elbows!”

Thinking that he had eaten 832 less pork elbows, the coal boss couldn't help but feel sad. The three suns in the sky suddenly turned into three big knives, shining brightly with golden light. The saliva flowed out from the slit of its pointed beak, dripped off Aoki's forehead, and fell to the deck with a clatter. .

"I think like a flower!" Crow lowered his head and said sadly in Aoki's ear.

The mood of the people on the deck also became depressed. They thought that it had been more than two years since they left the earth. I don't know how many things had happened on the earth, but they could only accept the tricks of fate in this unwarranted place. Going home has become an unattainable luxury.

The coal boss suddenly said whimsically: "Didn't you say that Ramla's movement is unpredictable? Then could it be that this time it is moving in the opposite direction? It left the earth a thousand light years last time, so one year has passed. This time It’s moved back a thousand light years, so time has also gone back? Oh, then my dick will come back too!”

Aoki laughed dumbly. No matter which direction he moves, time will not go backwards! But he didn't want to destroy Crow's hopes and thoughts, so he said casually: "Don't worry, when I go back, I will feed you soy pork elbow every day."

The three suns move slowly in the sky. The one in the south is facing west, the one in the northeast is facing south, and the one in the northwest is facing east. They always maintain a Z-shaped shape, as if they are moving around a central point.

"Isn't the legendary Trisolaran world very scary?" Anderson said, "Maybe we can even fish."

Situ reminded: "I'm afraid this is not a normal three-body world."

"Why?" Everyone looked at him.

"The motion of a common three-star system will not be so regular and stable." Situ explained, "Generally speaking, there must be a main star among the three stars, and it will be much more massive than the other two stars. The other two are not They will be the same size, usually one big and one small, and they are companion stars of each other, orbiting each other. Think of stars 2 and 3 as a whole, and they form companion stars with star 1. The three-star system formed in this way is relatively stable. If there is a planet in this system, then you will see three suns on the surface of the planet. Among them, the main star No. 1 will be the same as the sun we see on the earth most of the time. At this time, stars No. 2 and No. 3 are far away from each other. The planets are farther away, so although they can be seen from the surface of the planet, they will look very small. When their orbits are closer, the brightness difference between the three suns shrinks, the surface temperature of the planet rises, and the gravity of the star causes the planet to The orbit has undergone unpredictable changes. We now see three almost identical suns, and they are moving regularly, which is not consistent with the common sense of three-body motion."

Su Huilan thought thoughtfully: "What do you mean...?" Under the scorching sun, she actually felt a chill.

Situ suddenly said something without any beginning or end: "I have no evidence."

Su Huilan looked at Qingmu again. Aoki also said: "I have no evidence either."

"What are you talking about?" Alice was very puzzled and a little angry that they were playing riddles like this.

Szeto said: "It's useless to think about this now. The most important thing is whether Ronald Cohen's last words are credible. This is related to our next decision."

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