Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1036: Luck disappears at 1:00

The road out of the mountain is even more steep, there is no road at all, there is barely a trail called a road, it is rough, and it is very slippery. If you are not careful, you will roll down the mountain.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

After climbing for an hour, the trees became denser and the road became steeper and steeper. If you are not careful, you will fall down, and the bottom is bottomless.

"It's here."

Li Mutou stopped and sat smoking.

Huo Jinzhi looked at the environment, it was a very steep slope, there was a bamboo forest below, there was no village in sight, and there was no road.

"How far is this from the nearest village?"

"It takes an hour to walk. There are wild boars on this mountain, and wolves when I was a child. Maybe there are still more now. It is estimated that the wolves will take them away."

He felt that Shen Yuzhu died nine times out of ten, and he didn't care, or even ignored it.

Huo Jinzhi searched the neighborhood and found nothing, not even a broken piece of cloth. He thought that Shen Yuzhu might have escaped again.

But where can she escape?

"Boss, my cousin said that he couldn't escape, so maybe the wild boar took it away." Li Qingsong said.

He also felt that Shen Yuzhu was more likely to die. Except for birds that could be bought out of this ghost place, how could it be possible to walk out on two legs, it would be difficult to replace him.

Huo Jinzhi didn't say a word, Shen Yuzhu's fate against the sky cannot be viewed by ordinary people, he looked around again, this time he got something, he found a piece of cloth stained with blood, and there were a few more pieces not far away, all stained with blood , the blood has dried.

"Boss, you won't really let the wild boar take it away."

Li Qingsong's voice trembled a little, and he looked around, for fear that another wild boar would come out.

Li Mutou came over, looked around and affirmed: "The wild boar has come, there are hoof prints here."

He clamored to go back, saying that the wild boar would probably come again, and that he could not kill the wild boar without a shotgun.

Huo Jinzhi didn't dare to stay any longer. He still knew the habits of wild boars, and he was very likely to come again. Judging from the hoof prints, this wild boar was not small and was an adult wild boar. But wild boar.

"Let's go."

Huo Jinzhi agreed to go back, and he would not find anything if he searched further, but he wanted to go to the village under the bamboo forest to see if there was any trace of Shen Yuzhu, and wait until tomorrow.

The four of them went back the same way and spent the night at Li Qingsong's cousin's house. The next day, the cousin took him to the village, but neither found Shen Yuzhu nor saw her.

Huo Jinzhi breathed a sigh of relief, maybe this time Shen Yuzhu was really doomed.

He and Li Qingsong returned to the city. As for Shen Banxia, ​​let her stay and be Li Mutou's wife. A wicked girl and a wicked man are a good match.

Time flies, and another half a month has passed. Li Qingsong brought Huo Jinzhi a piece of news, which belonged to Shen Banxia.

"While Li Mutou went hunting and hanged himself, Li Mutou dug a hole and buried it."

Huo Jinzhi's expression did not waver. If he died, he would die. This woman was cheap.

When Tang Xiaonan learned that Shen Yuzhu's whereabouts were unknown, she knew that she let the woman escape again. She was not surprised at all, but she didn't know that Shen Yuzhu was stained by Li Mutou, and Huo Jinzhi didn't want to tell her about these dirty things.

"It is estimated that she is really dead. I saw a lot of bloodstains and pieces of clothes. The nearby villages have also inquired about her, and there is no trace of her." Huo Jinzhi felt that it was unlikely that Shen Yuzhu would survive.

Tang Xiaonan nodded, even if she didn't die, the relatives around Shen Yuzhu died one after another, and they were all killed directly or indirectly by her, which showed that her luck was also disappearing little by little.

Even if Shen Yuzhu really has nine lives, if one is used up, he will die one day, and he will die horribly.

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