Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1052: Straightforward marriage proposal

For the past three days, the mad master has been brainwashing him every day, saying that his mother would benefit from marrying in the past, that he would have a family of his own in the future, that he would not be able to accompany his mother every day, and that he should not be too selfish, only caring about his own happiness, regardless of his mother's physical and mental needs.

He said a lot of nonsense, some of which were pure farts, but a few words still touched his heart.

In the future, his work will definitely get busier and busier. Whether there is a family or not, he can't take time to take care of his mother now. It seems that the crazy man is sincere to his mother, and it is not bad to entrust him.

Of course, the premise is that the mother herself is happy.

Su Wanrou blushed again, and she felt embarrassed to discuss her remarriage with her son.

"But I don't want to be separated from you."

Su Wanrou was still reluctant to marry, even though her son didn't need her, she wanted to take care of her son, and the trivial chores such as cooking and laundry were the only things she could do for her son.

"Sooner or later we will be separated, and it is better to be separated sooner rather than later."

Huo Jinzhi's face was expressionless, and he didn't want to comfort his sentimental mother at all. He couldn't say it, and what he said was also reality. How could mother and son live together forever and be freed early.

Su Wanrou's expression was sad, her son disliked her, and it was no wonder that she was indeed a useless mother, and it was normal for her son to dislike her.

Insert an app: a perfect reproduction of the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an app that can change the source--Mimi reading.

Huo Jinzhi didn't notice the change in his mother's mood at all, and thought she was unwilling to marry, so he went out and said to the mad master, "My mother is not happy, go back to Yangcheng and let Uncle Wei do it for you."

The mad master changed his face and stared at him with gritted teeth. It must be this kid who did something wrong.

"I told your mother myself that if your mother agrees, you are not allowed to object."

"Am I full?"

Huo Jinzhi rolled his eyes angrily.

Mad Master entered the room, and after a while, he and Su Wanrou came out together, "I'll go out with your mother to chat."

Su Wanrou blushed and replied shyly.

Mother Su said with a smile: "Go, it's still early for dinner, don't be in a hurry to come back."

Su Wanrou's face turned even redder, she lowered her head slightly, and the base of her porcelain white ears turned pink, which made the mad master feel itchy. He wanted to kiss him for a long time.

The two of them went out, the sky was dark outside, the mad master chose a place with many trees, and found a secluded little forest. Then he stopped and looked at his sweetheart hotly. Although Su Wanrou lowered her head, she could still feel the heat eyes, twisted his hands uneasily, and lowered his head even lower.

"Do you hate me?"

"No." Su Wanrou's voice was smaller than that of a mosquito.

"If you don't hate me, that means you like me, right?" The mad master went straight to the point, without being polite at all, he couldn't wait any longer.

Su Wanrou wanted to say "no", but she couldn't say it, she was not a wooden person, so many postcards were not sent for nothing.

"You like me, and I like you too. We are both single, and we are definitely going to get married, don't you think?" The mad master asked with a smile. The beauty looks so shy.

"I... I didn't say I was going to get married." Su Wan's soft heart almost popped out of her throat.

How dare this person speak so boldly, without being polite at all, her heart is messed up.

"You are worried that Jin is unhappy, but it's not necessary. Jinzhi told me that he especially likes the little sister. You should let Jinzhi fulfill his wish." The mad master opened his eyes and said nonsense.

Su Wanrou was so embarrassed that she wanted to turn around and leave. Who said she was going to have a little sister with him, but does Jinzhi really like her little sister? Why doesn't she know?

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