Xu Jinfeng was stunned, a little confused.

Why does this sound so familiar? That's what the child's father asked her when he was going to have **** with her.

However, Xu Jinfeng quickly recovered. She couldn't be so affectionate that Teacher Cai wanted to have **** with her. It was estimated that she had misunderstood.

"Teacher Cai, say it again, I didn't hear it clearly."

Teacher Cai, who mustered up 120,000 courage, finally lowered his head and waited for an answer when he finally wanted to ask, only to wait for Xu Jinfeng's 'say it again', and couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"That...that I mean, what does the patriotic mother think of me?"

Mr. Cai said again and again, his voice was so thin that it was not much stronger than the chirping of mosquitoes.

Xu Jinfengzhi froze his ears, at least he could hear it clearly, but he still didn't understand it, so he could only follow his meaning and say, "It's good, Mr. Cai is good at teaching, and it's good for my family and patriotism. Everything is good."

The only bad thing is that there is no daughter-in-law, which is pitiful.

Teacher Cai was very happy, with a smile on his face and more courage.

In the future, my sister-in-law thinks he is very good. His success rate should be very high, right?

"Well, what do you think of Aunt Aiguo and I...what about...how about that?" Teacher Cai finally asked what was in his heart.

Insert a sentence, [\\mi\\mi\\reading\\app\\\\] is really good, it is worth installing it, even Android and Apple mobile phones support it!

He always likes to do multiple-choice questions in his work. He first eliminates the impossible options, and then determines the correct option. This is called the elimination method of life.

Because he used to be an optimist, he felt that he would succeed in everything he did, and his life was indeed smooth. His father was a college teacher and his mother was a high school teacher, so he was a scholar.

He has excellent academic performance since he was a child. Other children have to fight at night in order to get the first place in the exam. They even have thorns on their heads, bald hair and short-sighted eyes. The final exam results may not be satisfactory.

But he is different. He can get the first place by studying casually. He never does homework after school. He has many hobbies, such as flying kites, playing football, reading novels, playing the guitar, playing the accordion...

He has a strong interest in any unknown things, because he feels how beautiful the world is, how happy life is, and every option is happy, but the beautiful life was broken not long after he started working.

Just because he said something in his diary, his diary was published by a villain. After that, his life was smooth and smooth, and he fell into the abyss of hell.

His high-spiritedness, youthful smugness, talent, and optimism were all worn away in those years, and now he is sullen, middle-aged, frustrated, cautious, and a downright pessimist.

The only thing that can comfort him are those energetic students. Whenever he sees that the children have improved their grades and are admitted to a school that they understand, Teacher Cai still feels that he is a useful person, not a waste.

He thought he would spend his life like this, but now he is rejuvenated, and he has new hobbies.

He wants to get married.

A marriage proposal is in progress now.

Of course, Mr. Cai, who is a pessimist, has a different way of proposing marriage. He first asks the opinions of relatives around his sweetheart, and after eliminating the impossible factors, he has the confidence to propose to his sweetheart.

"What happened to Aunt Aiguo? Did she say something wrong? Teacher Cai, don't know her in the same way. I'll scold her when I go back."

Xu Jinfeng didn't understand at all. Seeing Teacher Cai's vague tone, he thought Tang Laifeng had offended Teacher Cai. No wonder her sister-in-law refused to come to deliver food for the past two months. Dareqing did something wrong.

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