Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1051: Mad father proposes

Tang Xiaonan was stunned, Comrade Ye?

Isn't it crazy?

No wonder the mad master hasn't seen any ghosts in this period of time. Dare lovers are going to attack the father-in-law and the mother-in-law. This trick is really clever.

Su Wanrou listens to her parents the most, as long as her parents agree, nine times out of ten she will not object, and Tang Xiaonan observes coldly, Su Wanrou is not completely unintentional towards the mad master.

At least some snacks, if there are parents' help, it will definitely be a happy marriage.

As for Huo Jinzhi, it's not a problem. This guy has already let go, but it's awkward because he can't save face.

Father Su smiled and nodded, "You're right, Comrade Ye is indeed worthy of trust. Your vision is much better than mine. When Wanrou comes back from get off work, I'll listen to her opinion."

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"Wanrou definitely has no opinion. I'm worried that Jinzhi will have an idea, but Haichao said that this child should be handed over to him, so there should be no problem."

Mother Su's face was full of smiles. She knew her daughter, Mo Ruomu, who knew her daughter's thoughts. She was affectionate to Ye Haichao.

It turned out that the mad man found the Su family a few days ago, begged for a kiss very sincerely, and also showed evidence of his innocence, and not only went there once or twice, but visited the door almost every day, and finally moved the heart of Su's father.

Therefore, the old couple rushed over and wanted to talk to their daughter first, while the mad master stayed in Songcheng, saying that he would do Huo Jinzhi's ideological work.

Tang Xiaonan was very happy, and had another wedding drink. It would be good for Su Wanrou to marry a mad master, definitely better than being with Huo Xiu.

Maybe Huo Jinzhi can have more little brothers or little sisters.

But there is also a problem, Su Wanrou is really married to a mad man, and the husband and wife will follow. She should go to live in Yangcheng, so will Huo Jinzhi not live in Mopanshan?

There was a sudden reluctance in her heart, if she was separated from Huo Jinzhi, she would be uncomfortable, after all, she had been with Huo Jinzhi for so many years.

The mad master came three days later, and he brought Huo Jinzhi with him. The two came back together. Su Wanrou has been so overwhelmed these days that she almost got it several times. She was probably hesitating about marriage.

In fact, Su Wanrou was struggling. She didn't know whether to marry someone or not. Her parents said that the mad master was worth marrying. She wasn't completely heartless, but she was afraid.

Afraid that her son will be angry if she remarrys, and she is also afraid that the person she will meet again is not a good person, she really doesn't have the courage to start a new marriage.

If things go bad again, will she leave or not?

It's a shame for a woman to get divorced twice.

"Follow your own heart, marry if you want, don't think about me." Huo Jinzhi suddenly appeared behind her.

Su Wanrou was startled. Seeing that it was her son, her face couldn't help turning red. Qiqi Ai said, "I...I...I listen to you."

Huo Jinzhi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "It's you who got married, not my father. You make up your own mind about this kind of thing. Besides, whether you get married or not has no effect on my life, I'm definitely living alone."

"You don't want me yet?" Su Wanrou became anxious.

She knew her son would be angry.

"Sincerely, I won't marry again. We still live the same life as before. Mom can earn money now, so you don't have to work so hard." Su Wanrou looked at her son pitifully, for fear that he would be angry.

"I'm not angry, even now I don't live with you, I have my business, and I definitely won't be with you all the time. It's not bad if you find someone you like, Ye... Although Uncle Ye has no culture , but the character is still good, if you are interested in him, consider it."

Huo Jinzhi hesitated again and again, but still said something for the mad master.

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