Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1059: Teacher and student reunion

Moreover, Yu Ziyang heard from Father Su that Master's food is not bad. The little girl's family takes good care of Master. Although she wears the hat of being a gangster, she lives peacefully in the village and doesn't have to do heavy work. The villagers are also very supportive of him. Dear.

Aside from not being able to display his ambitions, Master's life is still quite satisfactory.

The tractor could not drive up the mountain and stopped at the foot of the mountain. Tang Laifu hurried to work and apologized, "Mr. Yu, I have something to do here, don't take it with you if I didn't go up with you."

"I wasted your time, go get busy."

"My name is Tang Laifu, don't call me you, just call me by my name, Xiao Nan, you accompany Mr. Yu to see Mr. Qi." Tang Laifu is a little restrained, how can he be 'you', he is a pig butcher chuff.

"Dad, I'll take good care of Grandpa Yu. Go make money and drive carefully." Tang Xiaonan said.

Tang Laifu patted her on the head and drove the tractor away. It was a critical period for road construction recently. He worked overtime every day. .

He figured it out, and when this section of the road is repaired, there will be absolutely no problem for the million-dollar households, and there may be more.

Even if he wakes up with backache every day, Tang Laifu is still full of energy, and when he sees his daughter's smile and hears his daughter call him 'Dad', he immediately becomes alive and well.

Tang Xiaonan led the way in front, Yu Ziyang followed, looking at the surrounding scenery, all kinds of wild flowers were blooming on the hillside, the fields were green rice, and there were neatly repaired vegetable fields.

Although this mountain village is a little out of the way, the scenery is beautiful, the folk customs are simple, and the living is still very good.

"Grandpa Yu, there are pits here, be careful." Tang Xiaonan reminded.

Yu Ziyang was even more relieved, this little girl is really caring, his granddaughter is about the same age as this little girl, obviously not so sensible.

Huo Jinzhi was digging for shepherd's purse on the hillside. Grandma said she wanted to make shepherd's purse dumplings. Tang Xiaonan called out, he turned his head and saw it, and hurriedly walked down the mountain.

"Hello, Grandpa Yu, I'm Huo Jinzhi."

Huo Jinzhi bowed respectfully.

"Hello, I often hear your grandfather talk about you, a very capable young man." Yu Ziyang reached out his hand.

Huo Jinzhi was stunned for a moment, and quickly wiped his body a few times before shaking hands with him.

"Grandpa Qi and my grandfather are playing chess, but he is restless and has lost more than a dozen games in a row."

Huo Jinzhi stopped digging the shepherd's purse and led the people home.

At the door, Tang Xiaonan shouted: "Grandpa Qi, come out and see who is coming."

As soon as the voice fell, the old man rushed out. The teacher and the student met each other, but they stared at each other as if they were still, and did not speak for a long time, just like a wooden man, but tears gradually flowed in his eyes.



As soon as the two of them spoke, their throats choked, and tears flowed down their faces.

Before the meeting, the teachers and students had a thousand words to say, but after the meeting, they couldn't say anything.

The two hugged tightly and cried silently.

They have experienced so much over the years, and it is really a gift from God that they can survive and see each other again.

Tang Xiaonan's eyes were also sore, but she was very happy. The fate of both Mr. Qi and Su Wanrou had changed. At this time in the book, Mr. Qi had already had an accident, and Yu Ziyang had never appeared in the book.

Her arrival may have given rise to many branches in this world. It can also be said that this world has gradually separated from that book, which also shows that the luck of Shen Yuzhu, the original heroine, must be gradually weakening.

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