Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1060: 2 Xiao Wu Guess is beautiful

With more handkerchiefs in front of him, Huo Jinzhi said in disgust, "It's ugly, wipe it."

Tang Xiaonan took a breath and rolled his eyes angrily, "I'm not ugly, just now Grandpa Yu praised me for being beautiful."

"People are polite, and fools take it seriously." Huo Jinzhi blurted out, and he regretted it after speaking, for fear that Tang Xiaopang couldn't stand it.

Then he added: "Actually, it's not that ugly. You study hard. Talent is more important than appearance."

Tang Xiaonan laughed angrily and stepped on her foot hard. Seeing the guy's expression froze, he was in a good mood. He took the handkerchief and wiped his eyes.

Hmph, even if she is really ugly, don't call her ugly.

Huo Jinzhi lifted his foot and kicked it a few times. The fat girl was not weak enough that half of his foot was numb when he stepped on it, but he was quite relieved. Such a 'brutal' Tang Xiaopang would not be able to go outside. will be bullied.

"Go dig the shepherd's purse."

Huo Jinzhi took the initiative to hold hands, Tang Xiaonan still had fire in his heart, snorted and turned away, turning his head to the side.

Mother Su saw it and asked with a smile, "Why is Xiao Nan unhappy?"

"He said I was ugly."

Tang Xiaonan complained, obviously she has become better-looking now, her teeth are not broken, and she is thin, how can she be ugly.

"Xiao Nan is so beautiful, if you say you are ugly, you must have bad eyes." Mother Su glared at her grandson, she really couldn't speak.

She is a little worried for her grandson, has a very cold temper, can't speak, and can't coax a girl. Which girl will marry him in the future?

"That's right, you look bad."

Tang Xiaonan glared fiercely, Huo Jinzhi touched his nose, he felt that his grandmother's eyes were not good, and he spoke against his conscience.

"It's my bad eyesight, should I go and dig for shepherd's purse?"

Huo Jinzhi decided to have a large number of adults, not to care about Xiaopang Tang, and not to attack the self-esteem of this fat girl. Ugly is ugly, anyway, he doesn't dislike it.

"I want to eat Malan head."

Tang Xiaonan took another basket. She wanted to eat Malan Tou. Modern Malan Tou is expensive. Wild ones are not enough to eat. They have to be planted artificially. Fresh, considered 'aristocratic' dishes.

But now Malantou is all over the mountains and plains, most of which are used to feed pigs, and the villagers are reluctant to eat them.

Because Malantou wants to be delicious, it has to have a lot of oil, and it has to be served with meat. It will be even more delicious if you put ham and sausage in it. Now every household is short of oil, and cooking is a little oily. Ham sausage, the malantou made is bitter and unpalatable, it is better to give it to pigs.

Tang Xiaonan likes to eat, and the Tang family also has meat and oil, which can satisfy her 'luxury' hobby.

The two returned to the hillside, one was digging for shepherd's purse, the other was digging for Malan's head, back to back, one was wearing a red coat, and the other was a dark blue sportswear, which looked very harmonious from a distance.

Mother Su came out to pour water and was stunned when she saw this beautiful scene.

Huo Jinzhi got up and dug in another place. Tang Xiaonan didn't know what to say. He squatted down and rubbed her feet. It was estimated that the little girl's feet were numb. Mother Su smiled knowingly, but had other thoughts in her heart.

The grandson and the little girl seem to be more compatible.

Moreover, the grandson didn't have a good face towards other girls, but he was very patient with Xiao Nan. Even if he went outside, he always remembered this girl and bought her this and that.

Tang Xiaonan's legs were indeed numb, but it wasn't too numb, she just acted coquettishly for a while, and Mr. Huo's massage was quite comfortable, so—

"Is it better?"

"It's still numb."

Huo Jinzhi looked at her suspiciously. He had been pinching for ten minutes, why is he still numb?

He continued to hold it calmly, while the other hand used scissors to dig a few times in the soil, a lively earthworm jumped out, Huo Jinzhi laughed wickedly, grabbed the earthworm and threw it in front of Tang Xiaonan Down.

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