Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1078: 1 Chao was bitten by a snake for 10 years and was afraid of the rope

"Why don't you marry? Teacher Cai is sincere, and the conditions are so good, why don't you want to?" Xu Jinfeng couldn't understand why such a good girl-in-law was not happy.

"I'm a college student or a high school teacher, and I can't find any kind of girl. Why can't I find a rural woman who has no education and is divorced and has three children?

Tang Laifeng is very calm, what kind of pot goes with what kind of lid, she only has a junior high school education, she is not too young, and she has dragged on three children, so how can she marry well? Teacher Cai may have it on a whim. If she does get married, it will take a long time. You will definitely regret it.

She has already been divorced once, but she doesn't want to be divorced again.

Everyone was silent, Tang Laifeng's words were not unreasonable, and they were indeed not a good match.

But for such a rare marriage partner, the Tang family really doesn't want to give up easily. Maybe Teacher Cai will live a good life. It would be a pity to miss it.

"Laifeng, I have worked with Mr. Cai for two years. He is very simple and doesn't care much. He thinks things are relatively simple. He should really want to marry you to live, and he really wants to raise children with you." Shi Lan persuaded softly.

She thinks it is quite suitable, and the sister-in-law is also very good, and even in terms of survivability, the sister-in-law is better, and there is no problem of incompatibility.

"He must be sincere now, but if it involves firewood, rice, oil, and salt, he will definitely get tired of it after a long time. I don't want to get divorced anymore." Tang Laifeng is now quite averse to marriage.

Once bitten by a snake for ten years, she was afraid of the rope. She would rather raise the child by herself, that is, it would be a little harder, but her heart was free.

"Then you won't marry for the rest of your life?" Zhang Manyue asked.

"Well, don't get married. After raising the three sisters eight pounds, I'll go outside and see the world. It's fine to live alone." Tang Laifeng nodded.

When she used to make clothes at the Huo family, she often heard Su Wanrou talk about the flowery world in Songcheng, which was completely different from that of a small city. Tang Laifeng yearned for it, and she also wanted to go out and see it.

It's a pity that she is now tripped over by the child, and she can't walk away. After more than ten years, she will be free. At that time, she was not old, and she was only in her early fifties, so she had time to see the world.

Tang Xiaonan was very conflicted in her heart. She hoped that her aunt could meet a man who was sincere and kind to her. After all, when children grow up, they will have their own families.

But she was also worried about whether Teacher Cai and her aunt could live a lifetime. If they weren't a good match, her aunt might as well be single.

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"Laifeng, do you mean that to Teacher Cai? Let's not say whether to marry or not, just say that you mean that to him?" Tang Ershu asked.

Tang Laifeng's face turned red all of a sudden, his eyes dodged, and he said, "No...it doesn't mean that, I just want to earn more money and raise the three of them eight pounds. I don't have any other ideas."

But everyone heard her insincere words, why blush if she didn't mean it.

Xu Jinfeng persuaded: "You are only in your thirties now, and you have been growing all your life. If you have a good time, you can marry again. Look at how well Wanrou is now, that Comrade Ye is like a follower every day. , I think Mr. Cai is a good person, if you don't try it, how will you know that you can't live with others."

"But what if you can't make it through?"

Tang Laifeng blurted out, this is what she is most afraid of.

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