Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1063: straight man of steel

"I should still go to school to study. Now that I don't care about the ingredients, I should be able to transfer classes. Well, I know the principal of Yuecheng No. 1 Middle School. His son is my student. I will tell him if I can give it to that child. Schedule an entrance exam."

"That's good, Ziyang, I'll leave this to you."

The old man is very happy. It is naturally better to go to No. 1 Middle School. He is not worried about the entrance examination. Every time Tang Aiguo comes back, he will bring all his test papers and ask Gu Yunchuan to do it again. The score is higher than Tang Aiguo.

"Master and I are polite. Now the country is in a state of waste and desperately in need of talents. An excellent child like Gu Yunchuan should not be delayed. When I go back to Songcheng tomorrow, I will go to the principal to tell you about this, and I will call you when the time comes. "Yu Ziyang said with a smile.

"What do you have in your hand?"

Mother Su couldn't see clearly and asked suspiciously.

"Children are playing around." Father Su disagreed.

The mad master came down from the mountain and carried a large bundle of firewood. Su Wanrou went to work. The energetic mad master had to go to the mountain to chop wood to vent his excess energy. Tang Xiaonan ran behind him all at once.

"Uncle, he bullied me!"

The mad master stretched out his hand to pick it up, and Huo Jinzhi was caught off guard by him. He saw the earthworm in his hand clearly, and the mad master couldn't help but be happy.

"What are you doing to scare Xiaonan with earthworms? Men who have no character will scare women. Women have to be cared for, just like I take care of your mother. It's very difficult for you to marry a wife in the future, boy!"

The mad master has the tone of someone who has come over, and he deliberately used himself as an analogy.

Tang Xiaonan, who was behind him, made a face at someone who was in the air.

Huo Jinzhi flipped somersaults in the air, broke free from the mad master's restraint, and shouted at him, "You only married one daughter-in-law, and you only marry at a young age, what's so good about it."

"The boy's tone is not small, do you mean that you want to marry three wives and four concubines in the future, just like your own father?" The mad master looked at him mockingly.

This stinky boy is still too tender, he digs a hole for himself.


Tang Xiaonan glared at him contemptuously, and actually wanted to marry several wives, who were indeed the sons of the scumbag.

Huo Jinzhi's face immediately flushed. He didn't mean that at all. He never thought about marrying a daughter-in-law. Women are so annoying, and marrying a daughter-in-law is a stupid waste of time and life.

"I'm talking about you, not myself, and I don't plan to get married. Women are annoying to death."

Huo Jinzhi replied coldly, threw the earthworm at Tang Xiaonan, and continued to dig for the shepherd's purse with his head held high.

Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she bared her teeth at him. She had the ability to fight as a bachelor all her life. She only now found out that the future boss is actually a straight man of steel, and his words can choke people to death.

The woman who will marry him in the future must have bad eyes or a bad mind.

"Xiao Nan, we won't be a daughter-in-law for that kid in the future. Uncle will find you a better one."

Mad Master suddenly said something ~www.readwn.com~ Tang Xiaonan was weathered in place.

When did she say she was going to be the daughter-in-law of that stinky guy?

No, she has to explain.


"Xiao Nan and Jinzhi have such a good relationship, and they are called childhood sweethearts. Jinzhi has no patience with other girls, so he only treats Xiao Nan well. I still want to talk to Jin Feng in a few days. Don't decide the marriage in advance."

Mother Su came over, and what she said made Tang Xiaonan even more messy.

Could it be that her marriage with Huo Jinzhi will still be the same as the book and cannot be changed?

However, the original body in the book did not marry Huo Jinzhi in the end. She died young at the age of eighteen. Tang Xiaonan's heart trembled. The difficulties of others had changed, and only herself was left.

In ten years, her robbery shouldn't come again, right?

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