Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1061: The boss is also a naive

Tang Xiaonan didn't see it clearly at first, thought it was a grass, didn't care, and looked at the future boss with contempt, only children play such low-level tricks.

The future boss is now just a bear child with vulgar tastes.

"I'm not afraid, childish!"

Tang Xiaonan snorted, then glanced contemptuously, and turned her head to look at the scenery.

Huo Jinzhi looked suspiciously at the earthworms twisting in his hands, not to mention that girls don't like earthworms, why is Tang Xiaopang so calm?

He even said that he was naive, which is more ironic than the tortoise laughing at the slow running of the hare.

He was such a mature and stable person, and was laughed at by a real childish ghost. Huo Jinzhi also had a childlike attitude, and brought the earthworms closer, and the earthworms twisted more happily.

"Really not afraid?"

Tang Xiaonan said angrily, "What is there to be afraid of with a broken grass root!"

She also reached out and patted it, trying to pat away the 'grassroots', but what she came into contact with was something sticky and soft. The touch made her back feel cold, and her whole body was tense, but she forgot to retract her hand, and she was still with her. 'Grassroots' are in close contact.

Tang Xiaonan dared to turn her head and took a closer look. She saw the earthworm wriggling happily in her palm. It was the mollusk she was most afraid of!


Screaming, Tang Xiaonan jumped three feet high, fell to the ground again, and then climbed with hands and feet like ingots, and climbed more than ten meters at once, and then relaxed, and the tears of disappointment flowed out.

Huo Jinzhi was also startled. Seeing Tang Xiaonan crying, he couldn't help but regret it. If he knew Tang Xiaopang was so timid, he wouldn't tease her.

He hurriedly threw the earthworms away, walked over and coaxed people, "It won't bite, it's already thrown away."

"I felt it, soft, sticky, like a snake..."

Thinking of the terrifying touch just now, Tang Xiaonan felt a chill, and wanted to chop off the hand that had touched the earthworm.

Huo Jinzhi couldn't help but want to laugh, it's just an earthworm with no attack power, it's not poisonous, it's not ugly, how could this fat girl be so scared.

"Earthworms are not poisonous and won't bite. Unlike snakes, it's fine to touch them. Moreover, earthworms are edible. They are very nutritious.

Huo Jinzhi patiently explained that he wanted the fat girl to understand how cute and kind earthworms are, and that they should not be discriminated against, let alone be afraid of.


Tang Xiaonan's chest rolled and she retched a few times. She wouldn't eat earthworms even if she starved to death. This thing is so disgusting.

She deeply suspects that the future boss is avenging the one kick just now~www.readwn.com~ deliberately disgusting her.

"You are intentional, be careful, avenge your personal revenge, you pinched me when you were a child, and just stepped on your foot just now, you used earthworms to scare me..."

Tang Xiaonan also carefully turned over the old accounts. It was at her former uncle Chai's house that time. This guy hurt her so much. Deep, nine out of ten is to avenge private revenge.

Huo Jinzhi's eyes were confused for a second, when did he pinch this fat girl?

"When I was six years old, in my aunt's former home, you pinched me."

Tang Xiaonan stretched out his arm and gestured his position, reminding the forgetful guy, and making him feel more guilty.

Huo Jinzhi twitched the corners of his mouth. He remembered, such a long time ago, Tang Xiaopang still remembers, he seems to have underestimated Tang Xiaopang's IQ, at least the ability to keep accounts is very good.

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