Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1040: white child bride

"Old lady, you are really lucky. Your grandchildren and daughter-in-law are all champions. If this was in ancient times, you would have to be appointed."

The attention of the guests was diverted, and they surrounded Zhang Manyue with compliments, but the old lady Hu and her grandson were ignored. The little boy howled for a while. mess.

Tang Xiaonan raised his foot, the boy shivered in fright and hid behind Mrs. Hu.

But Mrs. Hu couldn't take this breath. She was used to being domineering in the village, and the villagers didn't bother to care about her. Today, she met the evil star Zhang Manyue and fell into a big somersault.

At this time, the bride and groom came over to toast, table by table, and it was Tang Xiaonan's turn.

The groom was stunned for a moment, not knowing what was going on, but the bride reacted quicker and asked the bridesmaids to pour the wine and toast one by one.

"What kind of guests did you invite, look what happened to my family's Mao Nan, this wine can't be eaten, let her lose money!"

Mrs. Hu played a rogue and wanted to defraud some money.

"Do you want to pay for maggots!" Zhang Manyue retorted.

Just this small number of paragraphs, she had seen it eight hundred years ago, and she was afraid of wool!

The other guests came to persuade them to fight. It was a good day for a big wedding anyway, and the trouble was outrageous. In the end, Mrs. Hu's family came over and brought this wonderful pair of grandparents home, and then it stopped.

"This family is skinless and shameless, and it's getting more and more outrageous. All the good grandchildren have been raised!"

The other guests couldn't stop shaking their heads, they were very tired of Mrs. Hu's family.

"The old lady Hu doesn't even think about how her grandson will marry a wife when she grows up. The family is so poor, they don't pay attention to hygiene, and they are too lazy to die. Blind women will not marry in."

"Don't worry about their family. They have already prepared a daughter-in-law for their grandson. A few days ago, I didn't know where I brought back a little girl. She looks white and can work, but she is older than Mao Nan. A few years older, Mrs. Hu said she wanted to be a child bride for her grandson."

"I've seen that little girl before. She really has beautiful eyes. Hu Jiabai picked up a granddaughter-in-law. God really doesn't open her eyes."

Everyone else is jealous. This village is more remote than Mopan Mountain, with inconvenient transportation. The villagers rely on the mountain to eat the mountain. Life is not good, and it is difficult to marry a wife. It is natural to be envied by someone who can pick up a ready-made wife.

"I heard from the Hu family that she got it back from the neighboring Shengxian County. Mao Nan's father worked in Shengxian County last year.

"That's quite a good deal. The wages are only 20 to 30 yuan, and a wife can get 200 to 300 yuan. The Hu family makes a lot of money."

The guests discussed at length, and were very envious of the Hu family, but Tang Xiaonan was a little stuck in his heart. This child bride should have been sold by an adult, which is pitiful.

After the banquet, it was already dark. Tang Laifu came to pick them up. When he returned home, he saw an adobe house on the side of the road. The lights were dim. There was someone washing clothes at the door.

Someone was scolding, "I don't want to spend 28 yuan to buy you back for free food. After washing the clothes, go to chop wood, and don't even think about eating if you can't finish it!"

It was Mrs. Hu's scolding, so the person who did the laundry was the child bride who bought it.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head, there are too many tragedies in the world, she can't control them, she can only care about the people she cares about.

"Boss, I have to come again the day after tomorrow to move things." Zhang Manyue said with a gloomy face.

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