Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1073: what do you think of me

The mad man didn't want to wrong his daughter-in-law, and the woman didn't want her to be wronged when she got married. It's not that this problem can't be reconciled. The big deal is that he has to work harder and make a few more trips.

Su Wanrou felt overwhelmed again, feeling that she was too naive and a little arrogant.

"If you don't want to live in Yangcheng, I'll ask for leave to accompany you every now and then."

"No, what does it look like to be separated from the two places?"

The mad master categorically refused, and he felt that there was too little time to be together every day, and it was impossible to be separated.

Su Wanrou blushed and lowered her head in embarrassment. This guy haunts her like a follower every day, so annoying.

Huo Jinzhi rubbed his arms, which made him numb to death. He really felt a little unbearable when he watched the "old couple" who were in their 80s show their affection every day.

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"You all go back to live in Yangcheng. You don't need to be in the factory every day for the design draft. You can send it after you've drawn it. As for the cutting, there are also people in the factory, so don't worry."

Huo Jinzhi really hoped that the pair would go to Yangcheng as soon as possible, instead of being nauseous at home.

The crazy man grinned, this is a good idea, the stinky boy is quite caring, but his mouth stinks.

"Then what are you going to do? No one cooks for you and Mr. Qi." Su Wanrou was still reluctant to bear her son.

The old man smiled and said, "My meal is easy to say, the Tang family can eat it."

Huo Jinzhi said lightly: "I can do it myself, and I usually stay in Songcheng."

Mother Su hurriedly said: "Songcheng can go to my place for dinner, Mr. Qi didn't stay here for long, Mr. Yu said that he will take off his hat at the end of the year, and he will definitely return to Songcheng after taking off his hat. Don't worry about it, just live your life well."

She was really worried that her daughter's marriage with her new son-in-law would have problems again because of the separation of the two places. After all, the previous marriage was not because the separation time was too long, and Huo Xiu was not a thing, and that was the problem.

There can be no more accidents this time. No matter what, the daughter and son-in-law have to live together. The grandson is more promising than the daughter, so there is no need to worry.

In the end, the madman made up his mind, "Let's just live like this for the time being, and wait until Mr. Qi returns to Songcheng. I also have some things to deal with here, so don't rush back to Yangcheng."

He wanted to see what Chen Qian would do with Gao Xuenu. He no longer had any affection for this woman, so he actually poured dirty water on his head.

In the following time, Mad Master didn't often live in Mopan Mountain. He would go out every few days for a few days, and Huo Jinzhi was the same. The time was dull and hurried. In a flash, the summer passed, and it was the golden autumn season.

The road in the town is still being built, Tang Laifu is busy every day, and the savings at home are increasing day by day. Xu Jinfeng still comes to the city every ten days to deliver food, and sometimes let Tang Laifeng go, but in the past two months, Tang Laifeng did not know. Why didn't I go, I didn't want to say the reason, I just said I was very busy and didn't have time to go.

Xu Jinfeng didn't think much about it. The clothing factory was really busy. She went to the city again that day. She stewed a pot of chicken to make up for her son and Aixiang. She also met Huang Yingchun on the way, and she also went to the city to deliver vegetables. But she can't ride a bike, she walks, and Xu Jinfeng picked her up.

"Yingchun, you have to learn to ride a bicycle, and you will spend more time walking."

"I can't get up, I'm too short." Huang Yingchun was a little embarrassed.

"Buy the women's, the one is short and studious."

Huang Yingchun was moved, and she could often go to the city to deliver food if she had a car. She talked to Yunchuan in a while.

After delivering the food to the child, Xu Jinfeng was about to go home, but was stopped by Teacher Cai halfway through.

"Patriotic mother, there is something I want to tell you."

"Do you want to make clothes? I'll bring them to you later." Xu Jinfeng said heartily.

"It's not clothes, it's... It's like this, what do you think of me?" Teacher Cai summoned the courage to ask.

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