Dream Guide

Chapter 596 The Birth of Gaia

Shengran, who had been lying quietly in Su Huilan's arms, meowed.

Alice remembered that it was a fat orange cat, but now somehow, the fur all over its body had turned white, without any color at all, like the snow on the Alps; its eyes became as clear as sapphires. , standing on Su Huilan's shoulders with great energy, her noble look like a princess from some cat star country.

The crow croaked and said in Chinese that Alice could barely understand: "Ruxue, you are getting more and more beautiful. Do you want to have dinner together? I can go to the lake and get some alien fish to croak."

The white cat turned away, jumped off Su Huilan's shoulder with a slight jump, and walked along the deck towards the bow of the ship with graceful cat steps. The farther it went, Alice felt that its body was getting taller and taller, until it turned into an ancient giant beast.

The crow flew up into the sky with a croak, and its outstretched wings turned into hanging clouds in the sky, as if they were deliberately blocking the sun from the cat.

Alice exclaimed: "What's going on! Is Ramla going to change again?"

The people around him laughed and said nothing.

Alice looked at Mrs. Larry in confusion. The lady frowned and said after a while: "I think we are already in a dream."

This is probably the dream that Aoki has experienced the most among awakened people since he can remember. The mental power of Situ and Du Wa is not weaker than his. Together with Wu Wu, Shen Ran and Su Huilan, the combined mental power is enough to expand the dreamland to an unimaginable space.

Of course their current purpose is to decipher those words. After entering the dreamland, the words on the deck shone with a strange light in Aoki's eyes. They were jumping around one by one, as if they were coming to life. But there was still something missing, and he still couldn't see the truth behind these symbols.

They began to look for a direction to extend these two-dimensional symbols in their dreams, trying to turn them into three-dimensional words. However, the direction of this dimension is very difficult to find. It is obviously not enough to write the words as three-dimensional characters in human eyes, but to use the power of the spirit to change its shape.

This is a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, even for awakening masters like them, it is very difficult, just like asking a frog at the bottom of a well to find the direction of the sea.

As he tried again and again, the whole dream became distorted and trance-like.

Alice shouted: "I'm so dizzy!"

Mrs. Larry also clearly felt that the world was spinning. If Qingmu and Situ hadn't protected her, she would have exited the dream long ago. In comparison, Alice was able to shout so loudly, and it seemed that she was in better condition.

She resisted the mental torture and carefully observed the changes in the symbols in the dream.

She suddenly remembered the wonders she saw that day at the altar of the Sanchi tribe. The stones flew up under the gravity of the giant moon and were regularly distributed in the air. The moonlight shone through the cracks in the stones, showing these on the ground. symbol. She understood that the real words were in the air, and those on the ground were just projections.

"I think I probably know it!" Mrs. Larry said excitedly.

Everyone looked at her.

"I have to test it with a script whose meaning we know. Hieroglyphics, or Chinese, should be the closest script to this symbol."

She said and wrote an ancient Chinese character for "horse" on the ground. Since she was in a dream, she didn't need a pen or anything. As soon as her thoughts moved, the word appeared on the ground.

"You guys try to use the method just now to expand this word." She said.

Qingmu and Situ followed suit and tried the same method again. The dream began to twist and shake again, flickering on and off, like a TV when the power supply is unstable.

At a certain moment, the character "horse" suddenly came to life and turned into a three-dimensional ball of light and shadow. That ball of light and shadow is obviously nothing, but you recognize it at a glance, it is a horse. What’s even more peculiar is that this horse does not only see one side as we usually see. It shows the whole picture in the dream. No matter which angle you look at, you can see it in its entirety.

Mrs. Larry shouted "Hello" and wrote a word that Aoki didn't recognize on the ground in hieroglyphic script, asking them to expand in the same dimension, but the word did not change. She wrote another word, and that word immediately transformed into a snake twisting on the ground.

Mrs. Larry said: "That's it. I can confirm that Chinese characters and holy script characters have the same origin, but Chinese characters are closer to the original high-dimensional characters, or it is easier to expand in the spiritual dimension. And the holy script characters are integrated into There are too many phonetic symbols, which are far away from the original meaning. The up-dimensional transformation of Chinese characters in this dream is consistent with the way our brain understands the meaning of Chinese characters. Now, let us take a look at the true face of three-dimensional characters. !”

Everyone understood what she meant. They mobilized their spiritual power together, just like resurrecting Chinese characters just now, and the symbols on the ground jumped up from the ground one after another, turning into many strange light groups.

These light clusters rolled and twisted in the air, sticking together, and finally turned into a whole shining nebula.

The nebula filled the air, gradually covering the deck, enveloping the entire ship, and then spreading to the entire dreamland.

People are in the nebula, surrounded by shining stars. And in those little starlights, Aoki actually saw many scenes, engraved in the void like murals.

Then, those murals came to life, and the entire nebula that enveloped them turned into a huge holographic projection of the celestial sphere.

If it were in reality, a person standing in such a huge holographic projection would not be able to see anything clearly because your field of view is limited. But in the dream, neither direction nor distance is an obstacle. Aoki can see the entire projection content. To be precise, it is not sight, but consciousness perception.

The first thing that appeared on the celestial sphere was a panoramic view of the Milky Way: a strange light shone around the dark center of the Milky Way, like a glowing football. Several huge spiral arms spiral out from the galactic core and rotate around the galactic center.

Then, the picture moved to between the Perseus spiral arm and the Sagittarius spiral arm, where there is a relatively small cantilever - the Orion cantilever. Although it is short, its brilliance is not inferior to its brother next door.

The picture continues to move, and the Orion cantilever is zoomed in. There is a large nebula there, like a big bird with open wings. The big bird suddenly flapped its wings twice, and a wave of waves came from the sky, which even made Aoki feel a strong mental shock.

The entire nebula rose and fell like ocean waves. Wave after wave of folds were stacked together, and more and more folds were piled up, until they formed something similar to a human brain.

But not far from it, a small black vortex appeared in the center of the Sea of ​​Nebulas, constantly swallowing the surrounding starlight.

At the same time, a name appeared in Aoki's consciousness - Gaia!

He didn't know why this name appeared. It didn't seem to be the information contained in these expanded words, but more like it was awakened from his memory.

He knew that the scene just described was the birth process of Gaia, the Boltzmann brain.

Then, the scene continued to move to the left side of the Orion cantilever, where there is a yellow dwarf star, which is inconspicuous in the bright Milky Way, but shows its unique charm. There is a ring composed of asteroids and dust on its outer periphery, and inside the ring, there are eight planets of different sizes orbiting it.

Aoki recognized the yellow dwarf star as the sun at a glance, and the outer ring as the Kuiper belt. When he noticed the blue planet, an extremely warm feeling came over him - that was the direction of home.

A soft and delicate tentacle suddenly stretched out from the folded cortex of Boltzmann's brain in the large nebula, and penetrated into the black hole in the center of the nebula not far away.

In the inconspicuous yellow dwarf galaxy at the edge of the cantilever, the surface of the third blue planet orbiting the sun was suddenly covered with dense tentacles.

A primitive man with a harpoon stands on the seashore. Above the sea are dense tentacles, like floating seaweed. The one closest to him touched his forehead, and you suddenly got in.

He was still holding the harpoon without realizing it, but above his eyebrows, an emerald eye suddenly opened.

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