Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1037: Wonderful grandparents

Seeing that in late April, Zhang Manyue lived with her fingers every day, and the old lady remembered the 200 yuan that her cousin borrowed.

On the 18th day of the third month of the lunar calendar, Zhang Manyue had already folded this day on the calendar in advance, and tore one sheet a day later, it could be considered to have been torn up to this day.

Zhang Manyue specially went to eat a wedding wine. The village where her cousin married was a little far away, and there was no traffic, so the traffic was very inconvenient, but Zhang Manyue was not afraid of hard work, she had to come back to eat.

"The two hundred yuan interest will be forfeited. If you don't eat it, you will lose even more."

In order to eat more, the old lady didn't eat breakfast, and brought Tang Xiaonan with her, but she wanted to take Xu Jinfeng. After all, the eldest daughter-in-law eats more and earns more, but she doesn't have the habit of bringing adults to the banquet, usually with children. I can only bring Tang Xiaonan.

Tang Laifu drove a tractor to go there. The cousin's house held more than a dozen tables of wine. The feast was quite rich and there were many guests. The cousin saw that Zhang Manyue was also warmly entertaining, but she didn't mention the repayment.

Zhang Manyue didn't mention it. She didn't disappoint her wedding day. She would come to ask for money in two days.

The banquet opened in the evening. Cold dishes were served first, then hot dishes. There were only eight dishes in total. It was already very good. Tang Xiaonan had no appetite, because the little boy sitting across from her was dragging two small rivers under her nose, just like Gu Zhile before. , sucking and slipping, she has no appetite to watch.

But her stomach was really hungry. Tang Xiaonan was too hungry. A steamed pork with dry vegetables was served. She wanted to fill it with lean meat, but just stretched out her chopsticks when all the other chopsticks came in, especially the grandparents sitting opposite. Both, half of their bodies are about to be thrown on the dishes.

"Mao Nan eats meat, this is good."

The little boy's grandmother took a large piece of meat and put it in the grandson's bowl, and she took another large piece. When the grandson and grandson took it, half a bowl of meat was taken away, and the others were not to be outdone. After finishing the meat in the bowl, Tang Xiaonan didn't even catch the dried vegetables.

Still Zhang Manyue was quick, took a piece of meat and put it in his granddaughter's bowl.

Just as Tang Xiaonan was about to bite the meat, the boy opposite stretched out his hand and rubbed it under his nose, sucking heavily, and the two small rivers were gone...

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A burst of nausea in her chest, Tang Xiaonan lost the slightest appetite, and she couldn't eat to death of starvation.

"Grandma eat."

Tang Xiaonan gave Zhang Manyue the meat, and his chest was so disgusting.

"Why don't you eat meat? Didn't you say you were hungry just now?" Zhang Manyue touched her granddaughter's forehead worriedly. The temperature was normal, so she felt relieved.

"I'm not hungry anymore."

Tang Xiaonan shook her head sullenly, and Zhang Manyue didn't ask any more questions. This girl was the same at home, and she was the least active in eating. She ate the meat and served a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs.

As soon as the chef put down the plate, the old lady on the opposite side rushed over, but only one piece of sweet and sour pork ribs could be sandwiched at a time, and the speed could not go up, and the old lady was very angry, so she winked at her grandson.

The little boy probably used to do it a lot, and immediately climbed to the table, grabbed the ribs with his hands, and shouted, "I want to eat..."

The child's claws were as dirty as coal ash, and his body was so sloppy. The other people's appetite was also affected, and the chopsticks were retracted. In this way, the rest of the half plate of spare ribs was eaten by the grandparents and grandchildren. When it was finished, it was poured into the lunch box that was brought.

"Mamma Hu, take care of your grandson, how others will eat it." Someone said dissatisfied.

"What's wrong with my grandson, don't you stop screaming, it's a waste to throw it away, my grandson eats just fine." The old lady's tone made people want to beat him.

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