Early the next morning, Tang Laifu rested for a long time, and brought his family to the door to ask for debts. Tang Xiaonan insisted on going, she wanted to watch the fun.

What Yang Lijuan meant was, don't bring too many people on the first visit, if after the theory, the other party still refuses to repay the money, let Tang Laifu call someone to move things.

It makes sense to go first and then soldiers.

Zhang Manyue is now convinced of her. Although her face is still cold, she is obedient in her heart. She agrees with everything Yang Lijuan says, and she doesn't disagree.

There is still a big red happy word on the door of my cousin's house, and the festive smell has not dissipated. There are still tables, chairs, tableware and chopsticks in the house, and someone is cleaning up.

"Manyue, why are you free today?" My cousin greeted me with a strong smile, and she knew very well, secretly scolding Zhang Manyue for biting her like a dog.

The richer the more stingy.

"Cousin, life at home is about to end. The boss owes hundreds of debts for buying a tractor, and everyone comes to ask for debts. You promised to repay the two hundred yuan today. Hurry up and give it to me so that I can go back and pay off the debt."

Zhang Manyue took out the loan note from his pocket and shook it in front of his cousin.

"Sit down at the full moon, I also said that I will go to your house today to talk. You can see if the money can be slowed down for a while. I really can't get 200 yuan in my hand." My cousin smiled and said a good thing.

"Don't fool me with this. On the wedding day, I had fifteen tables of wine, and some of them didn't come to drink. The gift money would add up to more than 200 yuan. Cousin, I only saw the affection of my relatives. If you lend you money, don't let our relatives fail to do it."

Zhang Manyue calculated the account. She had just arranged a wedding party for the third child. The procedure was very clear. The gift money must be enough to pay back the money, but her cousin just didn't want to pay it back.

"I received some gifts, but I paid off other relatives' debts yesterday, and I really have no money in my hands. Full moon, if I can sell blood for money, I will sell blood now. Can you let me do it for a while? ?"

My cousin begged pitifully and wiped away her tears, but she didn't see the tears flow down for a long time.

Tang Xiaonan pouted, and the people who reneged on the bill all said so, feeling that they were taking the same script.

"Auntie, you can't justify what you're doing. It's clearly written in black and white on the IOU. I want to pay back the money today. You know that we will come to ask for money today, but yesterday I gave it back to someone else. You think my family is easy to bully. No way!"

Yang Lijuan spoke slowly, the smile on her face faded a little, asking for money today will not go smoothly, she has to resort to some tough measures, naturally there is no need to be more polite.

"How did you talk to my mother, no matter how big or small, my mother is your elder!"

The groom ran out and glared at Yang Lijuan.

Tang Lai Jinhuo, who had been silent for a long time, dared to bully his daughter-in-law in front of him, and ignored him.

"You try to scold again, when I am dead!"

Tang Laijin stood in front of his daughter-in-law and looked at the groom sternly. Although he was not as tall as the groom, he was so imposing that the groom wilted at once.

"Auntie, you said that you paid back the money today. I believe you only borrowed your money. Why did you pay back the debt? You are called old and disrespectful like this, so don't blame me for not respecting you as a junior!"

Tang Laijin sneered at every word, he really did not take 200 yuan in his eyes, and went out to talk business for more than 200 yuan for a meal, but he hated being cheated, and especially made him lose face in front of his parents and daughter-in-law, This made Tang Laijin very upset.

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