Dream Guide

Chapter 581 Who am I?

"Can you sort out Ronald Cohen's last words again?" Petrou said, holding half a Fire Soul in his hand. Since the last words mentioned his family, he was particularly concerned about it.

Situ looked at Mrs. Larry and said, "Madam, please tell me. There are a lot of things about the origin of civilization here, and the Gendaya civilization is also mentioned..."

He knew that Mrs. Larry would be sad to hear Mr. Yeager's name, so he said no more.

Ronald Cohen's last words were in Mrs. Larry's hands.

The lady slowly unfolded the stack of papers, flipping through them while thinking about how to summarize the contents in the most concise language.

I don't know if it's because of the material or because the sunlight is too strong. The handwriting that was clearly visible in the weak light in the cabin became faint and difficult to read in the sunlight, as if it had faded.

She thought for a while and said:

“With all the fluff out of the way, what Cohen said goes something like this:

A long time ago, a Boltzmann brain was born in a nebula called Kaos in the Orion cantilever of the Milky Way. Her name was Gaia. Gaia uses nebulae as its brain to store memories, and absorbs spiritual energy through black holes to maintain her low entropy. She discovered that the universe was bound to go to heat death, so she created Ramla and sent her consciousness to areas where life might exist, allowing life there to evolve rapidly, hoping that the speed of life evolution and diffusion would exceed the heat death of the universe. speed, thus breaking the isolation of the universe.

We, the people on earth, are one of the life forms spread out from Gaia. Human beings have established a spiritual force field on the earth, connected with Ramla, and obtained Gaia's consciousness. At that time, everyone in the human race was an awakened person and possessed powerful spiritual power.

Later, the Gendaya people appeared out of nowhere and destroyed the spiritual force field of the Ramla ant colony and the earth. Most of the human spiritual power disappeared, leaving only a handful of people who were still awakened. They established the Alliance of Awakened Persons. , guarding the holy land, looking for the sacred staff, trying to restore the earth's spiritual force field and welcome back Gaia's consciousness.

The Itsa people in Ramla are the descendants of the Gendaya people. Their mission is to prevent humans from getting the sacred staff and restarting the altar.

According to Ronald Cohen, he had restarted the Altar of Fire, but because they only had half a Fire Soul, they unfortunately fell into the still space. Next, we only need to activate all the remaining four altars to restore the earth's spiritual force field. "

After Mrs. Larry finished speaking, she looked at everyone and said, "That's probably it."

Alice said: "It's so incredible, I don't think it's credible at all. If human beings really come with such a great mission, why is human nature full of selfishness and greed? Why is history made up of wars and killings? Why is the world full of Criminals and dirty deals?”

Mrs. Larry said: "Selfishness and greed are not human nature, and natural selection does not mean selfishness and greed. What you mentioned are all caused by sociality. Complex sociality allows human beings to differentiate themselves from numerous competitions. It stands out from the crowd, but it also brings us many problems. This does not conflict with our mission, if we have a mission.”

"But I still find it incredible," Alice said.

Petru looked at the fiery red coral branch in his hand and said, "I think it's credible."

Su Huilan said to Situ and Mrs. Larry: "Are there any theoretical or linguistic loopholes in Cohen's last words? You are experts, please analyze it."

Situ said: "They are all unverifiable things. From a scientific point of view, there are no particularly big loopholes for the time being. If there are any - according to the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy of a closed system always increases, and life must maintain itself. If we have low entropy and want to evolve in a more orderly direction, we must obtain energy from the outside, which is what we often say 'life feeds on low entropy'. The spread of a large amount of life will only accelerate the heat death of the universe. It seems unrealistic to rely on the spread of life to break the isolation of the universe, unless Gaia already knows what is outside the universe and has found a way to the outside."

Mrs. Larry added: "There is not much problem with the language logic. The myths and legends involved in it all match up. The only thing that doesn't make sense is probably the origin of the Gendaya civilization. Ludwig specializes in studying this. , he discovered something before he died, but unfortunately I didn’t pay attention to it, and some of his manuscripts could not be found after his death. If what Cohen said is true, then there are several questions:

First, why do the Gendayans want to prevent the spread of life in Gaia? Where do they come from and who do they represent?

Second, why didn’t the Itesans just take away the sacred staff or destroy it? Then it would be impossible for us to restart those altars.

Third, the Itesa people are descendants of the Gendaya people. Why do they look almost the same as us? "

"Is it possible that the Gendaya people are just a kind of consciousness, a parasite that has parasitized on humans? So their bodies are the same as humans." Su Huilan said.

"It is possible." Mrs. Larry said, "Cohen also mentioned this above. If this is the case, then the parasites encountered by the earth now are probably the legendary Gendayans."

"No, I don't think so." Aoki suddenly said, "I have come into contact with parasites. Once they are successfully parasitized, they will have physiological changes in a short period of time. For example, they have a fixed estrus period like animals. I think If time passes long enough, the physical differences between them and humans will become more obvious, but the Itsa people do not have these characteristics. In addition, what I don’t understand the most is Cohen’s identity – he is the leader of the Dream Society, and Dreams will be the core organization of the Parasites."

The crow croaked: "Are you playing Infernal Affairs?"

"What way?" Several Westerners looked confused.

"Oh, it's Mission Impossible Gua." Crow explained, "He may be an undercover agent of humans in the parasitic organization, or he may be an undercover agent of the parasites among humans, or the parasites deliberately let humans think that he is humans in the parasites. The undercover agent in... In short, it means Mission: Impossible: Impossible: Impossible!"

Everyone was confused, but fortunately they all understood what he meant.

Alice said: "Whether he is a spy or not, why focus on these unknowable things? Why not analyze it from the direction of the Awakened Alliance and the Holy Land that you can confirm, these are all familiar to you!"

"I can certainly attest that everything Cohen said about the alliance is true, and that's why I'm hesitant," Szeto said.

"Since it's true, why do you hesitate?" Alice asked puzzledly.

"A clever lie is always 70% true and 30% false." Situ said, "I'm afraid that there are 30% falsehood in it, which may induce us to do something incorrect."

"Then should we activate those altars?" Boris became a little irritable.

"You have to give it a try!" Anderson said, "It's like fishing. If you don't give it a try, how will you know if there are any fish?"

"How do you know we are not fish?" Petru looked at the fire soul in his hand and said, "What a tempting bait!"

People fell silent.

The three suns in the sky are still hanging leisurely in the sky, seeming to be watching their jokes. People began to become anxious, and the feeling of uneasiness was stronger than when they didn't know anything at first.

Aoki always felt that there was something important, but he just couldn't remember it. His head started to hurt again.

The savages gathered on the beach in the distance.

If these Itsa people are descendants of the Gendayans who have the same parasitic consciousness, then who am I? Aoki thought as he looked at the ebony staff in his hand.

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