Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1038: God-level combat power

"Who said we didn't eat, you and your grandson dominated the table like a beggar, how can we eat."

"Just like they haven't eaten meat in eight hundred years, they both eat a table of meat."

"I don't want to clean up my children when I go out for a drink. It's disgusting to look at. Look at other people's little girls, how clean and beautiful."

The guests at the same table scolded and criticized Hu Ama’s grandparents and grandchildren. At this time, every household was short of meat, and the banquet was just to add oil and water to their stomachs. Some people were reluctant to eat it and brought the meat home. Feed the child.

According to the rules, a table of meat is divided according to the head, and a table of ten people, like steamed meat with dried vegetables, is basically one per person, and the others are similar. Everyone eats their own meat and comes in a proper manner.

But the grandfather and grandson of Hu broke this rule. A table of meat and vegetables went into the stomachs of the grandparents and grandchildren. If they couldn't finish it, they stuffed them into the lunch box. The others were hungry, how could they bear it!

"My fur girl is not clean anymore, hum, no matter how beautiful the girl is, it's not worth losing money. My fur girl is going to inherit the lineage of my Hu family. You know what shit!"

Mrs. Hu glared at Tang Xiaonan with contempt. There were two children at the table, one was her grandson and the other was Tang Xiaonan. The beautiful child mentioned by the other guests was this dead girl.

What is the girl doing so beautifully dressed in the movie, the adults in the family must have problems with their brains, and they still want to compare with her grandson, hmph, even her grandson's toes can't be compared.

Tang Xiaonan, who was stunned by the unpredictable disaster, immediately became angry, why stare at her!

She also said that she is a money loser, M's, the most annoying thing is these three words, I will lose you a dead head!

Zhang Manyue was even more angry, Huo Di stood up, pointed at the old lady Hu and scolded: "My granddaughter is Jin Gui, it's none of your old and immortal ass, just your hairy monkey-like grandson is still a treasure? I bah, You can’t even look down on the old lady for free as a grandson, something that has no rules and no rules, the eighteenth generation of your ancestors have been begging for food!”

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Tang Xiaonan was so happy to hear it, so she sat down and glared fiercely at the little boy opposite.

I hate unruly children the most. Although it is the responsibility of adults who have not taught them well, children are just as annoying.

But the little boy's temper is not small. He is probably used to being domineering. He suddenly grabbed the bone on the table and threw it at Tang Xiaonan. The greasy bone just hit her face.

The pain was second, and she was disgusted to death.

"Kill you!"

The little boy grabbed another handful of bones and was about to throw it. Tang Xiaonan's anger rushed to the top of his head, jumped off the stool, and rushed to the opposite side. Before the little boy could react, he knocked him to the ground.

He sat up again and jumped a few times. The little boy rolled his eyes a few times and burst into tears.

Madam Hu felt sorry for her grandson and wanted to slap Tang Xiaonan when she stepped forward, but how could Zhang Manyue make her wishful, rushing over like the wind, her combat power was absolutely full, and she slapped her in a circle, and Madam Hu stayed where she was. After turning around a few times, my head was dazed.

"You try to touch my granddaughter's hair. Do you know what my son does? My son kills pigs. If my granddaughter is damaged, it will kill your family!"

From the day my cousin borrowed 200 yuan, Zhang Manyue had been full of fire for more than a month, and now he could finally let out his breath. With a slap in the face, Zhang Manyue's foot also kicked in the past.

This speed and strength value are not at all like an old lady in her 60s or 70s. How can Madam Hu block her.

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