Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1043: Who wouldn't be miserable

"Laijin, my aunt really has no money." My cousin cried and pretended to be pitiful. Anyway, she had no money, so she couldn't be killed.

"Auntie really wants to beat the autumn wind in my family? In fact, you just made it clear before that the family has no money to eat and can't pay it back. Don't say borrowing, I can give you two hundred yuan as alms, but you said borrowing , you have to pay it back, and if you don’t have money, you can take things!”

Tang Laijin sneered and went out suddenly, taking a broken washbasin.

Everyone didn't know what he was going out for, but it was soon known that there was a jingle outside, like a big show.

"Masters, I'm the distant nephew of this family. A month and a half ago, my aunt came to my house to borrow money for a wedding reception. At the beginning, I promised to pay back the money today, and I wrote an IOU. I remember it in black and white. Today I came to ask for money, But my aunt's family refused to pay back the money!"

Tang Laijin tapped a few times, and then shouted loudly: "No one's money comes from the wind, and two hundred yuan is not a small amount. My daughter-in-law is about to give birth to a child, and my parents are also very old. Now, my eldest brother still owes a debt,

I have to use money everywhere, so I can't do anything. Today, I will sue the big guy. My aunt is in the first year of junior high, and I can only be fifteen. I sold a few things for money, and I don't want any more. It's worth two hundred bucks! "

This big show attracted many villagers to watch the fun. The cousin's family was too embarrassed to come out, and the groom was angry and ashamed, but he had nothing to do with Tang Laijin, who was like a hob.

"Manyue, I beg you, save some face for my family, I will find a way to repay the money, and let Laijin stop yelling." My cousin begged, and her old face was all lost.

"Cousin, you said the same thing when you borrowed money. How nice it sounds. I must pay it back today. Can I still trust you? You only lost face, I lost money, two hundred yuan, I'm the one. Eating dragon meat for half a month won't taste good anymore!"

Zhang Manyue was unmoved, she was her enemy if she didn't pay back the money, and her kinship was a piece of shit.

"Auntie, this money must be repaid today. You have to be trustworthy. Let's act according to the IOU. If you can't get the money, you can only move things."

Yang Lijuan was not polite anymore, she gave Tang Laifu a wink, Tang Laifu turned around and left, returning to the village to call for someone.

"Laifu, don't go, I'll kneel down for you, and give your aunt a way to live, you're trying to kill me!"

My cousin suddenly knelt down in front of Tang Laifu and couldn't stop kowtowing. Tang Laifu quickly jumped to the side and asked the elder to kneel down.

"Auntie, please pay back the money. Dad owes a lot of debt for buying a tractor. Many uncles and aunts come to my house to ask for debts, and they also say that they want to sell me for money. Auntie, I don't want to be sold. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Is the money good?"

Tang Xiaonan also knelt down, squeezed her eyes, tears streaming down her cheeks, she opened her eyes and told nonsense, made up a story, and sold it miserably, who wouldn't like it!


My cousin's cry was blocked like this. No matter how miserable she was, how could a little girl be sold for money? Besides, this little girl cried so pitifully. unacceptable.

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Paying back the debt is just right and right, and it is shameless to default on the debt.

"Auntie, I don't want to be sold, woo woo... The uncle said that he would sell me to the circus to be a monkey, I don't want to be a monkey, they will beat me..."

Tang Xiaonan cried even more, her eyes were redder than rabbits, and her face was covered with tears. The villagers who were watching the lively outside felt more sympathetic. What a pitiful little girl, the cousin's family is also a sinner.

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