Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1039: My grandson is the best

These days, Tang Guy's food level has skyrocketed. Although Zhang Manyue is reluctant to eat it, she can't stand her three sons always buying meat.

With oil and water in his stomach, his body is naturally stronger. Compared with Madam Hu who lacked food and drink, Zhang Manyue completely crushed her, making Madam Hu unable to fight back.

Tang Xiaonan's side also crushed the little boy in all directions. The grandparents and grandchildren are definitely god-level combat power. The full moon has taught me a hard lesson!

"I asked you to throw my bones. You are not educated at all. Didn't your parents teach you to obey the rules when you go out? Or you have no parents and no mother, and you just popped out of the cracks in the rocks!"

Tang Xiaonan's stomach became more and more hungry, and his anger was naturally greater, and he did not spare any effort to bear children.

After a few kicks, she scolded her. Now she has big teeth, her articulation is clear, and she is well-founded. The guests are all overjoyed. This pretty little girl is very interesting.

"There are ten guests at a table, and there are exactly ten pieces of meat in a bowl, one for each person. Why do you eat more? Is your face bigger than your butt? Or are you shameless at all!"

"Going out to eat and cleaning up is the most basic courtesy. Even if your family can't afford new clothes, you don't need money for water, so you can't wash your face and wipe your nose? My grandma's pigs are cleaner than yours. , sitting at a table with you is so disgusting that I can't eat, and you throw bones at me, and I throw you too!"

Tang Xiaonan kicked a few more feet, held a bowl of vermicelli soup on the table, tried the temperature, it was already warm, she poured all the bowl of vermicelli soup on the little boy's face.

The vermicelli, chopped green onion, sliced ​​ginger, garlic, and sliced ​​fatty meat splashed all over the boy, and the soup flowed into his eyes.

"Mamma... eyes hurt... Mamma ah..."

The little boy was in pain and fear, howling like a dead father and mother, not daring to move, his eyes tightly closed.

The other guests were stunned. I didn't expect Tang Xiaonan to look at Wen Wen quietly, but the fight was just as ruthless as her grandma. Sure enough, they were grandparents, two tigresses!

"My hairy girl... If my grandson has any good or bad, I can't spare you!"

Madam Hu scolded her through gritted teeth, her eyes resentful, she was reluctant to touch her grandson with a single finger, but now she was beaten like a dog by that dead girl.

"What's so strange about your grandson, you only have grandsons in your family, my mother has four grandsons, the eldest grandson was admitted to Songcheng University last year, the second grandson went to a middle school, and the third grandson did well. There is no problem in the middle, the grandson of the old lady is called the grandson, you grandson... hum, you are really a grandson, what is there to show off!"

Zhang Manyue held her head high, her waist was straighter than steel bars, and all her grandsons were good at it. Not only were they good looking, they were also good at studying, and they were both literate and military, ten thousand times stronger than this dead old woman's grandson.

The other guests were immediately awe-inspiring. They were actually college students, and there were students who went to a middle school. They were also future college students.

"Hey, does your family belong to Mopanshan? I heard that Mopanshan passed the exam last year. That's your grandson?" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

The smile on Zhang Manyue's face couldn't be closed, and she nodded again and again, "It's my eldest grandson, only one of my grandsons was admitted to the whole village, and my grandson-in-law was admitted to FD University. They are classmates, childhood sweethearts, arranged marriages, and waited for the university. Get married after graduation."

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