Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1062: Paintings by Jun Miyazaki

"It's been green for a long time, and it will take twenty days to heal."

Tang Xiaonan puffed out her cheeks and complained angrily, her small appearance made Huo Jinzhi amused, and she couldn't help reaching out and poking her cheeks.

"Don't touch me, it's dirty!"

Tang Xiaonan screamed and jumped away. This paw had just caught an earthworm, but she still came to touch her face, it was disgusting.

Huo Jinzhi became stubborn and even poked, Tang Xiaonan was so frightened that he ran up the field, and after a few steps, he looked back, "I want to tell your grandmother that you bullied me!"

"You're too timid to even be afraid of earthworms!"

Huo Jinzhi dug another earthworm from the soil. It seemed to be the same one just now. The poor earthworm fell into the enemy's hands for the second time.

Tang Xiaonan got goosebumps and ran to Huo's house in a hurry. She was going to sue and let Grandpa Qi blow this stinky boy's ass.

Why didn't I realize that this guy had a bad conscience before, and the big tail wolf finally revealed his bad heart.

Huo Jinzhi was actually just teasing her. Looking at this fat girl's frizzy appearance, she was so cute. She had never seen Tang Xiaopang run so fast before, like a little rabbit.

Yuan Bao didn't understand what the two little masters were doing, and thought they were joking. He wagged his tail happily, ran after Tang Xiaonan, ran a few steps, and then turned back to urge Huo Jinzhi to make him run faster.

Everyone in the room was disturbed by the movement outside. When they saw the fat girl wearing a red padded jacket, with two horns braided and tied with a red head rope, she ran all the way and screamed, ran over with vigor, and chased after her. A boy with a handsome boy, and a cheerful dog, surrounded by beautiful fields and mountains in bloom.

It's as beautiful as a painting, and it's a painting by Master Miyazaki. Anyone who sees it can't help but smile.

The teacher and apprentice, who were a little sad, looked at each other and smiled, and the depression in their hearts dissipated a lot.

"Master, you are much more comfortable here than Mr. Wuliu." Yu Ziyang joked.

Mr. Qi said with a smile: "No, there is no such lovely child around Mr. Wuliu, Ziyang, you don't know, I have several very good students here."

[Mr. Wuliu is Tao Yuanming's alias, he went southeast to pick chrysanthemums, and leisurely saw that Nanshan came from this master]

"Is it Jinzhi and Xiaonan? These two children are really good." Yu Ziyang nodded in agreement.

Although I haven't examined their knowledge, I can know a thing or two just by looking at the conversation of these two children~www.readwn.com~ The qualifications will definitely not be bad.

"More than that, there are two more, one is called Gu Yunchuan and the other is called Tang Aiguo. They are both sixteen years old. I will introduce them to you someday."

"Okay, these two children should be going to college. Let them take the FD test, and I can take care of it."

Yu Ziyang's tone was very relaxed, as if taking the FD exam was like a normal exam, but it's no wonder that a child who can get the approval of Mr. Qi can't even take the FD exam.

"Patriotism is to take the FD test. Yunchuan's goal is Imperial Capital University, where he has some origins, but Yunchuan's composition is not very good. After graduating from elementary school, he didn't go to school, and he has been studying by himself at home."

Mr. Qi said a little regretful. Although he can teach children, it is better to go to school to study systematically. Although it does not count now, Gu Yunchuan's age is a little embarrassing, and it is not so easy to switch classes.

However, Shi Lan is already walking around, and she should be able to be inserted into the second class of the town middle school next semester. Although the teaching quality of the town middle school is not very good, with Gu Yunchuan's qualifications, it should be no problem to be admitted to Didu University.

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