Dream Guide

Chapter 595: Dimension Ascension Expands

Everyone laughed at the crow.

Alice said, "Madam, do you already know what the fourth dimension is? Can we really see it?"

"If it's what I think it is, then every one of us can see it."

"What do you think?"

"Watch it in your dream."

"In a dream?" Alice looked puzzled. "What do you think of a dream? We can't control our dreams."

"We can't, but they can." Mrs. Larry pointed at Qingmu, Situ, Dua and Su Huilan and said, "The fourth dimension is not time, nor is it a gravitational surface, but - spirit!"

Aoki's heart was shaken, and he suddenly felt that the spiritual force field on the island had become more serious, and the three suns in the sky seemed to be distorted.

Alice still didn't understand, "But isn't a dream just a chaotic world made up of our memories? It's still three-dimensional! Where did the fourth dimension come from?"

Mrs. Larry smiled and said: "You can't control dreams, and of course you don't know the magical power of spiritual power. Ludwig and I once studied the independence of spiritual consciousness. Ludwig's research was very in-depth, but unfortunately I didn't. I have no talent in this area, so I don’t know how to control dreams to expand into four-dimensional space, and I’m not a physicist, so it’s better to ask professionals to answer this question.”

After she finished speaking, she looked at Situ.

Situ said: "We can indeed regard dreams as a four-dimensional space - dreams are supported by spiritual power, and the material that constitutes them is human memory. We can also understand it as the real world in the spirit - that is, the fourth Projection in dimension.

The world we live in is three-dimensional. The projection of three dimensions into two dimensions will become two dimensions, and the projection of three dimensions into four dimensions will also become four dimensions. But just like the projection of two dimensions on three dimensions, it is just a distorted shadow that cannot change its own dimensional properties. The projection of three dimensions on four dimensions is also a shadow. In addition, our human brains can only perceive three-dimensional things, so dreams still look three-dimensional, and because they are virtual shadows, they are not only distorted, but also chaotic and changeable.

According to Madam, if these words are the projection of three-dimensional words left by four-dimensional life on a two-dimensional plane, and their fourth dimension happens to be consistent with the dimension supported by our spirit in dreams, then as long as these words are Put them in dreams and use your spirit to restore them into three-dimensional words, and your consciousness will be able to perceive the meaning they express. "

Alice said: "But how to restore it? Aren't our brains unable to perceive four-dimensional things? Even if you can control dreams, in the brain's perception, isn't it still a three-dimensional world?"

Situ smiled and said: "We don't need to see what the fourth dimension looks like. As Madam said, the information encoding method of civilized language is one dimension lower than the space where civilization itself is located. These words are originally three-dimensional, we only need to encode them Just restore it to three dimensions. Isn't it what our brains are good at converting two-dimensional things into three dimensions?"

"The brain is still good at this?" Alice asked puzzledly.

"Yeah, think about it, are the things our eyes see essentially two-dimensional?"

"No, it's obviously three-dimensional!"

Crow suddenly interrupted: "Hey, stupid woman, have you ever played Super Mario?"

Alice replied: "You are stupid! Stupid bird!" However, curiosity still defeated her competitive spirit, "Of course I have played Mario, what's the matter?"

Crow said: "Mario is a two-dimensional creature. There is no objection to this, right, stupid woman?"

Alice said: "No objection, you stupid bird, please don't call me a stupid woman again!"

The crow croaked and nodded, "Okay, okay, stupid woman! Now imagine that there is a computer in front of you. Mario has just stepped on a turtle to death. There is a green... mailbox in front of it? Oh, that's the mailbox, right? At least what you see is the mailbox, right? But from Mario's perspective, what does he see?... Gua, it's a line. Mario can't see the shape of the entire mailbox. What's standing upright in front of him is A line, right, stupid woman?”

Alice was affected by the crow, as if she really saw the familiar game screen. She nodded unconsciously.

The crow continued: "Two-dimensional creatures can only see one dimension, and one-dimensional creatures can only see zero dimensions, so all Mario sees are lines, and all Snake sees are dots. Humans are three-dimensional creatures, By the same token, people can only see the two-dimensional world. If you think what you see is three-dimensional, that’s what you made up in your head, stupid woman, do you understand?”

"Ah, it seems to be true! What the eyes see is the projection of the object on the retina, which is flat, just like a mirror. Our brain restores it to three dimensions through the analysis of the spectrum."

Alice suddenly realized that she had completely forgotten that the crow was still calling her a stupid woman. "The things that living things see are always one dimension lower than the space they are in. This is because the information encoding method of the language spoken by the lady is one lower than that of civilization itself." The theory of dimensions is completely consistent!”

Mrs. Larry said to Aoki: "What a smart bird!"

The crow stood above Qingmu, raised its head and croaked several times.

Alice said: "But since our brains can automatically restore two dimensions to three dimensions, why do we still have to dream?"

"Because we don't know right now from which direction it's projected into two dimensions."

Situ explained, “The human brain cannot intuitively perceive and understand the four dimensions, so we cannot see its projection direction. Correspondingly, it is difficult to grasp the extension direction of the dimensions when restoring.

There are two directions to expand one dimension into two dimensions in a three-dimensional space; similarly, there are two directions to expand two dimensions into three dimensions in a four-dimensional space. In view of the uncertainty of the projection plane of these words, it may be projected on any surface, and each surface has two restoration directions to choose from. If the three-dimensional space is viewed as a cube, it has six faces. Each face and the fourth dimension can form a new cube. Adding itself and its mirror projection, there may be a total of eight three-dimensional spaces and twenty Four planes. The projection direction of three-dimensional text can be any plane. We need to judge its direction, just like a plane drawing of an object. You have to know whether it is a top view, bottom view or side view, and then you can restore it to a three-dimensional shape. In the four-dimensional space, this matter is obviously much more difficult. "

"This is too complicated!" Alice sighed.

Situ said: "It's not complicated at all. As long as the direction is correct, it's just a matter of spending more mental energy to try."

Aoki said: "Then let's try it."

He always felt that the meaning of those words was dancing in his mind, just like an engineer seeing an incomplete drawing without any markings. Now that the blueprint has been collected in three copies, they have also found a way to restore it. With the combined efforts of him, Situ, Dua and Su Huilan, plus the scepter in his hand, the mental strength must be enough to support it.

Among the people present, only Alice and Mrs. Larry were not awakened ones, and Mrs. Larry was an authority on linguistics. They would obviously bring her with them if they wanted to decipher the text. Alice knew they were about to start and said anxiously:

"Hey, can you bring me into the dream and let me open my eyes too!"

When the popularity is low, I feel that I am living in a two-dimensional world and cannot feel the excitement of the three-dimensional world. When will I be able to move up to another dimension?

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