Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1064: Raising a daughter-in-law is a loss

When Huo Jinzhi heard his grandmother's words, he was stunned for three seconds before looking at Tang Xiaonan, who was stunned, with disgust in his eyes. How could his daughter-in-law be such a gluttonous and stupid fat girl.

No, he didn't want to marry a daughter-in-law at all. It's great to be alone. It's too troublesome to marry a woman, and it's a waste of energy and time.

Grandpa raised an objection, "Didn't you say that you would promise Xiao Nan to Dan Qing? Why did you become Jinzhi again?"

Father Su was very dissatisfied with the fickleness of the old woman, and it was not a child who played the house.

Mother Su didn't think so, "I don't think Xiaonan and Jinzhi are a good match. It depends on which one Xiaonan likes. If she likes Danqing, give it to Danqing, and if she likes Jingzhi, give it to Jingzhi. After all, they belong to our family anyway, haha.”

Thinking of the happy place, Mother Su couldn't help laughing. She really likes Xiao Nan, whether she is a granddaughter-in-law or a granddaughter-in-law, she is happy.

Tang Xiaonan's mouth twitched, suddenly a little flattered.

She didn't get such good treatment in her previous life. Although she had suitors, she didn't reach the point where a hundred schools of thought would ask her. Now she's only an eight-year-old girl, and the threshold is about to be broken.

No way, who made her so attractive and invincible!

Huo Jinzhi's eyes gradually changed, and he was not very happy. He didn't like his grandmother pulling Tang Xiaopang and his cousin together. How could he marry a daughter-in-law because his cousin was so beautiful?

A mortal woman is not worthy of a cousin, otherwise he will reluctantly accept this fat girl, and don't let Tang Xiaopang 'spoil' his cousin.

Huo Jinzhi looked at Tang Xiaonan who was grinning slyly again with disgust, and made up his mind that this would be his 'daughter-in-law' in the future.

Of course, the pocket money has to be doubled.

After all, it is my own family now, so the treatment will naturally have to be improved.

Huo Jinzhi was very moved by his spirit of sacrifice. If it wasn't for the happiness of his cousin, he would be too lazy to accept such a silly girl. He is only eight years old now, and it will take ten years to raise him until he is eighteen, and it will cost a lot of money.

From a cost point of view, his investment in the cultivation of his 'daughter-in-law' is definitely a loss.

Tang Xiaonan felt the gaze of someone next to him, turned his head and made a face, Huo Jinzhi disliked it even more, "It's ugly."

"It's not ugly, it's not ugly, Xiao Nan is so good-looking, you can't say that in the future." Mother Su corrected with a smile.

Huo Jinzhi pouted~www.readwn.com~ Grandma opened her eyes and said nonsense, he didn't argue with the old man.

"Mother-in-law, give Brother Huo the dumplings stuffed with earthworms to eat at night. He just used earthworms to scare me, and said that earthworms are edible and are very nutritious." Tang Xiaonan complained.

The earthworm in Huo Jinzhi's hand had fallen to the ground just now. At this time, he was trying to find a crack in the ground to drill. He seemed to understand Tang Xiaonan's words. The poor earthworm climbed faster and finally found the crack in the ground. Go in, and you'll be out in no time.

"Earthworms can be eaten originally, I didn't lie to you."

Huo Jinzhi couldn't help tugging at the little braid of the complainant.

"Then you eat."

Tang Xiaonan stared, of course she knew that earthworms could be eaten, but such a disgusting thing, the one who could eat it was definitely a superman, anyway, she wouldn't eat it if she starved to death.

Huo Jinzhi choked. In fact, he couldn't eat it either. Now that he had rice, meat, and dumplings to eat, why would he eat the bugs that burrowed through the soil, the taste would definitely not be good.

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